HD Statistics

HD Statistics

This dashboard has four pages: HD Statistics, Tray Statistics, Alma Low Use Trays and HD Low Use Trays. The dashboard was created for materials management staff who need general information about HD retrievals and refiles, such as the overall numbers accessioned, deaccessioned, and retrievals, as well as the ability to identify trays for low-use (or no use) items for transfer to ReCAP. 

HD Statistics - counts of active inventory by Alma library, counts of deaccessioned items by library, counts of retrievals year-to-date, and retrievals by fiscal year-to-date.

Tray Statistics - statistics by tray of the number of items on and not on-shelf and number of items that have and have not been retrieved with Alma holding library code

Alma Low Use Trays - prompts for HD Owner Name (but should be a prompt by Alma library code) and number of retrievals and date allows staff to identify trays with items that have a high number of retrievals and trays with items that have low-use or no-use items, by a specific time frame, for example no retrievals in the last five years.

HD Low Use Trays - prompts for HD Owner Name and number of retrievals and date allows staff to identify trays with items that have a high number of retrievals and trays with items that have low-use or no-use items, by a specific time frame, for example no retrievals in the last five years.