Linking to images using the IIIF Image API

Linking to images using the IIIF Image API

IDS provide Level 1 support for the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) Image API.

IIIF is a set of community supported APIs that allow any image viewing application that supports the standard to embed digital image content from any supporting institution in their applications. The Harvard Library Page Viewer uses this API to display highly zoomable images of page turned documents from the DRS.

The IIIF Image API is an HTTP web API that allows a user to request digital image access through URL values that specify the region, size, rotation, quality, and format of the portion of a digital image to be returned to the browser.


The base URL for accessing the Image API for the DRS Image Delivery Service is:

http://ids.lib.harvard.edu/ids/iiif/<DRS ID>

For example, the following URL displays a full page image at 50% scale of page with DRS ID = 5981222 from the DRS


The following URL selects a region of the full size image at x=800, y=1100 with width=1000 and height=1000



More details on the complete API can be found at IIIF Image API.