Merging User Records

Merging User Records

User records in Aeon cannot be deleted. If a patron has multiple user records you can merge those user records. When you merge two records, both records will remain in the system, but one record will become Disavowed and any transactions and reading room history records will be moved from the Disavowed user record to the Cleared user record so that the patron's history will be on one record.

When merging two user records, at least one of the records must be in an uncleared status. Find the uncleared user record and open that record. If both user records are cleared, you can start the merge process from either record, but you will need to unclear one of the users before you can proceed.

On the user record, click on the Merge User button on the New User Clearance Process ribbon.

A Users Waiting to be Cleared tab will display in the client window. Find the uncleared user record from the list on the left side of the tab and highlight that row. Aeon will attempt to find a match for the user you select from the list of Similar Users based on the last names in the user record. Make sure that the appropriate similar user record is highlighted on the right and then click the Merge User button just above the Users Waiting to be Cleared tab.

Note: If you do not see the appropriate user record in the list of Similar Users based on Aeon's last name matching, right click on the LastName column header and select the Show All Users option to display all the users in the system.

A Merge Users dialog box will come up that will display the New User record (the uncleared user) and the Existing User record. Confirm that the user records should be merged.

When merging users, you can choose which user record should be disavowed and which one should be cleared. Selecting the Keep Existing User and Disavow New User option will clear the user shown on the right side of the Merge Users dialog box and move all requests from the New User to the Existing User. The New User will then be disavowed.

When the Confirm Disavow dialog box appears, click the Yes button.

Aeon will automatically add a note to the Disavowed user record that includes the username of the cleared record. If you have one or both user records open during the merge process, you may need to refresh the user record(s) to reflect the merge changes.