Aeon Alma Catalog Search Addons Instructions
Catalog Search Addon
The Catalog Search Addon allows staff using the Aeon client to import bibliographic and item information directly from HOLLIS into an Aeon request record. It can only be accessed through an open request window in the Aeon client.
Accessing the Addon
To access the search addon, navigate to the Catalog Search tab in any open request record.
Searching in the Addon
Working with an Existing Request
You can use the search addon to verify or complete bibliographic and/or item information for a patron request using the existing call number, catalog record number, title, or author in the patron’s request. When you use one of the specific search options, Aeon performs the type of search you specify in HOLLIS using the information in the relevant field of the Aeon request as the search criteria.
Creating a New Request
From the record for the user for whom you want to create a request, click on the New Request for User icon. In the new request record, navigate to the Catalog Search tab. The tab will automatically display the main HOLLIS search page. You can also access the main search page by clicking on the New Search button.
Importing Your Search Results
Importing All Data
On the bib record screen for the item you want to request, you will see a grid at the bottom of the Catalog Search tab displaying all the holdings and/or item records associated with that bib record. All items will display by default and any holdings that do not have items associated with them will also display. If a row displayed does not include a barcode, it represents a holdings record with no items attached. Highlight the row for the materials you want to request and click on the Import button on the Catalog Search ribbon.
Once you click on the Import button, Aeon will automatically take you back to the Detail tab with the appropriate item information filled in.
Importing Barcode Only
If you want to import only the barcode for a particular item, once you have found the item and highlighted it in the grid, click on the Import Barcode button in the Catalog Search ribbon.
Once you click on the Import Barcode button, Aeon will automatically take you back to the Detail tab with the Barcode field filled in.
Saving Your Request
Once you have imported the information you need, make sure to save your changes to the record. If you are creating a new request, the Site field will be set to your default Site. If you are working with an existing request, the Site field will not change when you import information from HOLLIS.
Barcode Lookup Addon
The Barcode Lookup Addon allows you to look up and import information about an item in the catalog based on its barcode. It can only be accessed through an open request window in the Aeon client.
Entering the Barcode Into a Request
Enter the barcode for the item into the Barcode field in Aeon and then save your request. The barcode must be saved before you can use the addon.
Accessing the Barcode Lookup
The Barcode Lookup addon is on a new ribbon. The Barcode Lookup ribbon includes one button - Import by Barcode. Click that button to import bibliographic, holdings, and item information associated with the barcode in the request record.
After you click the import button, the information imported will be highlighted and you will need to save the changes to the record. Note: the place of publication information does not import with this addon.