11/3/23 GAI Hackathon

11/3/23 GAI Hackathon

TimeActivityDescriptionPersonnel/ Resources Needed

2 weeks priorEvent Planning and Coordination
  • Assemble organizing team.
  • Define hackathon goals and themes.
  • Prepare a list of generative AI challenges, tools, references, data
  • Secure venue and equipment
  • Set up registration and promote the event.
Organizing team
1 week priorParticipant Onboarding
  • Send preparatory materials to participants.
  • Set up a communication channel for questions and team formation.
Communication platform 
Event Day

12:00 PM - 12:30 PMRegistration and Lunch
  • Participants arrive, register, and enjoy a light lunch
  • Networking opportunities for forming or joining teams.
Venue, Registration desk, Food and Beverages
12:30 PM - 1:00 PMOpening Ceremony and Kickoff
  • Welcome speech
  • Overview of event schedule, rules, and expectations.
  • Introduction of mentors, IT support, and any guest speakers
  • Explanation of the generative AI opportunities and challenges.
Speakers, Organizing team
1:00 PM - 1:30 PMTeam Forming and Ideation
  • Identify / assign teams
  • Teams start brainstorming and select a generative AI challenge.

1:30 PM - 4:00 PMHacking Session
  • Teams work on their projects.
  • Mentors and IT support provide guidance and troubleshoot issues.
  • Snacks and refreshments available.
Mentors, Snacks and Beverages
4:00 PM - 4:30 PMBreak and Networking
  • Break for participants to relax and network.
  • Refreshments available.
Food and Beverages
4:30 PM - 6:00 PMContinued Hacking Session
  • Teams continue working on their projects.
  • Focus on finalizing solutions and preparing presentations.
6:00 PM - 6:30 PMProject Submission and Break
  • Teams submit their projects.
  • Short break while organizers prepare for presentations.

6:30 PM - 7:00 PMProject Presentations
  • Teams present their solutions to judges and participants
  • Each presentation followed by a brief Q&A.
Judges, Presentation equipment
7:00 PM - 7:30 PMJudging and Awards Ceremony
  • Judges deliberate and select winners
  • Recognition given to winning teams and notable participants.
  • Closing remarks and thanks to participants, mentors, IT support, and sponsors.
7:30 PMNetworking and Event Close
  • Final networking opportunities.
  • Thank participants for attending and invite them to future events.
  • Encourage ongoing collaboration in generative AI.


Within 1 weekFeedback and Follow-Up
  • Send out a feedback survey.
  • Analyze feedback to understand event successes and areas for improvement.
  • Share highlights through university channels and social media
  • Thank participants and everyone involved.

Survey platform

Ongoing project progress

Within 2 weeksDocumentation and Knowledge Sharing
  • Compile and share any code, resources, or learning materials.
  • Encourage ongoing community engagement in generative AI.
Post to wiki




10/20 waiting on CV



is basically selling something- need to decline

EmilioDe Leonedeleon@college.harvard.eduyes

great match to Rubin docs project


I worked with the OpenAI API this summer. Although the project mentioned in my resume is what we ultimately worked on, there was discussion of using OpenAI API and langchain to unify documentation. I would be excited to actually execute this project!


I have pretty good familiarity with OpenAI's API and would be interested in contributing to your work!


While I have not worked with langchain specifically, I have experience integrating OpenAI APIs through my extensive experience with web application development.


I’m currently working on a startup that’s building an app for doing this exact function, connecting to multiple data sources like confluence, Google Drive, Notion, etc, and building an AI Q&A system that both searches and generates responses to querie



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