SPH Web Communication Working Group - Documentation
Existing documentation:
- Academic Profiles
- BookIT - Hotel Space Reservations
- Digital Communications
- Harvard Chan Intranet - User Documentation
- Harvard Chan Website (Flagship)
- Reports
- Web Development Resources
- [Outdated] 3rd party plugins available to developers
- [Outdated] Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)
- [Outdated] WordPress Developement Stack and Tools
- HSPH Design System
- JS and CSS assets caching guidelines
- PHPDocs in HSPH WordPress projects
- SPH Prefered Web Vendors
- Versions and release numbers
- WordPress 101
- WordPress boilerplates
Please login to wiki using your HarvardKey to access all documentation.
Documentation writing conventions:
The following are some of our documentation creation best practices and conventions. For a more comprehensive instruction, please refer to Google developer documentation style guide.
- Title your page with a description of the issue or question that you're answering (For example, "Adding Page Title" instead of "How to Add a Page Title").
- Write a brief introduction and include a full-size screenshot of the end result.
- Use step by step instruction and include cropped screenshots when necessary.
- For screenshots, Use "Resize image to large and link to the original"
- For screenshots, Use red arrows to point to where the action that needs to be taken is located.
- Use 'yellow' highlight color when highlighting text in your documentation.
- Use Active voice in your language.
- If your documentation has more than one section, please use the 2 columns layout with the table of content on the left.
- Use positive terms vs oppressive ones (press vs hit, primary vs master, etc..)
- Be consistent. For example, use the same term throughout when referencing a service in an article.
- At the end of your tutorial, include the following information for help:
Have questions? Need help? Contact us at webteam@hsph.harvard.edu
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