Alma Portfolios

Ex Libris Alma Analytics documentation for E-Inventory Subject Area. Description below is taken from Alma General Publishing documentation.

Field NameDescriptionData type
Number of PortfoliosNumber of portfolios by count of Portfolio IdInteger
Access URLAccess URL for the electronic resourceText. Active link
Addition PO LineAdditional purchase orders that are related to the electronic inventory.Text
Collection Public NamePublic Name (override) is extracted if available, otherwise Public NameText
Coverage StatementPortfolio  coverage statementText
Direct LinkLink resolver URL with the portfolio ID that directly resolves to the portfolio's target URLText. Active link

Electronic Collection ID

ID associated with the Collection Name option. This is the ID for the institution-level electronic collection (not the Community Zone-level ID)Text

Electronic Collection Link ID

The ID of the electronic collection in the Community Zone for electronic collections activated from the Community Zone.Text

Electronic Collection Linked to CZ

Indicates if electronic collections are linked to the Community Zone. Values are Y, N, and None. Y indicates the collection is linked to CZ, N indicates the collection is not linked to the CZ, and None indicates the resource is not a collection.

Interface NameInterface NameText
License CodeElectronic portfolio's license. If the License field for the electronic portfolio is empty, this field contains the electronic collection license information insteadText
License NameLicense name from the electronic portfolio entity (specific to the license code)Text
Portfolio Activation DateDate the portfolio was activated in MM/DD/YYYY formatDate
Portfolio Authentication Note

Data (a note regarding authentication that is visible to patrons) is pulled from the portfolio record as shown in the Electronic Portfolio Editor on the Notes tab.

Authentication note contains:

  • The portfolio and groups or the portfolio if there is no portfolio and groups.
  • The service and groups or the service if there is no service and groups.
  • The electronic collection and groups of electronic collection if there is no electronic collection and groups.
Portfolio AvailabilityThe activation value. The values displayed in this field are either Available or Not AvailableText
Portfolio Created ByUser ID of portfolio creatorText
Portfolio Created DateDate the portfolio was created in MM/DD/YYYY formatDate
Portfolio IDPortfolio unique identifierText
Portfolio Internal Description

Data is pulled from the Notes tab as shown in the Electronic Portfolio Editor. Data is derived from all of the following:

  • The electronic portfolio record
  • The related service
Portfolio Library Code
Portfolio LifecycleLifecycle is either A or D where A is active and D is deleted.Text
Portfolio Material TypeElectronic material type of the electronic inventory that is from the electronic portfolio entityText
Portfolio Modified ByUser ID of portfolio modified byText
Portfolio Modified DateDate the portfolio was modified in MM/DD/YYYY formatDate
Portfolio PO Line IDPurchase order related to the electronic inventoryText
Portfolio Public Note
Portfolio Proxy Selected

Data is pulled from the portfolio record as shown in the Electronic Portfolio Editor on the Linking tab. The Proxy selected parameter identifies the proxy profile used for authentication.

When there is no combination of Proxy enabled set to Yes (in the portfolio record) and no Proxy selected value at the portfolio and group, portfolio, service and group, or service level (in the portfolio record), the resolver proxy settings are published. The resolver proxy settings are published in the following manner:

  • When there is a default Resolver Proxy integration profile with Always selected for the Use Proxy parameter, the published data contains true for Proxy Enabled and the definition from the resolver proxy integration profile for Proxy Selected.
  • When there is a default Resolver Proxy integration profile with Always not selected for the Use Proxy parameter and either the portfolio or the service (but not groups) has Proxy enabled set to Yes, the published data contains true for Proxy Enabled and the definition from the resolver proxy integration profile for Proxy Selected.
  • When there is a default Resolver Proxy integration profile with Always not selected for the Use Proxy parameter and neither the portfolio or the service has Proxy enabled set to Yes, the published data contains false for Proxy Enabled and the definition from the resolver proxy integration profile for Proxy Selected.
  • When there is not a default Resolver Proxy integration profile, the published data contains false for Proxy Enabled and no subfield is published for Proxy Selected.

Note the following:

  • Settings at the portfolio and group level override settings at the portfolio level
  • Settings at the portfolio level override service or default resolver proxy settings
  • Settings at the service and group level override settings at the service level
  • Settings at the service level override default resolver proxy settings
Portfolio Proxy Enabled

Data is pulled from the portfolio record as shown in the Electronic Portfolio Editor on the Linking tab. The Proxy enabled options are Yes and No.

When the Proxy enabled parameter is set to No, see above explanation for how data is handled.

Service ID ID of the service to which the electronic portfolio is relatedText
Portfolio Coverage

From Day

Coverage and Embargo information is exported according to the selection made in the "Which coverage statement will be applied?" option in the portfolio editor's Coverage tab:

  • Each value of every subfield publishes the value of its corresponding parameter from Date Information table and Embargo on the Portfolio Editor.

The published coverage information is simplified on the portfolio level in the following way:

  • Rows that consist of date elements only (year/month/day) are consolidated into the minimum-possible representation of date range(s) that cover all the date ranges for this specific portfolio. This means that the exported date ranges completely cover the true availability of the portfolio. 
  • The simplification process does not occur for date-information rows that have Volume and/or Issue specified, these are published as-is. 
  • The embargo date range(s) are calculated as the coverage information, and published separately in the Embargo section.
From IssueText
From MonthText
From VolumeText
From YearText
Until DayText
Until IssueText
Until MonthText
Until VolumeText
Until YearText
Portfolio Embargo

Num Months

See above regarding published Embargo data. 

Num YearsText

See below to interpret the symbol that appears in the Operator field.
