ProQuest ETD Bibs
ProQuest ETD Bibs
Field name | Description | Data type |
Sum of Holdings | Total number of holdings on the bib records on number of unique MMSIDs. | Integer |
Author | 1XX field with subfield codes and delimiters | Text |
Begin Publication Date | 008 Date1, bytes 07-10 | Text |
Bib Created By | Alma record created by | Text |
Bib Created Date | Alma record created date. MM/DD/YYYY 12:00:00 AM | Datetime |
Bib Modified By | Alma record last modified by | Text |
Bib Modified Date | Alma record last modified date. Format MM/DD/YYYY 12:00:00 AM | Datetime |
Bib Suppressed | Y/N field where Y indicates the bib record is suppressed in Alma | Text |
Bibliographic Level | LDR byte 07 | Text |
Bibliographic Lifecycle | Record status. D indicates bib record is deleted from Alma. A indicates record is Active in Alma. | Text |
Bibliographic OCLC Number | Field 035 subfield a | Text |
Bibliographic Type | LDR byte 06 | Text |
Cataloging Agency | Field 040 subfield $a | Text |
Date on File | 008 byes 00-05 | Text |
Description Convention | Field 040 subfield $e. | Text |
Degree | Academic degree. Extracted from subfield $b of Thesis Note | Text |
Degree Year | Year in which the degree was conferred. Derived from subfield $d of Thesis Note | Text |
Encoding Level | LDR byte 17 | Text |
Form of Item | 008 byte 23 for Bibliographic type a, t, p, c, d, m, i, j. 008 byte 29 for Bibliographic type e, f, g | Text |
Imprint | Fields 260 and 264 | Text |
LC Name Title | Fields 600, 610, 611, 630 with second indicator 0 | Text |
MMSID | MMSID from field 001 | Text |
Modifying Agency | Field 040 subfield $d | Text |
No Overlay | Field 998 | Text |
Physical Description | Field 300 | Text |
ProQuestETD ID | ProQuest identifier including prefix that is coded in field 035. | Text |
ProQuest ETD ID Number | ProQuest identifier excluding the prefix. | Text |
Series | Field 830 | Text |
Thesis Note | Thesis Notes in field 520 are concatenated with a vertical bar in between. | Text |
Title | Field 245 not including subfield $c (initial article included) | Text |
Transcribing Agency | Field 040 subfield $c | Text |
, multiple selections available,