1. Connecting to Web Admin
On this page:
Access to Web Admin
Link to Web Admin (prod): http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul:drs2-admin
Link to Web Admin (test/qa): https://nrs.harvard.edu/URN-3:HUL:DRS2QA-ADMIN
Access rules: Web Admin is accessible to authorized users by HUID and PIN. Note that a user's DRS2 roles combined with authorized owner codes will determine Web Admin viewing and editing capabilities. If you notice that you are not authorized for a function you think you should be able to perform, please contact LTS and we will adjust your DRS 2 roles accordingly.
Browser support: Web Admin works well in Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari. Internet Explorer is not a supported browser at this time.
Session timeout: Your Web Admin session will timeout after 60 minutes of inactivity. Five minutes before timeout you will see a pop-up message "Your session is about to expire." You will have an option to log out or stay connected.
If you do not respond to the Session Timeout warning within 5 minutes, you will be logged off automatically. A message that you session has expired will display along with a link to log back in.
Once you log back in with your HUID and PIN, you will be returned to the screen you were on before the session expired.
DRS2 user roles
The ability to deposit content and use Web Admin functions is determined by which DRS2 roles and owner codes you are assigned. Each DRS2 role governs a limited set of related functions and several roles may be assigned to cover the functions you need to perform.
DRS2 user roles:
- content_viewer: Search and view metadata and content; download content; view system announcements, view batch loader queue; view DRS owner account information.
- sensitive_content_viewer: Download sensitive data content. For Harvard definition of sensitive data see: http://security.harvard.edu/pages/glossary-terms-0
- metadata_editor: Edit object and file metadata; add incorrect metadata flag; change which billing code is assigned to an object, create admin categories in Wordshack.
- content_editor: Add files to an object; delete or recover batches, objects and files.
- depositor: Can deposit content.
- account_editor: Edit DRS owner account information, including the ability to add/update owner and billing contacts, billing number, and project name.
- You can manage controlled vocabulary via Wordshack and there is a single Wordshack role available for this purpose.
Wordshack role:
- term_editor: This Wordshack role allows the user to create and manage controlled terms (organizations, people, topics, email address terms).
LTS has established DRS2 and Wordshack roles for DRS2 users that have been mapped as closely as possible to their existing DRS1 roles.