8. Managing Owner Accounts

8. Managing Owner Accounts

On this page:


This section describes commons tasks associated with DRS owner accounts.

Every DRS contributor has an owner account. DRS uses these accounts to track ownership of deposited content and to send billing reports or other notifications. You can use the System Management > Accounts > Owner Accounts area of Web Admin to view and change owner contacts and billing codes. You can also view total number and size of files deposited under each billing code in the account.

Web Admin users with the content_viewer role can view owner and billing account information. Users with the account_editor role can update this information. Users will see only the accounts for which they are authorized.

Owner account tasks

How to view an owner account
  1. From the main menu, go to System Management > Accounts > Owner Accounts.
  2. A summary of owner accounts you are authorized to view will display.
  3. Click an owner code to view owner account details. Or click an associated billing account to view billing details.
How to change the primary owner contact

Every account must have a primary owner contact. The owner contact receives excessive deletion notifications (“deletion summary reports”) for that owner code and quarterly billing reports at the owner level. To change this contact:

  1. Click an owner code to view owner account details. 
  2. Click Change Owner Contact
  3. Type all or part of the contact’s name into the auto search box and a list of matching names will display. Click a name to select it.
    Note: If auto search has no matches, there is no term for the person in Wordshack. You will need to add a person term in Wordshack before completing this task.
  4. Click the Change button. You will see a warning message about a missing email address pop up, click 'OK' to continue.
  5. Close the Change Owner Contact window. The name you selected will NOT show up on Owner Account page, but this is currently expected.
  6. Click the Save changes button. The name and email address of the new Owner Contact should be visible.
How to add an additional owner contact

An account can have multiple owner contacts. If you add an additional owner contact and later need to change it, delete it and add a new one.

  1. Click an owner code to view owner account details. 
  2. Click Add Owner Contact.
  3. Type all or part of the contact’s name into the auto search box and a list of matching names will display. Click a name to select it. 
    Note: If auto search has no matches, there is no term for the person in Wordshack. You will need to add a person term in Wordshack before completing this task.
  4. Click the Add button. You will see a warning message about a missing email address pop up, click 'OK' to continue.
  5. Close the Add Owner Contact window using the 'X' in the top right area. The name you selected will NOT show up on Owner Account page, but this is currently expected.
  6. Click the Save changes button. The name and email address of the new Owner Contact should be visible.
How to add a library director proxy contact

A proxy contact is someone in the organization (besides the library director) who needs to receive DRS notifications about excessive deletion of content. The library director and proxies will be notified when large amounts of the library’s content are deleted from DRS. See Deleting and recovering  for more about deleting objects and files.

  1. Click an owner code to view owner account details. 
  2. Click Add Proxy.
  3. Type all or part of the contact’s name into the auto search box and a list of matching names will display.  Click a name to select it.
  4. Note: If auto search has no matches, there is no term for the person in Wordshack.  You will need to add a person term in Wordshack before completing this task.
  5. Click the Add button and then close the window.

Billing account tasks

How to view a billing account
  1. From the main menu, go to System Management > Accounts > Owner Accounts.
  2. A summary of owner accounts you are authorized to view will display.  Next to each is a list of all associated billing accounts.
  3. Click a billing account code to view details.  Click Edit Billing to edit it.
How to add a billing contact

A billing contact is someone who will receive quarterly billing reports at the billing code level.  Each billing account must have one billing contact, although additional billing contacts are supported.  To change a billing contact, delete it and add a new one.

  1. Click a billing account code to view details.  Click Edit Billing to edit it.
  2. Click the Add Billing Contact button.
  3. Type all or part of the contact’s name into the Add Billing Contact auto search box. A list of matching names will display.  Click a name to select it.
    Note: If auto search has no matches, there is no term for the person in Wordshack. You will need to add a person term in Wordshack before completing this task.
  4. Click the Add button. You will see a warning message about a missing email address pop up, click 'OK' to continue. The name you selected will NOT show up on this page, but this is currently expected.
  5. Click the save changes button, and click the OK button on the 'Submission successful' alert box.
  6. You should be returned to the billing account summary, and the new billing contact name and email address should be visible.
How to add a project contact

A project contact is an optional contact who will receive quarterly billing reports at the billing code level.  A billing account can have multiple project contacts. To change a project contact, delete it and add a new one.

  1. Click a billing account code to view details.  Click Edit Billing to edit it.
  2. Click the Add Project Contact button.
  3. Type all or part of the contact’s name into the Add Project Contact auto search box. A list of matching names will display.  Click a name to select it. 
    Note: If auto search has no matches, there is no term for the person in Wordshack.  You will need to add a person term in Wordshack before completing this task.
  4. Click the Add button. You will see a warning message about a missing email address pop up, click 'OK' to continue. The name you selected will NOT show up on this page, but this is currently expected.
  5. Click the save changes button, and click the OK button on the 'Submission successful' alert box.
  6. You should be returned to the billing account summary, and the new project contact name and email address should be visible.

Handling quarterly billing reports

DRS automatically generates billing reports each fiscal quarter, in the early hours of the first day of January, April, July and October

The LTS Support team is responsible for initiating email distribution of quarterly billing reports on the first business day of January, April, July and October. Note: DRS billing_manager permission is required to access the Account Management "Quarterly billing report" and "Billing reports log" pages in Web Admin. 

Before starting email distribution, check that new billing reports have been generated:  

  1. Log into Web Admin and go to Account Management > Billing reports log on the main menu. 
  2. Look for billing reports without an Email Notification date. 
  3. Click on a Report Name to open the csv file. 

To start email distribution of new billing reports: 

  1. Go to Account Management > Quarterly billing report on the main menu. 
  2. Click the Turn on report email button. DRS will confirm by displaying the message "Emailing of billing reports has been started".  In addition, Status will change to "Billing report email is on". 
  3. At the top of the next hour, reports will be sent (e.g., if you turn emailing on at 9:30am, reports will go out at 10am). Quarterly billing reports are distributed as follows: 
    • Annual report for all owner codes (all billing codes for all owner codes): DRS financial email address.

    • Quarterly report for all owner codes (all billing codes for all owner codes): DRS financial email address.

    • Quarterly report for single owner code (all billing codes for an owner code): owner contacts.

    • Quarterly report for single billing code: billing project manager(s) & billing contacts.

    Note that owner proxies and library directors do not receive billing report emails. 

Frequently asked questions about billing report generation

  • How can I tell if new reports have been generated? Have been sent? Check the Log (go to Account Management > Billing Reports Log). Undelivered billing reports will be listed without an Email Notification date. Once reports have been emailed, a notification date will display.
  • Can I stop emailing of reports once it has started?  After you click the Turn on report email button, the status displays as “Billing report email is on” but actual emailing will not start until the top of the next hour e.g., if you click the button at 9:15am, emailing will start at 10am. You can stop delivery of reports any time before email delivery actually starts by clicking the Turn off report email. Once email delivery starts, it takes just a few minutes for all reports to be sent – in other words, turning off report email once delivery starts may not be effective.