Digital representations in Alma (Alma-D)
This page is under revision.
Adding a Representation
Step 1 - Add Representation
From the Alma search results for your bib, choose the Actions menu and select Add Representation
Alternatively, from the bib in the Metadata Editor, choose the option to Add Inventory.
Step 2 - Create Representation and add files
Choose a Collection by typing in a word and using a suggestion from the list (such as Digital Reserves or Harvard Film Archive), or using the icon to select from list. (A collection has no functionality other than grouping your bibs with representations together for management purposes.)
Representation Details
Leave "Remote" un-checked
Choose Active button to expose in HOLLIS
Usage Type: Derivative
Library: use your library
Access Rights Policy
For many projects, there is a custom policy, such as HFA, or Hoopes Prize.
To test different restrictions, feel free to choose another policy for trial purposes.
Label - optional. This will display in HOLLIS if present. Note that labels will change the display order – representations will display in alpha order by label
Note - optional
Public Note - optional. If present this will appear to the right of the object link:
Entity Type - we haven't added data here for other projects but if you choose to it will show up Analytics.
Click Save representation in the upper right
(The UI offers you the option to immediatley add files but that's a little buggy sometimes. You are welcome to try it. Sometimes it works just fine).
Add Files
Click on the hyperlinked Representation ID:
Go to File List tab
Choose Add Files, which will open a pop up:
Here you, you can use Add Files to choose a file from your desktop. You can also drag a file into the box from your Windows Explorer or Mac Finder window.
When the upload is complete, choose Save. If you like, before you save, you can add a Label to this specific file (optional):
You can also add a label later if you choose.
This file label (as distinct from the Representation label), will display in the object Viewer, above the object:
If this is the first Representation on a bib, it will appear in HOLLIS within a half day. Once a bib has one representation in HOLLIS, additional representations will show up immediately in HOLLIS.
When you are testing in sandbox, if you would like to see your Representation in the HOLLIS Sandbox, please send a request to LTS. Some manual steps are required. Please create a set of bibs and let LTS know the set name.
Editing Representations / Files
Search for the bib in Alma and click on the Digital tab:
Then click on a hyperlinked Representation from the list, or choose all Representations to see a fuller view of the list:
Testing Viewers
You do not have to wait for your link to appear in HOLLIS to test the viewer.
From the Digital Representation in Alma, you can test the Alma Viewer to see how the object will be delivered:
Note that the Alma Viewer is used for almost all file types, EXCEPT jpeg. For jpeg, the object will be delivered in HOLLIS using the Internet Archive viewer, as part of the Digital Reserves Program.
Manage your Collection
In Alma Search, you can search for your collection. Use the Collection option to get to a title list of bibs in your collection:
Alma also includes search options for Digital Titles, Digital Representations, and Digital files.