Matlab instruction

Matlab instruction


We envision two components: 1) a crash course in MATLAB taught at the start of each term, and 2) creating interactive online content as modules. 
MATLAB instruction initiative

Matlab evening course, perhaps eventually taught in Jan term:


Evening Sessions, 2 hours each

SessionMain TopicsML functionsInstructional materialsrelevant modules to review ahead of time
week 1, 1

data arrays, vectors

simple arithmetic

simple plotting

descriptive statistics, both command line and interactive

assignment operator


element-based vs. matrix operations





mean(), median(), std()

see dropbox folder from 2011

1-d data structures

simple plots


week 1, 2


importing and exporting data

simple interactive fits


creating scripts

import wizard, load()

max(), min(), indices, array subsets

see dropbox folder from 2011simple fitting
week 1, 3

more complex fits

statistical toolbox

confidence intervals on fit parameters

writing functions




writing functions

complex fitting

week 2, 4

control flow: for, if.


numerical integration and differentiation


for () if ()


cumsum(), cumtrapz(), diff()

week 2, 5

linear equations, matrices


matrix inversion

week 2, 6numerical solutions to differential equations   
 image processing in matlab   



Topicmatlab functionstypical exampleslead person
data structures: 1-d arrays, indices   
data structures: 2-d and n-dimensional arrays   
arithmetic and functions on arrays   
strings in Matlab   
simple plotsplot(), hist(), scatter3(), surf(), contour()  
simple fittingcommand line fits, interactive fitting  
complex fittingcftool()  
numerical integration and differentiationdiff(), trapz() cumsum()  
descriptive statisticsmean(), median(), mode(), std(), histfit()  
model fitting and interpreting residualscftool(), splines  
writing simple scripts   
writing simple functions   
debugging scripts and functions, basic   
debugging scripts and functions, advanced   
importing and exporting data   
finding confidence intervals for fitted parameters   


March 14 meeting:


CWS: funding for part-time TF now. IACS, Bok Center, Ed X meshing. Mathworks. Presidential funds, Bloxham, Logan. two pager with budget. 

Adam: faculty and courses

Lu: space allocation, undergrad TF and grad TF search. 


April 10 2014. 

Topics for Rob Lue meeting Friday April 11:

  1. prospect of EdX producing and hosting MATLAB short clips/modules. Can we get started now, and make progress over the summer? 
  2. HILT?
  3. Bok center support for MATLAB boot camp sessions
  4. Grouper
  5. AOB

    April 11 meeting with Rob Lue

Michael Springer systems bio is making an HarvardX course on quantitative methods. 

Rob will re-open in June call for new proposals. They will provide project manager, funds for curriculum development, cost for tool-building, 

Harvard College (Kate Stanton) should cover course costs. Or cover from course staffs

Rob appointed Curriculum Assistants in life sciences. Funds were originally Howard Hughes grant. Processed as an hourly appointment through Departments. 

CWS: think about online LSST prep stuff. 



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