Gate-Swipe Data

Project Name:

Project Manager: 

Executive Summary:

Business Value

  • Alignment with Harvard Library Multi-Year Goals and Objectives:
  • Alignment with HUIT Objectives:

Project Goals 



Gate-Swipe Vision

Enable authorized users at Harvard to 


Guiding Principles

Key Performance Indicators

  • Capture anonymized gate swipe data in secured library database
  • Expose data to authorized users via HART 
  • Follow best practices technology development
  • Follow university security practices
  • Ensure necessary internal security reviews for capture and reuse of data are completed and documented
  • Gate-swipe from Widener, Lamont, Pusey, Cabot, and Fine Arts is available in HART
  • Process for onboarding additional gate-swipe data is defined

Time Line

  • Information Gathering/Planning – 2021 – August, 2022

  • Harvard Internal Project kickoff – September 2022

  • Harvard Implementation – September 2022 – December 2022 (draft dates, pending partner availability)


  • Create dataflows and document IT development needs
  • Secure partner signoff for use of data across HUPD, IAM, and AEI
  • Define mapping and data models for gate-swipe data
  • Script ingest of data
  • Define requirements and process for access to data
  • Create policy for re-use and publication of data in other systems (Tableau) and communications
  • Expose data in HART to authorized users
  • Define future project phases 

Stakeholders, Sponsors & Governance

Primary Staketholders:

Project Sponsors:

Impacted organizations, departments, and groups:


Project Teams (see individual pages for membership)

TeamCharter PeriodContact
(not sure what to call the team that has been meeting)

LTS Technical TeamSeptember 2022 – December 2022
Project-wide mailing list: