EndNote Connection File for Searching HOLLIS Library Catalog

EndNote Connection File for Searching HOLLIS Library Catalog

Harvard's HOLLIS catalog can be searched via Z39.50 protocol in bibliographic citation management software such as EndNote, ProCite, and Reference Manager. Though for most clients you will need to build a connection file manually , we do provide a pre-configured connection file for EndNote.

Download the EndNote connection file for HOLLIS (updated August 2018)

Instructions for installing and using the EndNote connection file

  1. In Windows, or using your Macintosh Finder, browse to the location where you downloaded the Harvard-UTF8-Alma.enz connection file.
  2. Double-click on the connection file to open it. It should open in EndNote. 
  3. In EndNote, go to the File Menu and choose "Save as."
  4. Remove the word "copy" from the end of your connection File's name, and then click the Save button.
  5. Click on the File Menu and choose "Close Connection."

Building a connection file for other Z39.50 applications

Connection configuration

You will need Harvard's Z39.50 login credentials and configuration settings (below) for connecting to HOLLIS through Z39.50.

Search attributes

Search Field NameUseRelPosStrTruCom
Author Keywords


Title Keywords4     
Keywords Anywhere1016     
Subject Keywords21     
Record Number1231111
Author (last name first)10033310111
Title beginning with...431111
Medical subject beginning with...253111003
Subject beginning with...213111003

LibGuide: Using Endnote with HOLLIS