Z39.50 access to Alma

Z39.50 access to Alma

Access is open to the public. By using Harvard's data you are agreeing to abide by the Harvard Library Policy on Open Metadata


With respect to Metadata consisting of or contained in records Harvard has obtained from the OCLC WorldCat database, Harvard requests that you respect and act in accordance with the community norms set forth in the WorldCat Rights and Responsibilities for the OCLC Cooperative. Use of metadata from the WorldCat database for study and research is consistent with those norms, but if you plan to use such Metadata for other purposes, whether or not you are an OCLC member, we ask that you review and comply with those norms.

Configuration information to access the Harvard Library catalog via Alma:

  • Port: 1921
  • Database name: 01HVD_INST
  • User name: z39
  • Password: harvard

Note: All holdings fields from attached holdings records are embedded in the bib record (below the bib data) when you access content via Z39.50. You will need to remove these manually if they do not suit your needs. 

Other Alma customers, see Ex Libris configuration information to add Harvard as a resource:


For more information, please see the Harvard Library policy on open metadata