HD Item & ReCAP Item

HD Item & ReCAP Item

Field nameDescriptionData type
Number of Active ItemsCount of active items.  Formula: count(CASE WHEN Delete Date is null THEN Barcode else null end)  Integer
Number of ItemsCount of items, active and deleted. Formula: COUNT(Barcode)Integer
Number of TraysCount of unique trays. Formula: COUNT(DISTINCT Tray ID)Integer
Sum of RetrievalsSum of item retrievals, deleted and active. Formula: SUM(Sequence)Integer
Sum of Retrievals (Active)Sum of active item retrievals. Formula: SUM(CASE WHEN Delete Date is null  THEN Last.Sequence else null end)Integer
Active FlagY/N field where Y indicates the item is in inventory, and N indicates item has been withdrawn. Formula: CASE WHEN Delete Date is null  THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' end Text
Accession DateDate item added to inventory. Format MM/DD/YYYYDate
Accession FYFiscal year in which item was accessioned.  Formula: EXTRACT( YEAR FROM TIMESTAMPADD( SQL_TSI_MONTH , +(6), Accession Date))Text
Accession YearCalendar year in which item was accessioned.  EXTRACT( YEAR  FROM Accession Date)Text
Arrival DateDate item arrived at remote storageText
Audit DateNot in use.Text
BarcodeItem barcodeText
Billable StorageBillable storage feet (h x w x d)Text
CollectionCollection codeText
Deaccessioned FYFiscal year in which item was withdrawn from HD. Formula:  EXTRACT( YEAR  FROM  TIMESTAMPADD( SQL_TSI_MONTH , +(6), Delete Date))Text
Deaccessioned YearCalendar year in which item was withdrawn from HD. Formula:  EXTRACT( YEAR  FROM Delete Date)Text
Delete DateDate withdrawn. Format: MM/DD/YYYYDate
In Alma Flag

This is a Y/N column where Y indicates a matching barcode is in the Alma Items table. This column is used to filter for items that are (or are not) in both HD/ReCAP item inventory and in Alma Items. For ReCAP Items filtering for Y will include in results items on loan from ReCAP to Harvard patrons.

Number of RetrievalsNumber of times item has been retrievedText
On ShelfY/N field where Y indicates the item is on the shelf, and N indicates the item has been retrieved. Formula: CASE  WHEN Delete Date is null and Number of Retrievals = 0 THEN 'Y' ELSE  CASE  WHEN  Delete Date is not null then 'N' ELSE CASE  WHEN Last Refi Date is null THEN 'N' ELSE 'Y' END  END  END Text
Owner CodeOwner codeText
Owner NameOwner nameText
Update DateDate when touched by system or manual processText
Last BilleeMost recent transaction - Owner code billedText
Last OwnerMost recent transaction - Owner codeText
Last Refi DateMost recent transaction - Refile work order dateDate
Last Refi OrderMost recent transaction - Refile work order numberText
Last Refi TypeMost recent transaction - Refile work order typeText
Last Refi VerifiedMost recent transaction - Refile verified (Y/N)Text
Last Refi WithdrawnMost recent transaction - Refiled / withdrawn flagText
Last Ret DateMost recent transaction - Retrieval work order request dateDate
Last Ret OrderMost recent transaction - Retrieval work order numberText
Last Ret RequesterMost recent transaction - Retrieval requested byText
Last Ret TypeMost recent transaction - Retrieval work order typeText
Last Ret VerifiedMost recent transaction - Retrieval verified (Y/N)Text
Last SequenceMost recent transaction - Sequence. A number that increments each time an item is retrieved.Text
Last ServiceMost recent transaction - Service level
Last Ship DateMost recent transaction - Retrieval shipped from date
Last StopMost recent transaction - Delivery destination
Last Trip

Most recent transaction - Corresponds roughly to van delivery schedule

Last ZoneMost recent transaction - Delivery zone
Tray Change DateDate when touched by system or manual process
Tray Change UserUser of process
Tray Container CodeContainer type code
Tray Container DescriptionContainer type description
Tray Delete CountNumber of deleted items
Tray Delete DateDeletion date. Tray location blanks or goes to default
Tray IDUnique ID assigned to tray
Tray Item CountNumber of items n  the tray (updated monthly)
Tray Location IDIdentifier indicating tray location
Tray Media CodeMedia type code
Tray Media DescriptionMedia type description
Tray Open DateCreation date. Assigned during accession process
Tray Row PositionFront, back row position
Tray Row SequenceFront, back row sequence (in relation to position)
Tray Shelf DateDate tray assigned a location
Tray TypeTray type code
Tray Type DescriptionTray type description
Location HeightShelf (vertical) height
Location AisleRow
Location BsfBillable storage feet
Location Change DateLocation Change date
Location Change UserUser changing location
Location ClassStorage class code
Location Class DescriptionStorage class description
Location DepthShelf depth
Location FaceSide of aisle  (L, R)
Location LadderShelving bay
Location Open DateDate the first tray/item was put there
Location OwnerOwner code
Location PartialLocation is partial (Y/N)
Location ShelfLocation Identifier
Location Tray CountNumber of trays at location
Location WidthShelf width