HD Item & ReCAP Item
HD Item & ReCAP Item
Field name | Description | Data type |
Number of Active Items | Count of active items. Formula: count(CASE WHEN Delete Date is null THEN Barcode else null end) | Integer |
Number of Items | Count of items, active and deleted. Formula: COUNT(Barcode) | Integer |
Number of Trays | Count of unique trays. Formula: COUNT(DISTINCT Tray ID) | Integer |
Sum of Retrievals | Sum of item retrievals, deleted and active. Formula: SUM(Sequence) | Integer |
Sum of Retrievals (Active) | Sum of active item retrievals. Formula: SUM(CASE WHEN Delete Date is null THEN Last.Sequence else null end) | Integer |
Active Flag | Y/N field where Y indicates the item is in inventory, and N indicates item has been withdrawn. Formula: CASE WHEN Delete Date is null THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' end | Text |
Accession Date | Date item added to inventory. Format MM/DD/YYYY | Date |
Accession FY | Fiscal year in which item was accessioned. Formula: EXTRACT( YEAR FROM TIMESTAMPADD( SQL_TSI_MONTH , +(6), Accession Date)) | Text |
Accession Year | Calendar year in which item was accessioned. EXTRACT( YEAR FROM Accession Date) | Text |
Arrival Date | Date item arrived at remote storage | Text |
Audit Date | Not in use. | Text |
Barcode | Item barcode | Text |
Billable Storage | Billable storage feet (h x w x d) | Text |
Collection | Collection code | Text |
Deaccessioned FY | Fiscal year in which item was withdrawn from HD. Formula: EXTRACT( YEAR FROM TIMESTAMPADD( SQL_TSI_MONTH , +(6), Delete Date)) | Text |
Deaccessioned Year | Calendar year in which item was withdrawn from HD. Formula: EXTRACT( YEAR FROM Delete Date) | Text |
Delete Date | Date withdrawn. Format: MM/DD/YYYY | Date |
In Alma Flag | This is a Y/N column where Y indicates a matching barcode is in the Alma Items table. This column is used to filter for items that are (or are not) in both HD/ReCAP item inventory and in Alma Items. For ReCAP Items filtering for Y will include in results items on loan from ReCAP to Harvard patrons. | Text |
Number of Retrievals | Number of times item has been retrieved | Text |
On Shelf | Y/N field where Y indicates the item is on the shelf, and N indicates the item has been retrieved. Formula: CASE WHEN Delete Date is null and Number of Retrievals = 0 THEN 'Y' ELSE CASE WHEN Delete Date is not null then 'N' ELSE CASE WHEN Last Refi Date is null THEN 'N' ELSE 'Y' END END END | Text |
Owner Code | Owner code | Text |
Owner Name | Owner name | Text |
Update Date | Date when touched by system or manual process | Text |
Last Billee | Most recent transaction - Owner code billed | Text |
Last Owner | Most recent transaction - Owner code | Text |
Last Refi Date | Most recent transaction - Refile work order date | Date |
Last Refi Order | Most recent transaction - Refile work order number | Text |
Last Refi Type | Most recent transaction - Refile work order type | Text |
Last Refi Verified | Most recent transaction - Refile verified (Y/N) | Text |
Last Refi Withdrawn | Most recent transaction - Refiled / withdrawn flag | Text |
Last Ret Date | Most recent transaction - Retrieval work order request date | Date |
Last Ret Order | Most recent transaction - Retrieval work order number | Text |
Last Ret Requester | Most recent transaction - Retrieval requested by | Text |
Last Ret Type | Most recent transaction - Retrieval work order type | Text |
Last Ret Verified | Most recent transaction - Retrieval verified (Y/N) | Text |
Last Sequence | Most recent transaction - Sequence. A number that increments each time an item is retrieved. | Text |
Last Service | Most recent transaction - Service level | |
Last Ship Date | Most recent transaction - Retrieval shipped from date | |
Last Stop | Most recent transaction - Delivery destination | |
Last Trip | Most recent transaction - Corresponds roughly to van delivery schedule | |
Last Zone | Most recent transaction - Delivery zone | |
Tray Change Date | Date when touched by system or manual process | |
Tray Change User | User of process | |
Tray Container Code | Container type code | |
Tray Container Description | Container type description | |
Tray Delete Count | Number of deleted items | |
Tray Delete Date | Deletion date. Tray location blanks or goes to default | |
Tray ID | Unique ID assigned to tray | |
Tray Item Count | Number of items n the tray (updated monthly) | |
Tray Location ID | Identifier indicating tray location | |
Tray Media Code | Media type code | |
Tray Media Description | Media type description | |
Tray Open Date | Creation date. Assigned during accession process | |
Tray Row Position | Front, back row position | |
Tray Row Sequence | Front, back row sequence (in relation to position) | |
Tray Shelf Date | Date tray assigned a location | |
Tray Type | Tray type code | |
Tray Type Description | Tray type description | |
Location Height | Shelf (vertical) height | |
Location Aisle | Row | |
Location Bsf | Billable storage feet | |
Location Change Date | Location Change date | |
Location Change User | User changing location | |
Location Class | Storage class code | |
Location Class Description | Storage class description | |
Location Depth | Shelf depth | |
Location Face | Side of aisle (L, R) | |
Location Ladder | Shelving bay | |
Location Open Date | Date the first tray/item was put there | |
Location Owner | Owner code | |
Location Partial | Location is partial (Y/N) | |
Location Shelf | Location Identifier | |
Location Tray Count | Number of trays at location | |
Location Width | Shelf width |
, multiple selections available,