Google Manifest Data
Google Manifest Data
This is the original item manifest data extracted from Aleph, and then Alma, and provided to Google when the item was sent for scanning.
Field name | Description | Data type |
Manifest Aleph Record Number | Aleph bibliographic record identifier. Present for items sent prior to 2018. | Text |
Manifest Barcode | Barcode on the item sent to Google | Text |
Manifest Chron I | Highest level of chronology, usually year | Text |
Manifest Chron J | Next level of chronology | Text |
Manifest Date Added | Date the item data was loaded to Google Library Inventory database | Date |
Manifest Description | Enumeration and chronology for display | Text |
Manifest Enum A | Highest level of enumeration, usually volume | Text |
Manifest Enum B | Next highest level of enumeration | Text |
Manifest Holdings Id | Holding unique identifier in Alma | Text |
Manifest Item PID | Item unique identifier in Alma | Text |
Manifest Library Code | Library code of physical item | Text |
Manifest Location Code | Location code of physical item | Text |
Manifest MMSID | Bib unique identifier in Alma | Text |
, multiple selections available,