Receiving a One-Time Order

Receiving a One-Time Order

IMPORTANT: You must be signed in "at" the appropriate Receiving Department in order to see the associated orders in the Receiving list.

See Alma Receiving Department Concept for more detailed information.

Overview: Receiving New Material

  1. Verify that you are signed in at the appropriate Receiving Department location
  2. In the acquisitions menu, click on "Receive" under Receiving and Invoicing. This will take you to a new page called Receive New Material

Receive new material page

Top menu bar

  • Keep in department checkboxSelect this box to indicate that further work is required before the material can be made available in a library. This assigns a work order that defines the next step of the process.

    • If you check 'Keep in Department':
      • When you receive just one item at a time, you will get a notification if that item has a hold.
      • When you receive multiple items at once and even one item has a hold, you will get a generic message that does not specify which title(s) have the hold.
      • LTS has logged an Alma request for ExLibris to specify which title which has the request in this message.
    • If Keep in department is not checked, the status of the one-time order, after receipt, will change to Transit to indicate that it is ready to be shelved in the library.
      • If you uncheck 'Keep in Department', there will be no pop-up message about pending requests.
    •  See Work orders and Post-Receiving Processing for more details
  • Shelf-ready: this is a quick way to call up an order via the barcode, either real or system generated. Scanning in the barcode will bring up the order for receipt
  • Received date: defaults to the current date, but also possible to change this date

One time and Continuous Tabs

Orders are arranged in two tabs, by type; One-time and Continuous.

The Continuous tab includes both Continuous and Standing order non-monograph Order types.


NOTE: Standing order monograph order types do not appear in the Receiving list

Searching on the Receive New Material Page

The drop down search menu provides a number of ways to search for an order:

Common Fieldsthe first search option includes the following fields:  

Vendor reference numberPO line (number), Additional PO line referenceTitle, Standard number, and Vendor title number.

Search Tip:  When searching for an invoice number, select Invoice Number instead of All (the invoice number index does not seem to be included in the All search)


  • The bibliographic fields included as search options on the Receiving page only search a truncated version of the bibliographic record -- they do not search the fields within the full bibliographic record. 
  • If you use the Title Starts With option, you need to include any leading article!

The search is limited to what is displayed under the Bibliographic information tab of the items attached to the order (see Editing the item record(s) before Searching Section below). This means that the Title and Title - Starts with searches will only search the 245 field; and the Author name search will only search the 100 field. If these searches do not result in finding the order, try the more robust general Institution repository search, find the POL number or unique number (ISSN/ISBN, etc)  and then return to the Receiving list to find your order. 

Normal searching truncation rules apply to these searches

Search Filters

A number of filters allow you to further limit your search

Filter by Vendor


The status of the PO Line. The default value is the value of your most recent search.Items with a status of In Transit retain their status until they are scanned at the target location. 

If the item’s location is the shelving library, the item retains its In Transit status until it is scanned at the primary circulation desk. 

The receiving list includes POLs in every status including closed, but excluding cancelled (you cannot receive on a cancelled order), not just those that have not yet been received
For instructions on reopening cancelled orders, see the Closing, Cancelling, Reopening and Deleting PO Lines document. 
    •   You can receive items for Closed PO lines. Aleph order statuses VC and LC migrated as cancelled, so it will be necessary to reopen these cancelled orders before receiving items on them).


  • Entire PO content – Find PO lines that are packaged in the same PO as the PO lines that match the search criteria 
  • Order lines – Find PO lines that match the search criteria (default) 

Filter orders with interested users

Items with interested users are indicated in the table below by a yellow check mark in the Interested Users column. For more detail on the interested users concept, see One-Time Orders for Physical Items 

Filter orders with patron requests (only appears in the One-time order tab): Filter search results to items that have patron requests. 

Table of orders (Results List)

Some of the columns in the list of orders can be sorted in ascending or descending order,  via the small arrows to the left of the column header

The table is the same in the Continuous tab as in the One-Time tab, with the following exceptions in the Continuous tab:

    • There is no check box preceding the PO line numbers.
    • There is no Items Received column.

Orders list column descriptions: (can be edited/customized via the gear icon):

Column itemDescription
Check box (only on the One-time list)Allows the user to receive multiple orders at the same time
#The POL number. Clicking on the number will open up the POL in edit mode
Item description

Brief description of the title. Click on it to open up the preview metadata screen from which one can open the Metadata editor

StatusPOL status. For more detail see:  POL Statuses
LocationsIndicates the Library and Location of the attached items. In the One-time list: the number in the parenthesis indicates how many items are attached to this POL
# OrderedNumber of copies ordered
Items receivedNumber of items marked as received
Date sentDate the PO was sent to vendor
Next step

The next workflow step for the item after it is received, as defined within the Keep in department field.

See Work orders and Post-Receiving Processing for more details

RushA red clock icon will appear in this column when the Rush box is checked in the POL

A green check mark will appear if there are notes associated with the POL. Clicking on the check mark will open up the Notes tab of the POL

Receiving noteDisplays the text from the Receiving note field in the POL
Interested Users

A check mark will appear if there are Interested users associated with the POL. Clicking on the check mark will open up the Interested Users tab of the POL


Additional action options

  • Manage items – View details of the PO line and manage each of the PO line's items. For example, you may want to configure what happens to the items after they are received, add a permanent barcode, mark an item as received, or change the permanent location of one of the items. 
  • Receive – One way to receive the order
  • Print Interested Users List – Appears only if the PO line has interested users. Print a list of interested users for the PO line

Receiving One-time orders

  1. Verify that you are signed in at the appropriate Receiving Department location. 
  2. In the acquisitions menu, click on "Receive" under Receiving and Invoicing
  3. Choose the "One Time" tab;
  4. Search for the item(s) you wish to receive. It is possible to receive one or multiple orders at the same time
  5. Click on the title and compare the MARC record view of the bib to the item in hand
  6. If everything looks good, click on the back arrow next to “Record View” (top left);
  7. If you need to edit the record, click on “Edit” (top right):
    1. Edit the record as needed, save the record (Ctrl+S)
    2. Click on the back arrow next to “MD Editor” and again next to “Record View”

Receiving without editing the item(s)

If you wish to receive a title in the list without making any edits to the item (such as adding the barcode, etc.)

1) Check the box to the left of the title or titles that you would like to receive

When one title is checked: Either Click on the ellipsis and choose Receive  OR  Click on the Receive button on the uppermost Receive new material header bar

When multiple titles are checked: Click on the Receive button on the uppermost Receive new material header bar

2) You will then see the following message: Receiving process was activated for the selected Purchase Order lines.

Editing the item record(s) before receiving

Click on the ellipsis to the right of the description and select, “Manage Items”, to open the 'Received Items' list:

Received Items list


The Keep in department check box and Received date box appear here as they did on the Receive new material screen.

PO Line items tab: Lists all the items associated with the POL and displays additional information which are taken from values on the item itself:

    • Copy status: whether the item is Received or Not Received
    • Library
    • Location
    • Temp loc
    • Date received
    • Requests
    • Call number
    • Alternative Call number
    • Barcode
    • Current step

Bibliographic Information tab: Displays brief bibliographic data to allow you to confirm the order against the item

To open / edit an item record in the Received items list, click on the ellipsis and select, “Edit inventory item”, which will open up the Physical item editor.

See Items - Editing, Required Fields info for detailed information about editing item records

Physical Item editor

General information tab

  • Make any edits to the item as needed, such as scanning in the barcode (if applicable), etc.
  • Make sure the item policy, permanent library and permanent location are correct

ENUM/CHRON Information tab:

Notes tab: add item specific notes

History tab: lists Item specific history


After edits to the item have been made, there are three action options (at top of page):

    • Relink to another bibliographic record: use to link the item to another bibliographic record. – See Relinking a PO Line to a Different Bibliographic Record for more details.
    • Cancel: does not save any edits and brings the user back to the Received items list
    • Save: saves edits and brings the user back to the Received items list

To Receive the title:

    • Check the check box next to “not received
    • Click on “Save and Receive” (top right)
    • Click on confirm

Item status and Next step category

After receipt:

If the item was marked Keep in department, the Item status will be the Work order status assigned within the Department.

If the item was not marked to Keep in department, the item status will automatically become Transit

Printing an Arrival slip

If the item was received and marked Keep in department, there are two ways to Print a slip.

Un-receiving an item

In order to be able to un-receive an item, the following conditions must be met:

    • The item must have been received
    • The item must still be in the receiving department (i.e. is in a Work order status from marking Keep in department 
    • There are no patron or library requests related to the item

To un-receive:

a) Starting from the Receiving List (Receive New Material), search for the POL, (set filter to Status: Closed if appropriate)

b) From the item listing on the Receiving List, choose "Manage Items" from the ellipsis action button

c) The "Received Items List" page will open. Locate the item under the PO line items tab.

d) Select Un-receive from the ellipsis action icon

    • The receiving date will be removed from the item; the work order status will be removed; the item will no longer be in the Receiving department's list of In process items

(error) Warning: Deleting a receiving date will not properly un-receive an item. If an item is received and is in place, it will remain in place if you edit the item and delete the receiving date.(error)


Receiving during the Invoicing process

There is also an option to Receive during the Invoicing process. See Creating and editing an Invoice for details.