Creating Invoices via API
Creating Invoices via API
- Script runs daily at 4:00 as part of Embedded Order Data process before any .mrc files are archived from the incoming MARC folders.
- Configured per vendor block via the EOD dropoff and pickup files.
- Alma vendor codes currently configured:
EOD import setup
- An EOD .mrc file must have been imported to Alma for an invoice to be created.
- This happens the previous evening. Schedule is controlled via individual import profiles in Alma.
- This happens the previous evening. Schedule is controlled via individual import profiles in Alma.
- Vendor must include the vendor invoice number in 980 $f with their records. This is mapped via the PO Line Information tab of the import profile.
- Vendor must include the vendor invoice number in 980 $f with their records. This is mapped via the PO Line Information tab of the import profile.
- Each EOD .mrc file should contain all records for an invoice; each file should contain only records for that invoice.
- Invoices must be limited to 100 lines. (This is due to a limitation on the API call to retrieve PO lines.)
Invoice creation steps
See Tamar Fuches's Tech Blog post for additional background on this process.
PO line retrieval
- Script retrieves PO lines using the vendor invoice number from the EOD file (GET /almaws/v1/acq/po-lines?q=invoice_reference)
- The following information is recorded:
- POL owner
- Vendor
- POL number
- Fund
- Reporting Code
- Price
- Quantity
- Currency
- As noted above, Ex Libris has a 100 line limit for results of this query.
- The following information is recorded:
Invoice creation
- Invoice is created using information collected from the POLs (POST /almaws/v1/acq/invoices)
- Invoice number
- Invoice owner (same as POL owner)
- Vendor
- Date (date file was posted). PLEASE NOTE: This date needs to be changed to the actual invoice date when paying the invoice in Alma
- Currency
- Total amount
Invoice line creation
- Invoice lines are created using the Unique Invoice Identifier of the newly created invoice, along with the information collected from the POLs (POST /almaws/v1/acq/invoices/{invoice_id}/lines)
- POL number
- Fund
- Reporting code
- Price
- Quantity
- Also, for each line, the Invoice Status of the corresponding POL is set to Fully Invoiced
Process invoice
- After the lines are added, the invoice must be processed, which is equivalent to saving it. Otherwise, it will not be editable by users (POST /almaws/v1/acq/invoices/{invoice id}?op=process_invoice)
Invoices created via APIs in Alma
Invoices created via this process will have a Creation from value of From API in Alma. An invoice review rule (Configuration > Acquisitions > Invoices) places these invoices In Review until processed by staff.
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