Creating a Wordshack organization term [and producer]

Creating a Wordshack organization term [and producer]

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DRS2 uses organization names as part of owner account management and also to identify the producer of deposited content. In addition, curators pre-processing email collections in EASi can create an organization term in Wordshack and associate it with email before deposit to DRS. '

This section describes how to create a new organization term, relate one organization term to another or to an outside authority, and designate an organization as a producer. A producer is a person or organization responsible for producing digital content for deposit to the DRS. Producer is an optional admin metadata field that can be assigned to an object in Batch Builder and Web Admin.

Create an organization term

  1. Click Wordshack on the main menu. Then click the Organizations option on the Wordshack menu.
  2. Type all or part of the organization name in the auto-search box. If no match is found, click the Create New button to open a New Organization Term form.
  3. Enter the organization term.

    1. In the Name Part field, enter the organization name. If it is a multi-part name, click the plus sign (plus) to add an additional Name Part field.
      When you save this term, the name will be copied to the Display as field. Display as is the value that appears in the search box. If you entered multiple Name Parts, these will be concatenated and added to the Display as field.
    2. [Optional] Check Producer to put this organization on the Producer list available in Batch Builder and Web Admin.
    3. [Optional] Enter a note about the term in the Note field.
    4. Select an Authority or accept the default value "unspecified".
    5. [Optional] Enter an Organization Date. This might be a start date or start date and end date.
  4. Click Save New Term and the organization term will be created.

Add a term variant

Once you create an organization term, a New Variant option will appear. A variant is another form of name that differs from the preferred form. If a user searches for this variant form, a cross-reference to the preferred term will appear.

  1. Open the organization term.
  2. Enter the variant organization name:
    1. In the Name Part field, enter the variant form of organization name. If it is a multi-part name, click the plus sign (plus) to add an additional Name Part field.
      When you save this term, the name will be copied to the Display as field. Display as is the value that appears in the search box. If you entered multiple Name Parts, these will be concatenated and added to the Display as field.
    2. Select the Variant Type. Note that type "Preferred" will make this variant the preferred term.
    3. [Optional] Enter a note about the term in the Note field.
    4. Select an Authority or accept the default value "unspecified".
    5. [Optional] Enter an Organization Date. This might be a start date or start date and end date.
  3. Click Save Variant and the variant name will be created.

Add organization relationships

Once you create an organization term, a Relationships form will appear. You can relate one organization to another or to an organization term in an outside vocabulary.

  1. Open the organization term.
  2. Scroll down to the Relationships area.
  3. To relate this organization with another organization term, enter data in the Add a Term-to-Term Relation area:
    1. Select a relation type.
      • Has earlier form relates the current term to an earlier form already defined in Wordshack. 
      • Has later form relates the current term to a later form already defined in Wordshack.
      • Supersedes indicates that the current term should be used instead of another organization term already defined in Wordshack. Choosing this relation type will suppress the superseded term from displaying in auto-search results in Wordshack. 
      • Is superseded by indicates that the current term is superseded by another organization term already defined in Wordshack. Choosing this relation type will suppress the superseded term from displaying in auto-search results in Wordshack.
      • Has subsidiary org relates the current organization term to a subsidiary organization term also defined in Wordshack. 
      • Has parent org relates the current organization term to a parent organization also defined in Wordshack.
    2. Type all or part of the organization name into the Select a related term auto-search box. A list of matching names will display. Click a name to select it.
    3. Click the Save Term-to-Term Relations button to create the relationship.
  4. To relate this organization with an outside vocabulary:
    1. Select a Type.
    2. Enter the term from the outside vocabulary.
    3. Click the Save Same Concept Relations button to create the relationship.