13. Deleting Batches from DRS
Julie Wetherill
Emily Kelly
Former user (Deleted)
Batches of objects deposited to DRS can be deleted from DRS by a user with a role content_editor and permissions to operate in the relevant DRS Owner Code. Batch deletions are performed in DRS Web Admin. Individual objects and files can be also deleted in DRS Web Admin. See Section 5: Managing Content of the DRS Web Admin User Guide for more information. This section describes only batch deletions are these are most relevant to batch deposits.
To delete a batch from DRS, log in to Web Admin: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul:drs2-admin. Find your batch using quick search or custom search, and, once your are viewing the batch summary page, click on the "delete this batch" link (if a batch has been deposited over 5 days ago the link will say "request deletion of this batch").
When batches are deleted, a reason for deletion should always be entered:
When batches are deleted within 5 days of deposit, the deletion is performed automatically once the "delete this batch" link is clicked. The batch summary page displays the "deleted" banner after deletion request is accepted.
If more than 5 days elapsed since original batch deposit, after a user clicks on "request deletion of this batch" link, the deletion request is forwarded to the DRS content manager for review.
Once the batch is deleted, Object Owner Supplied Names of all objects within the batch are changed according to the following pattern:
{object_osn} is changed to {object_osn} [deleted_{DRSID}].
For instance, once an object with object OSN 'obj1' and DRS ID '400000001' is deleted, the object OSN is changed from 'obj1' to 'obj1 [deleted_400000001]'. The changed object OSN clearly marks the object as deleted and allows a depositor to redeposit the same batch without running into the duplicate Object OSN errors on deposit.
When a deleted object is restored, the suffix "[deleted_{DRSID}]" is automatically removed from object OSN. If an object with this OSN already exists (for example, someone deleted an object and then loaded an object with the same object OSN), the object restore function will display a duplicate object OSN error.
Once the batch is deleted it cannot be "undeleted." Individual objects within the batch can be restored within 60 days of deletion. If all objects within a batch are restored, the batch automatically becomes "undeleted" and the "deleted" banner is removed from the batch summary screen.
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