14. Interpreting Load Reports
Julie Wetherill
Emily Kelly
Former user (Deleted)
This section describes features of the loader reports generated in the DRS 2 environment.
The DRS batch loader sends out an email message that reports on the success (or failure) of a processed batch. A batch consists of objects, a descriptor.xml file included with each object and the batch.xml batch control file. Recipients of the loader reports are identified within the batch.xml file.
Successful Load Reports
Reports of successfully processed batches will be sent to a designated email address or written to the dropbox (or both), based on preferences specified by the <successEmail> and <successMethod> elements in the batch.xml.
- If delivered by email, the load report message:
- Will have a Subject line containing the following information: Subject: DRS LOAD REPORT (owner:{owner_code}, batch dir:{batch_directory_name}, batch:{batch_name} [DB:{batch_id}])
- Will contain the following sections:
Batch Summary
File listing
File listing text file (attachment)
- If written to the dropbox, the load report text file:
- Will be located in the top-level batch directory with a file name that conforms to the following pattern: LOADREPORT_{batch directory name}.
- Will contain these sections:
Batch Summary
File listing
Remember that object descriptor files (descriptor.xml) are part of each batch in DRS2. For every object in the batch there will be a corresponding descriptor file and these files will be included in the load report summary and file listing.
About the batch summary
The batch summary section includes summary information about the batch. Contents of this section include:
- Batch directory name
- Batch name
- Depositor
- Batch id
- Owner(s)
- Batch drop off time
- Time waiting to start load
- Loading start time
- Loading end time
- Total load time
- Number of objects deposited
- Number of files deposited
- Batch size
- Number of objects per object type
- Number of files per format
Sample summary for still image object batch
Sample summary for page-turned (PDS) object batch
About the file listing
Following the batch summary section, the report lists metadata for each file in the batch, including any object descriptor files (descriptor.xml). The data in this section is tab-delimited, with these metadata headings at the top:
- OBJ-ID: DRS ID of the object associated with this file.
- OBJ-DELIV-URN: Delivery URN of the object (only PDS Objects have delivery URNs)
- OBJ-URN: DRS URN (an alternative internal identifier to DRS ID) of the object associated with this file
- DEPOSITOR: First and Last name of depositor responsible for this batch.
- OBJ-OSN: Owner supplied name of the object associated with this file.
- BILLING: Billing code for this file.
- OWNER: Owner code for this file.
- OBJ-TYPE: The content model identifier and name (e.g., " STILL IMAGE") for the associated object.
- OBJ-ROLES: Lists object roles for each object, if any were specified.
- FILE-ID: DRS ID of the file.
- FILE-URN: Delivery URN of the file.
- FILE-FORMAT: Format of the file.
- FILE-SIZE: Byte-size of the file.
- FILE-OSN: Owner supplied name of the file.
- FILE-ORIGPATH: Directory path of the file in the batch.
Tips and tricks
Working with the file list: Entries in the file list are arranged in the order files were ingested by the loader. If you find it difficult to locate a particular file in the file list, best practice is to import the listing into an application that can sort tabular data, such as MS Excel (if working with the emailed report, import the attachment into MS Excel or another spreadsheet software). In Excel, if you sort by the FILE-ID column, rows associated with a single object will sort together. For page-turned object batches, sorting this way should push the METS file to top of the listing.
Failure Load Reports
If any errors are detected during a load, the entire batch is rejected and an error report is sent to the email addresses in the <failureEmail> element of the batch.xml document. The error message will include dropbox name, batch directory, and batch name along with a message describing the cause of the failure.
All the digital files associated with an error batch are left in the depositor's batch directory, while the batch.xml file and the LOADING file are deleted. To retry the batch, update any corrupt or missing digital files and upload the new batch.xml file. After you disconnect from the SFTP session, your batch will be queued for reloading.
Below are some common batch loader error scenarios and messages:
1. Error in batch.xml header: Errors in the header of the batch.xml file can cause processing to fail before the loader can read the failure email addresses. In this case, the loader will report the error only to DRS staff in LTS. If you submit a batch but receive no load report or error, send a message to the DRS2 team in LTS using this form:
2. Couldn't find billing code for id {billing code}
Sample: Type of problem: Couldn't find billing code for id HBS.BAKR.KRESS_001
Cause: The specified billing code is invalid. Correct the billing code in Batch Builder and regenerate the batch.
3. Owner supplied name {OSN} already exists for owner code {owner code)
Sample: Type of problem: Owner supplied name 'randy-pdsobject7' already exists for owner code HUL.TEST
Cause: The specified owner supplied name has already been defined within the specified owner code. Correct the OSN in Batch Builder and regenerate the batch.
4. An unexpected problem occurred processing batch {batch ID}
Sample: An unexpected problem occurred processing batch 8004. If this problem persists, please contact drs-support@hulmail.harvard.edu, forwarding the entire contents of this message.
Cause: This error usually indicates an internal DRS issue rather than an error in the batch. In many cases, reloading the same batch will be successful. But if the problem persists, send a message to the DRS2 team in LTS using this form:
5. Object descriptor {path to descriptor.xml} not found
Sample: Type of problem: Object descriptor /drs2dev/dropboxes/ois2dev/incoming/DefectiveDescriptorBatch/DontRegenerateTheDescript/descriptor.xml not found
Cause: The specified object descriptor file was expected by the loader but not found. Upload the missing descriptor file and the batch.xml file and disconnect from the dropbox.
6. MD5 checksum mismatch for descriptor {path to descriptor.xml}
Sample: Type of problem: MD5 checksum mismatch for descriptor file /drs2dev/dropboxes/ois2dev/incoming/BadDescriptorChecksum/DontRebuildTheDescriptor/descriptor.xml, services reported 22B5A77B581CCFFE908E535795CDA06A
Cause: MD5 checksum calculated by DRS services does not match the checksum supplied in the batch.
7. File not found: {path to file}
Sample: Type of problem: File not found: /drs2dev/dropboxes/ois2dev/incoming/MissingDataFile/WhatISaidBefore/image/beethoven3.jpg
Cause: The specified file could not be found in the batch. Upload the missing file, re-upload batch.xml, then disconnect from the dropbox.
8. Batch directory {directory path} contains no objects
Sample: Type of problem: Batch directory /drs2dev/dropboxes/ois2dev/incoming/DefectiveBatchDotXML contains no objects
Cause: The specified directory is missing from the batch. Re-process in Batch Builder and upload the new batch to the dropbox.
9. Descriptor file failed XML schema validation: {... }
Sample: Type of problem: Descriptor file failed XML schema validation: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'amdSecXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'. One of '{"http://www.loc.gov/METS/":metsHdr, "http://www.loc.gov/METS/":dmdSec, "http://www.loc.gov/METS/":amdSec, "http://www.loc.gov/METS/":fileSec, "http://www.loc.gov/METS/":structMap}' is expected.
Cause: The specified descriptor.xml file failed schema validation due to invalid content. Re-process in Batch Builder and upload the new batch to the dropbox.
10. Could not parse batch.xml
Sample: Type of problem: Could not parse batch.xml
Cause: This error condition indicates xml in the batch file is not well formed and is usually related to bad character data. Revise the file and upload again.
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