Physical Standing Order Non-Monograph - Standing Order Creation

Physical Standing Order Non-Monograph - Standing Order Creation


PO Line Type and Owner

1) Select purchase order Type

Physical – Standing order non-monograph


2) Select PO line owner

The PO Line owner represents the acquisition library that is placing the order, which may not be the library for whom the material is being ordered. See Purchase Orders, Lines and Owners

Load from template: If you want to use an existing Public or Private POL template. See PO Line Templates for more detail


3) Assign Inventory Manually (checkbox)

Physical - Standing order non-monograph -- automatically creates a Holdings record, but not an Item

During the creation of a Continuous POL, you can decide whether the creation of Inventory will be:

    • Automatic based on the POL owner -- Uncheck this box if you would like the attached inventory (i.e.the holding records) to be automatically created based on the Library that is the POL owner, i.e. POL Owner of Schlesinger Library would automatically create a holdings record for Schlesinger
    • Automatic based on the inventory saved in a POL template – Uncheck this box if you are using a template and want to use the and holding inventory from that template
    • Assigned manually -- Check this box if you would like to create the attached holding record manually because it differs from the POL owner,  i.e. POL Owner of ITS at Langdell would have to create inventory manually for one of the holding libraries (i.e. Gutman) unless using a predefined template

In either case, you can easily edit this information from the summary screen of the order by deleting and adding inventory

4) Click on Create PO line, then click on “Confirm” 

NOTE: once Confirm is selected, a POL is created even though it may be missing mandatory information. This POL number is created and the POL automatically goes into Review until the next step of the ordering process has been completed. For more information about POLs in Review, see Reviewing Purchase Order lines and Purchase Orders. For more information about the Steps of the ordering process, see Overview of Alma Acquisitions Workflows

If created in errorcancel the POL at this point via the Cancel Line button on the top menu bar of the PO


Purchase Order Line Details 

1) POL Summary tab

Required fields are indicated with a Red asterisk in the form

Ordered items section

  • Receiving note: add text intended for the Receiving operator
  • Routing during receivingIf selected, a confirmation message appears when receiving the PO line, stating that the order is marked for routing, and that the user may want to print the list of interested users (see Other POL tabs section below) 
  • Binding during Receiving: if selected, a confirmation message appears when receiving the PO line, informing the receiving operator that the order is marked for binding and must be sent for binding. See Binding (Merging) items for more detail

Vendor information section

  • Material supplier: this would be the vendor; please make sure to choose the proper Vendor account record, if applicable. See the Vendors training document for more details. 
  • Claiming grace period (days)A grace period (in days) after the expected receipt date, after which the PO line is sent to the claims task list; the value in this field for Continuous orders
  • f you enter a value in both fields, the Expected receipt after ordering (days) field is ignored. If both fields are left empty, the expected receipt date defaults to the date that the PO line is sent to the vendor. These values are used to calculate the claim date. See Claiming (One-time / Continuous) for more details.
    • Expected receipt after ordering (days): the value in this field will come from the Vendor account record; change the value in the order if desirable
    • Expected receipt date: select the expected receipt date from the Calendar pop-up.
  • Subscription intervalThe receipt interval, in days, of the continuous order (such as 30 for monthly, 90 for quarterly, and so forth). This value is used to calculate the claim date. See Claiming (One-time / Continuous) for more details.

Pricing section

  • List Price: required
  • Net price: will populate automatically based on List price
  • Discount: (if applicable)
  • Quantity for pricing: required. The number of items to be paid for. The total price for the PO line equals the quantity for pricing multiplied by the list price.

Funding section

  • Click on the Add Fund button and select the appropriate fund from the fund list.  See the Funds and Ledgers training document for more details.
  • The discount field will default to 100% and the amount field will default to the list price in the order
  • if the fund is intended to cover 100% of the list price, there is no need to edit the discount and amount fields, click Add Fund.

  • While the default option is one fund with 100% allocation, you can distribute the cost of a PO line among several funds. To add a fund to the list, select the fund, stipulate the percentage of the cost to be covered by the fund, and click Add Fund or press Enter. The fund is displayed as a link in the Fund Name column and can be clicked to open the fund.
  • When the PO line is saved, an encumbrance transaction is created. If an amount other than 100% is allocated to funds, click Redistribute Lines to re-allocate the fund amount percentages, based on each fund’s respective amount.
  • You can delete the fund in this section by clicking on the ellipsis and choosing Delete

PO Line Details section

  • Acquisition method:

Purchase - order will be sent to the vendor, invoice expected (Pricing and fund information mandatory)

NOTE: this is the only Acquisition method that results in a purchase order being sent to the vendor

Purchase - Without letter - if no letter to the vendor is needed, invoice expected (Pricing and fund information mandatory)

Approval Plan - order will not be sent to the vendor, invoice expected (Pricing and fund information mandatory)

Gift - order will not be sent to the vendor, no invoice expected (Pricing and fund information optional)

Purchase at Vendor System - order will not be sent to the vendor, invoice expected (Pricing and fund information  mandatory)

Depository (for government depository items) - order will not be sent to the vendor, invoice not expected (Pricing and fund information optional)

Exchange (i.e. received on exchange) - order will not be sent to the vendor, invoice not expected (Pricing and fund information optional)

Technical - order will not be sent to the vendor, invoice not expected (Pricing and fund information optional)Use technical for any order that does not need to be sent to the vendor and that does not fit into the other categories. This can be used for membership payment, series standing order payment, payment of materials sent on exchange, etc.

  • Material type: Choose from the drop down list
  • Invoice Status: No invoice (This field is set by default to No Invoice and should not be modified. Alma automatically updates this field as required)
  • Reporting code: the Object code section of the budget structure. ex: Print^Serials (7051) or Print^Monograph (7031), etc.
  • Secondary and Tertiary Reporting codes: not yet in use
  • Rushcheck if you want to rush the order of this item. The rush icon appears next to relevant items on PO line details pages.
  • Manual packaging: see Packaging and Sending a Purchase Order for more details
  • Cancellation restriction: check to display a cancellation restriction note containing a warning upon the cancellation of a PO line. (To then continue with the cancellation of the PO line, the user must click Confirm.) The Cancellation Restriction icon appears next to the relevant items on the PO line details pages.
  • Cancellation restriction note: The text of the warning to be displayed when canceling a PO line.
  • Identifier: The ISBN/ISSN of the item to be ordered. By default, this field is populated by the first identifier listed in the bibliographic/imported record’s ISBN/ISSN (020/022) field. You can select a different value.
  • Proposed Identifier: An identifier indicating which ISBN/ISSN of the item to order.
  • Vendor reference numbermost likely only populated when the order is created by the EOD process. A reference number for the PO line in Alma, as provided by the vendor. Serves as a matching point for identifying a PO line in Alma.
  • Note to vendor: used for any notes for the vendor. Notes entered in this field are moved to the Notes tab when the PO line is saved.
  • Vendor invoice number: no need to fill in manually; Appears when the PO line was uploaded from an EOD file.

Renewal section

  • Manual renewal click-box:

Automatic renewalsClear the Manual renewal check box if you want the PO line for the renewal processed automatically.

Manual renewals – When selected (default), the PO line for the renewal appears in the renewals task list (Acquisitions > Purchase Order Lines > Renew) when the material is due for renewal. Further processing of this PO line must be performed manually.
Clear this check box if you want the PO line for the renewal processed automatically.


Automatic Renewals

Subscription from date: The start date of the subscription (usually Jan. 1st of the year the subscription begins)

Subscription to date: Not recommended for automatic renewals;

  • The PO line closes when the automatic renewal job detects that the Subscription to date (if present) has passed.
Renewal date (Required): For automatic renewals, this date is entered when the initial subscription is created. Thereafter, it is automatically incremented according to the value in the Renewal cycle field. 

Recommended best practice:

  • Continuous orders that have no predetermined end –  use date 12/31/2099
  • Migrated orders that lacked renewal dates, will have the value –  12/31/2050; leave this date as-is

Renewal cycle (Required but only appears if the Manual renewal box is Unchecked): The renewal cycle period — for example, 1 year, 2 years, etc.

Renewal reminder period (days): not required for automatic renewals

Manual Renewals    

When selected (default), the PO line for the renewal appears in the renewals task list (Acquisitions > Purchase Order Lines > Renew) when the material is due for renewal.
Further processing of this PO line must be performed manually.
Clear this check box if you want the PO line for the renewal processed automatically.

Subscription from date: The start date of the subscription
Subscription to date
  • If no date is entered, the renewal continues in perpetuity.
  • When a manual renewal job detects that the Subscription to date has passed, the PO line’s status becomes Waiting for manual renewal.
Renewal date (Required): For manual renewals, this date is entered when the initial subscription is created, and then manually incremented (via the Renewals task list) at each renewal cycle.

Renewal reminder period (days) (Required): For manual renewals,  the number of days before the renewal date that the operator wants the renewal to be added to the task list (Acquisitions > Purchase Order Lines > Renew).

  • For example, if the renewal date is the 10th of May and the Renewal reminder period is 5, the renewal is added to the task list on the 5th of May.). 

NOTE: The maximum number of days that can be entered in this field is 120.


Harvard's instance of Alma does NOT have the renewal notification to vendors enabled to automatically send the communication.

  1. If the PO line is marked as automatic renewal, the Renewal date is automatically incremented according to the value in the Renewal cycle field. The PO line is then saved back in the repository for further processing.
  2. If the PO line is marked as manual renewal, it appears in the renewals task list (Acquisitions > Purchase order lines > Renew) and you are required to manually update the Renewal date and/or any other fields in the Renewals section of the PO Line Summary tab. The PO line will be set to Waiting for Renewal. You then click Renew to continue the renewal processing. Updating the Renewal date will also remove the PO line from the renewals task list.
  3. When the PO line qualifies for renewal, a renewal notification is sent to the vendor if enabled to do so.We have NOT enabled the renewal notification to be sent to the vendor for either automatic or manual renewals. Renewals can be communicated to vendors by use of the communications tab in the POL.

Recommended best practice:

Since many subscriptions are ongoing and there is no need for communication with vendors regarding renewals: it is recommended to set POLs for Automatic renewals so that there is no need for any additional steps in the Renewals processing workflow

The Manual renewal process might be useful, however, for the following cases:

    • a limited time subscription, for example the bibliographer only wanted a one or two year subscription and then reevaluate if it should be renewed at all
    • those cases where the vendor doesn’t accept “real” standing orders/subscriptions and you have to “order” every year – using the manual renewal process will remind you to place the order once again

Additional section

This section appears collapsed by default

  • Associated PO lines: A target PO line

Per ExL documentation: The relationship in this field is a one-way relationship: this PO line is associated to the target PO line, but not the reverse. One use-case for this field is if you are ordering multi-part serials. It is recommended that you have one, main PO line (with fund information) for the subscription and an additional Technical PO line for each item that you are to receive at a different interval. You can only associate the current PO line with one target PO line. The target PO line appears in this field. Note that the Associated PO lines tab lists only the PO lines that are associated with this one (the reverse relationship), and not the PO line selected in this field.

  • Source typeThe source from which the current PO line originated, such as Manual; Migrated, Imported, etc. For orders created via EOD (Enhanced order loader): this field will have the value: Import EOD. There will also be a clickable link to see information about the Import job details.
  • Additional PO line reference: The reference code by which you want to identify the current PO line.

2) Other POL tabs

Attachments tabs are not used during POL creation, but hold the following data throughout the life of an order:

  • Description: created automatically but can be edited. NOTE: The PO line description is an entity that is created at the time of the PO line creation and is not connected to, or influenced by, the bibliographic information of the related record. This means, for example, that if a PO line is created for a title Introduction to Chemistry, the PO line description title will be Introduction to Chemistry. If, at a later point in time, the title changes to Introduction to Organic Chemistry, the PO line description title will not automatically change. If you want to have the PO line description title updated as a result of a changed bibliographic record title, you may do so using the PO line's Change Bib Reference button. See the Order maintenance training doc for more information

  • Alerts: lists the alerts that were generated for the PO line
  •  Invoice Lines: allows you to view invoice line item associated with this POL 
  • Associated PO Lines: PO lines appearing in this tab were:
      • Associated automatically to this PO line by Alma.
      • Manually associated to the current PO line in the Associated PO line field in the Additional section of the Summary tab of the other PO line.
      • NOTE:  for migrated orders, this tab would show any additional Aleph orders that were on this bib record
  • Communications: use to start a new communication with the vendor or, if a communication already exists, you can enter details of the reply from the vendor and/or follow up on the communication with your reply to the vendor. The communication created here is sent to the vendors via email. Replies from vendors do not populate here, however; they would have to be manually copied and pasted in here. See the Claiming (One-time / Continuous) training document for more details.
  • Interested Users: use to manage users interested in the acquisition: somewhat akin to a routing list. Interested users are always notified about changes in the PO line. You can also select that an interested user is notified when the item is received, activated, or renewed, and/or that a hold is placed on the item for the user. See Requests (Fulfillment, Part 2)
  • History: shows the the audit trail of changes performed to the PO line. These include changes in status, price, and fund distribution; it may also include some migrated order history data
  • Notes: allows one to add, update, or delete notes for the PO line; it will also include the Aleph Library note field for migrated orders
  • Attachments: allows one to add, update, or delete attachments associated with the PO line

Completing the POL 

After entering all the pertinent and mandatory information in the POL, click on one of the following actions on the top Purchase order line details bar:

To place the order, choose either:

    • Save and continue: The information you entered is saved and the PO line continues to the following stage of the workflow (review rules are not checked); which most likely is to place the order via Manual or Auto-packaging. See Packaging and Sending a Purchase Order for more details.
    • Order now: Enables you to process an order for a PO line, which moves the PO line to the purchasing workflow where it is normalized and validated before being packaged and sent to the vendor. See  Packaging and Sending a Purchase Order for more details

Other actions:

    • Save – The information you entered is saved, and the PO line remains in its current workflow stage (if you just created the PO line manually, it remains In Review). If you are editing PO lines from the Claims page, click Save to store the information you modified.
    • Cancel line – The PO line is canceled
    • Defer – The PO line is deferred and appears in the Review Deferred task list until it is either reactivated or canceled. It will only show up in the general task-list only on the due-date provided when setting up the deferral.
    • Relink – Changes the bibliographic record to which the PO line is linked. See Changing a PO line's Bibliographic Reference

Editing the Holdings record Acquisition status field

After completion of the POL, it is important to annotate the Acquisitions status field in the Holdings record to indicate that the title in On order

  • Push the bibliographic record into the Metadata editor by clicking on the title and then Choosing Edit
  • Click on the View inventory icon (or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + I)
  • Click on Edit to open the holdings record in Edit mode
  • Click on the 008 field and Open the editing form by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F)
  • Change the value in byte 6 (Receipt or Acquisition status) to reflect the nature of the order
    • 3 On order
    • 4 Currently received
  • Hit Escape to close the form
  • When creating a stub bib. and holdings in Alma at the point of creating a new order, such as when there is insufficient information to create an encoding level 3 record in OCLC, it is necessary to add the 908 $a p field to the holdings record to prevent Harvard's holdings from being attached in OCLC.
  • Save the holdings record
  • Release both the holdings and bib records