Fulfillment-related Searches
Fulfillment-related Searches
This is a review of part of the Searches and Sets that are most pertinent to Fulfillment functions, especially Circulation and other service desks.
Fulfillment-related Searching
Important things to mention
- Although searches will often contain electronic titles, we're focusing on physical books or media here.
- We start with a simple search: copies of Penguin's Portable series found at Harvard libraries.
- Penguin is the publisher. Portable is part of the title, for example, Portable Dante, Portable Harlem Renaissance Reader
- Here's how to view the bibliographic, holdings, and item records from a search results list.
Viewing Bibliographic Records
- From the permanent search bar, select All Titles > Keywords > type "portable penguin". ENTER
- Check that both Sort Bys are Rank. If not, change them to "Rank"
- You’re looking at the results of your search
- Click on any title. You’re now viewing the bibliographic record.
- Click the Back Arrow
- In the upper right, click Expand and select Physical
- This displays the physical holdings for all results.
- Note that there don't happen to be any electronic holdings
- Harvard isn’t using digital records presently
- Click the grey close box near Expand: Physical
Viewing Holdings Records
- Click any Physical (1) link under any title.
- You’re looking at the holdings locations for a single title
- Click on the Holdings link
- From the "List of Holdings" page, click a Holdings ID link.
- You’re viewing the holdings records
- Click the Back Arrow to the left of "Record View"
- On the next screen, click the Back Arrow to the left of "List of holdings"
Viewing Item Records
- Click on any Physical (1) again
- Click on Items link
- Look at the information that’s displayed for you: library, call number
- Click on the barcode link.
- You’re viewing the item record. You could also edit here but don't.
- Click the back arrow to the left of Physical Item Editor.
- Click the back arrow to the left of List of Items.
Title Searching vs. Item Searching
- (Again) From the persistent search bar, select All Titles > Keywords> type "portable penguin".
- Click the Search icon
- Now change "All Titles" to "Physical Titles" and confirm that "Keywords" and "portable penguin" remain the same.
- Click the Search icon
- Note that in this case, Physical Titles displays similar results as "All Titles," though with slightly less info
- For any single title, click on the "Physical" link to display the physical holdings for that one record.
- In the persistent search bar, change "Physical Titles" to "Physical Items" and confirm that "Keywords" and "portable penguin" remain the same.
- Click the Search icon
- Note how the display changes. You're looking at individual items and each entry displays the barcode
Barcode Search
- Select any barcode in the physical items results list and copy it
- Do a search via All Titles > Keywords > paste the barcode
- Note the speed of the results
- Do another search via Physical Items > Barcode > paste the barcode
- This more direct search often delivers faster results.
Call Number Search
- In persistent search bar, select Physical Titles or Physical Items
- For the secondary search limiter, choose Permanent Call Number
- Type in the call number PN1996, which happens to cover screenwriting
- Note that one asterisk only may be used at the end of the call number and represents one or more characters.
- Type in the call number PN199*, which covers a broader range of motion picture topics
ALEPH Number ("HOLLIS number") Search
NOTE: You must use all nine digits to search for an item by its ALEPH number (which we used to colloquially refer to as a "HOLLIS number"). Add zeroes to the front of the number to make it to nine. For example, if your ALEPH number were 56078, you should search for 000056078
- In persistent search bar, select Physical Titles or Physical Items
- For the secondary search limiter, choose Local field 900: Aleph number
- Enter the ALEPH number and search
Using Articles in a search
Important things to mention
- Unlike most search engines, including articles like "the" does affect the results of a search
- The Sort by and Secondary Sort by should both be set to Rank.
- Compare the following:
- Search for Physical Titles > Title > Way
- Look at the results
- Search for Physical Titles > Title > The Way
- Note that the results of this search differ
, multiple selections available,