Fullfillment Notices and Letters

Fullfillment Notices and Letters

A list of notices/letters/slips that print or email from Alma per current configuration. Most, but not all, are patron-facing notifications sent via email. Notices which we once had active but are currently inactive are included for historical purposes.

Alma Letter codeLetter codeEmail subjectPurpose of Letter

Notice goes directly to Patron


Notice is Part of Scheduled job


Frequency of NoticeNotice Examples
FinesAndFeesReportLetterFines and Fees Report LetterFines And Fees ReportSent to patrons; contains a report of the fine and fee transactions that have been performed over a 1- to 7-day period. For details on configuring the fines and fees report, see Creating Fines and Fees Reports.YNGenerated manually by staff (not batch job).
FulBorrowedByLetterBorrowed By LetterBorrowed By Proxy LetterSent to patrons indicating that a proxy user has borrowed an item on their behalf. For details on working with proxy users, see Managing Proxy Users.YNGenerated when loan occurs.Proxy Borrower Letter
FulCancelRequestLetterFul Cancel Request LetterHarvard Library Request Cancellation

Sent to patrons; indicates that a request has been canceled and the reason for the cancellation.

This letter can be configured in Letter Activity to trigger a webhook function. See Webhooks.
If the date by which the request is needed has passed, this letter is no longer sent.
YY and N

Generated when request is cancelled, either through manually cancelling the request OR via the batch job that cancels unfilled item-level requests after 7 days (and marks items as missing- currently not using this functionality).

Work order cancellations include work order code in the notice (staff only).

Cancel Request letter
FulFinesFeesNotificationLetterFul Fines\Fees Notification LetterFinesFees NotificationSent to patrons by a job to inform them of fines or fees they owe. Used to notify patrons who have existing fees.YN/A

We don't have profile configured for this job and are not using it currently.

Configure profile in Configuration Menu > User Management > Patron Charges > Fines/Fees Notification Profiles

Turn job on in Fulfillment Jobs (Fines/Fees Notifications job)

FulItemChangeDueDateLetterLoan Status NoticeDue Date Change for Item(s)
Sent to patrons; indicates changes in the status of a loan or the due date, including changes such as:
  • A due date changes, regardless of whether a recall has been issued.
  • A recall is issued but the due date hasn't changed.
For details on managing patron activities, see Managing Patron Services.

Notice is sent when item is recalled for reserves. 

  • If item is already overdue when it is recalled, patron will still be notified and the original due date will be sent in the patron letter.

Notice is sent if patron's expiration date comes before the term due date.

Notice is sent if Library manually changes due date on an item.

Notice will need to be edited if general recalls are turned back on.

Loan Status Notice
FulLostLoanLetterFul Lost Loan LetterLost Item Bill

An invoice letter (for the replacement fee) sent to the borrowing patron when a loan is overdue and the item is declared lost.

Sent when item is manually declared LOST in Alma.


FulOverdueAndLostLoanLetterFul Overdue And Lost Loan LetterLost Items Bill
An invoice letter (for the replacement fee) sent to the borrowing patron listing all overdue loans that have been declared lost, according to the criteria described in Adding an Overdue and Lost Loan Profile. It is sent to patrons by the Loans - Overdue and Lost Item job when the switch_to_overdue_and_lost_loan_new_job parameter is set to true (see Configuring Other Settings).

Job runs Daily at 7pm (in Fulfillment jobs, Loans- Overdue and Lost Loan job) notices are sent out when items that are 45 days overdue are flipped to LOST.


*Not currently used

Ful Overdue And Lost Loan Notification LetterLong Overdue Items - Notification

A warning sent to patrons listing all overdue loans before the items are declared lost, according to the criteria described in Adding an Overdue and Lost Loan Notification. Sent by the Loans - Overdue and Lost Item job when the switch_to_overdue_and_lost_loan_new_job parameter is set to true (see Configuring Other Settings). This letter will fully replace the Ful Lost Loan Notification letter later this year.

For short loans, the short_loan_overdue_reminder parameter is set, this letter is triggered based on the due date time plus the value of the parameter for multiple items. The letter will be sent if the items were not returned, are not in Lost or Claim Return status, and the current due date time for each item is the same as the due date time that was on each item when the reminder was triggered. The loan due date time can change due to a renewal, recall, or manual change of due date.


We don't currently use this letter for long loans, but we can configure and use it by adding a new Overdue and Lost Loan profile that reminds users that items are due (sent before items are marked as Lost in a separate profile).

We don't currently have short term loan reminders turned on (Fulfillment other settings > short_loan_overdue_reminder). If we turned it on, it would use this letter. See doc here and here.

FulPickupRequestReportLetterFul Pickup Print Slip Report LetterRequest Report (picklist)

Letter that accompanies a picklist.

NNFor staff purposes
FulPlaceOnHoldShelfLetterOn Hold Shelf LetterRequested Item AvailableSent to patrons; indicates that an item is ready for pickup at the hold shelf. For details on picking up items from the hold shelf, see Managing the Hold Shelf.YNIn real time as holds are activated at the desk.On hold shelf notices
FulRequestsReportLetterFul Requests Report LetterRequests ReportA patron report listing all request items, broken down by Not ActiveIn Process, and On Hold Shelf. For details on running the report for a single patron, see Managing Patron Services. For details on running the report on a schedule, see Configuring Fulfillment Jobs.YNCan be run manually for a single patron. Batch job is disabled.


*Not currently turned on

Shortened Due Date LetterShortened Due Date Letter
An email notification sent to the patron to notify them that the due date of their loan has been shortened. This is the letter that is sent upon checkout when multiple requests on the item are in the queue. It shortens the due date to be 2 weeks from the date of checkout. This loan period is determined by a setting configured in the individual TOU configuration rules of the Circulating Fulfillment unit ("Requested Item Due Date").
Possible messages include:
  • The due date for your borrowed item was shortened since the item is recalled
  • The due date for your borrowed item was shortened since the patron card is expired before the due date
For setting the parameter, shortened_due_date_notifications, see Configuring Other Settings.

FulUserBorrowingActivityLetterBorrowing Activity LetterHarvard Library Patron Circulation Summary

Sent to patrons with activity; contains a list of the patron’s loans, overdue items, and active fines. Batch job Disabled on 7/5/18.

*This is the letter that gets generated in real time when patrons renew items at self-check (for libraries which allow this functionality- currently Non-Cambridge only).

YN/ABatch job is disabled.
FulUserLoansCourtesyLetterCourtesy LetterCourtesy Notice

Sent to patrons in a nightly job; contains a list of the patron’s loans that are due soon (current configuration is 7 days before due date). Patrons receive this notification for one of these reasons:

  • Because they have maxxed out of their 30 month auto-renewal period and the items have become due
  • The loan is otherwise not eligible for renewal (requested by another patron or user is part of a group which is not allowed renewals)

This notice is also sent to remind users of a short loan due in 20 minutes (most often reserves loans) to help avoid incurrence of fines.

For short loans, if the short_loan_courtesy_reminder parameter is set, this letter is triggered based on the due date time less the value of the parameter. The letter will be sent if the item was not returned, is not in Lost or Claim Return status, and the current due date time is the same as the due date time that was on the item when the reminder was triggered. The loan due date time can change due to a renewal, recall, or manual change of due date.

In addition to a short loan indicator that is available in the source XML, this letter has a configurable label in the code table. To see this label, you must be using the XSL file in the default, out-of-the-box format. If you have customized the XSL file, the short loan label is not available.

Job runs daily and sends courtesy notice 7 days before the due date.

For short loans, a notice is sent out 20 minutes before the item is due.

Courtesy Notice


Batch job currently off

Overdue Notice LetterDue Items

Sent to patrons; contains a list of all the patron’s loans due that day. Sent in a nightly job (Notifications – Send Due Date Reminders). This job sends a daily reminder, the Overdue Notice letter (letter code: FulUserOverdueNoticeLetter) to patrons to indicate that loaned items are due on the current date. Note that this letter does not include short loans.

The Courtesy Letter (letter code FulUserLoansCourtesyLetter) is sent before this notice. 

YYRuns Daily.


ResendNotificationLetterResend Notification LetterResend of User's MessageSent manually to a patron if the patron did not receive an attachment. For more information, see User Attachments.YN

FulReasourceRequestSlipLetterFul Resource Request Slip LetterN/A

A slip that is printed out by library staff from the Pick Up Requested Resources page when they need to retrieve an item from the shelf. For details on pickup up items from the shelf, see Pickup at Shelf. You may include a printable barcode image on this letter.

This letter is also printed when an item that had a hold request is returned.   

NNGenerated when a hold request is scanned in at the requested pick-up desk.
FulShortLoanLetterShort Loan LetterCourtesy NoticeSent to a patron when loaning an item for a short period (a number of hours), informing the patron of the due date and the fine policy. Currently disabled.YNDisabled in September 2019
InterestedInLetterInterested In LetterLibrary Resource of interest--updateInforms someone who is registered as “interested in” about a change in a PO line status. For details on interested users, see the description in Find PO Lines for Receiving Fields in Receiving Physical Material.YNGenerated when item with "interested users" is received


LegantoNotificationsLetterLeganto Notifications LetterSent to instructors when notifications are waiting for them in Leganto. For more information, see Viewing Scheduled Jobs. Appears only if Leganto is enabled in your institution. Currently disabled.N/AN/ACurrently Disabled.