Finding Course Reserves Lists
Course Reserves (Reading Lists) List
To see a list of all Reading Lists (Harvard-wide), go to Fulfillment >> Reading Lists.
The list of reading lists is organized first by assignment; a list is assigned to you the first time you work on it, or as designated by a supervisor or colleague.
There are four tabs (the "dog-ear" flap indicates that there's content):
All: all reading lists, regardless of status and assignment
Assigned to Me: the default tab, showing lists assigned to you and the Processing Department associated with your login; this will help lead you to Reading Lists that need your attention when preparing for a semester
Unassigned: reading lists that have not yet been assigned
Assigned to Others: reading lists assigned to other library staff
Filters & Facets
Below the tabs is a row that contains a filter (Alerts) and any facets that have been applied to the list to narrow the results.
Alerts Filter
Alerts are actions taken or needed involving citations within a list, including purchase, resource sharing, moves, or digitization.
Publication Status Facet
When you first go to the Reading List page, Publication Status will default to Active for the next or the current semester. You can remove this facet to see inactive reading lists by clicking on the X next to Active.
Status Facet
Use the facets on the left to limit your results list by (Preparation) Status, Publication Status (to faculty/students), Processing Department, and Creation/Modification Dates.
A best practice is to use the Status filter to sort lists by what needs to happen next:
- Being Prepared: The initial status when an instructor creates a list and is preparing it; do not process a list with this status
- Ready for Processing: The instructor sent the reading list, or any citation on the list, to the library for processing
- Being Processed: A librarian began working on the citations in the reading list
- Complete: The librarian finished preparing the reading list. Typically, you change this when all of the citations are also marked as Complete.
- Inactive: The reading list is no longer relevant
- Declined: The library was unable to fulfill the reading list
- Rolled Over: A reading list rolled over by an instructor (if the instructor (or library) selects this as the initial status of these types of reading lists).
Last Modification Date Facet
Another best practice is to limit by the Last Modification Date facet, to either focus in on recently-updated lists or on older lists that need follow up.
Searching for Reading Lists & Citations
You can use the persistent search bar to search for specific course reserves information. Note that you can use either search with a blank search term box and find all results, the same as navigating to the list.
Search for Reading Lists
- Choose Search Type = Reading Lists
- Criteria include:
- Code: the 6-number code for a course
- Name: the title of the course, like “Digging Up the Past”
- Course: the abbreviation for the department or program offering the course and the number that goes with it, such as “FRSEMR 30G.”
- Note that Advanced Search also provides Course Start Date and Course End Date as criteria
- Enter your search terms and click the magnifying glass
Search for Citations in Lists
- Choose Search Type = Citations
- Criteria include:
- Course Name
- Reading List Name
- Title (of material)
- Enter your search terms and click the magnifying glass