Creating Color Profile Object Batches



There are three methods you can use to create text objects in Batch Builder:

  1. Manually build objects from template. This is best when you have only one or two color profile objects to work with. In this scenario you generate an object structure for each object and then copy files into object directories. See Manually build color profile objects from template for the procedure.

  2. Automatically build objects from template. This method is best for large batches of objects (over 10 objects). In this scenario BB generates object structure for each of your objects and moves files into object directories. Before this can happen you need to rename your files to add special "object name" file prefixes or provide mapping files that associate files with their objects. See Automatically build color profile objects from template for the procedure.

  3. Manually build objects without a template. In this method, rather than using the template, you fill out object and file metadata and create object directories for each individual object one-object-at-a-time. Because this option will be rarely used, it is not currently documented.

Accepted Formats

The following format is accepted for files contained in color profile objects:

  • ICC File Format for Color Profiles (MIME type: application/x-icc)

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