Creating Opaque Object Batches

Creating Opaque Object Batches



There are two methods you can use to create Opaque objects in Batch Builder:

  1. Manually create objects from template. This is best when you have less than 5 objects to work with. In this scenario you generate an object structure in BB for each object and then copy files into it (can be done outside BB). See Section 7.5.1 for the procedure.

  2. Automatically build objects from template. This method is best for large batches of objects (5 or more objects per batch). In this scenario BB generates object structure for each of your objects and moves files into object directories. Before this can happen you need to rename your files to add special "object name" file prefixes or provide mapping files that associate files with their objects. See Section 7.5.2 for the procedure.

Note that an opaque object can have only one directory named "content" (where all the content files are stored). Inside the content directory there can be additional nested directory structures. However the word "content" is reserved and cannot be used in the name of any directories that are part of the opaque object.

Opaque objects and the files they contain cannot be delivered using DRS delivery systems, such as FDS. Opaque content can only be downloaded through Web Admin.

Accepted Formats

Files of any format can be deposited as part of an opaque object.

Content Files

To the extent possible, care should be taken to only include in a single opaque object those files that logically make up an object.

Try to include within the same opaque object, files that:

  • Are related by derivative relationships (e.g. master and use copies)

  • Have display or rendering dependencies (e.g. style sheets, scripts and images should be included in the same opaque container as web pages dependent on them)

  • Require the same descriptive metadata (are part of the same work with the same bibliographic record)

Deposit in separate opaque objects:

  • Files which are not related or dependent on each other contextually or structurally

  • Files that constitute several independent logical objects

Omit from opaque objects:

  • Content not intended for long-term preservation

    Although it is expected that the content of opaque objects might not be fully appraised or processed prior to deposit into the DRS, to the extent possible depositors should perform an initial weeding out of unwanted material. This is especially important in the case of donated hard drives which may contain applications, system files, cached data, etc.

Examples of opaque object designs

Assessment of design

multiple files related to a single video game

Very good. If the DRS ever supports video game objects the files in this opaque object could be expanded into a fully supported object.

multiple files related to a single database

Very good. Once the DRS supports database objects the files in this opaque object could be expanded into a fully supported object.

An object containing one set of RAW camera image files

OK. If you can envision separating them in the future it would be better to only group the ones together that are related to each other. Also if there are other files related to these RAW files (derivative images, etc.) it may be better to group them together so that you don't have to combine them in the future.

a set of word processing files

OK. Same reason as for the RAW camera image files.

one audio file

Good. If there are other files related to this audio file (other derivative audio files, transcripts, etc.) it may be better to group them together so that you don't have to combine them in the future.

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