Item Policies

Item Policies

Item policies, along with collections, determine the terms of use (loan policies) for items in Alma, including requestability in HOLLIS and BorrowDirect. This page is intended to aid units in making decisions about the best choices for their collection. Unless item policies are indicated for exclusive usage (like AEON/Resource Sharing materials), descriptions on primary usage are intended to provide general guidelines for application. Items are not eligible for fulfilling Resource Sharing/BD requests unless specified.

If you have any questions about how a policy functions or the best policy to use to meet the needs of your collection, please contact LTS at https://harvard-lts.libanswers.com/.

For Request/Loan policies, look here.

Item Polices (by number)

CodeItem Policy Display (Alma)HOLLIS DisplayDescription
(blank)(blank)Semester loan 

Use for Regular Loan (01) material. 

Items are handled as Regular Loan(01)  in both the HOLLIS display and circulation functionality (refer to 01 policy below for eligibility information)

Exception for Material types: Issue, Issue (Looseleaf), Issue (Bound). These will be treated as In library use (02), until the policy is filled in. The policy is required for these types because Borrow Direct will treat these as Regular Loan until the policy is filled in. (Additional exceptions are in place for Biblioteca Berenson.)

Analytics: blank policies have the word None in Analytics reports. 

01Regular Loan  (01)Semester loan 

Available for request in HOLLIS, Borrow Direct (certain locations only), and ILL.

Eligible for Scan&Deliver

02In-library use (02)In-library use only

Circulate for in library use (materials cannot leave physical location).

Available for request for pickup in owning library only.

BorrowDirect physical lending: NO

ILL physical lending: Contingently (if Resource Sharing can confirm that the borrowing library can accommodate in-library use of materials; otherwise NO)

ILL scanning: YES (items may be scanned at owning library or by Resource Sharing at WID)

Scan&Deliver: YES

113-hour loan (11)3-hour loan Short term reserve loans of print material (incur overdue fines of $3/hr)
201-day loan (20)1-day loan Primarily used for equipment
223-day loan (22)3-day loan

Primarily used for equipment

Available for request for pickup in owning library only, contingent on location code

247-day loan (24)1-week loan Primarily used for media; 28 day max renewal period
2614-day loan (26)2-week loan 

Primarily used for periodicals (ISSBD)

BorrowDirect physical lending: NO

ILL physical lending: Contingently (if Resource Sharing can confirm that the borrowing library can accommodate in-library use of materials; otherwise NO)

ILL scanning: YES (items may be scanned at owning library or by Resource Sharing at WID)

Scan&Deliver: YES

41Resource Sharing (41)16-week loan Resource Sharing (borrowing) materials only: 16 week loan for items borrowed through ILL/Borrow Direct
42Interlibrary Loan - in-lib use (42)In-library use onlyResource Sharing (borrowing) materials only: Non-circulating loan rule for items borrowed through ILL
61Regular Loan (61)Semester loan Term loan, but not eligible for pickup at non-owning library. Not eligible for Borrow Direct, ILL, Scan&Deliver.
62In-library use (62)In-library use only 

Intended for in-library use only items which should not be eligible for fulfilling physical or electronic resource sharing requests.

Circulate for in library use (materials cannot leave physical location).

Available for request for pickup in owning library only.

BorrowDirect physical lending: NO

ILL physical lending: NO

ILL scanning: NO

Scan&Deliver: NO

63In-library use (63)In-library use only 

Intended for in-library use only items which ARE eligible for electronic resource sharing requests, but NOT physical resource sharing requests.

Circulate for in library use (materials cannot leave physical location).

Available for request for pickup in owning library only.

BorrowDirect physical lending: NO

ILL physical lending: NO

ILL scanning: YES (items may be scanned at owning library or by Resource Sharing at WID)

Scan&Deliver: YES

873-hour loan Digital Reserves (87)In-library use only 

Used for items in Digital Reserves Processing workflow only.

For use in Reserves locations ONLY

89Not available for use (89)In-library use only Used for items that are not intended for patron use, such as preservation copies. 
90Special Collections requestable + SCSB (90)In-library use only Used to designate materials designated for ReCAP shared collection Supervised Use; will be sent only to designated ReCAP libraries with supervised reading rooms.
92Ask a Circulation desk (92)In-library use only Intended for items which the library would like to mediate access for (non-Aeon); items are non-requestable via HOLLIS and non-circulating.
91Special Collections (91)In-library use only AEON only. Used by Aeon collections to indicate eligible items for Aeon requests. Most collections at this status are NOT available for patron physical item requests in Alma.
97Special Collections (97)In-library use only AEON only. Used by Aeon non-requestable collections. Not available for patron requests at all.

Item Policies (by function)

Regular loan(blank)(blank)

Use for Regular Loan (01) material. 

Items are handled as Regular Loan(01)  in both the HOLLIS display and circulation functionality (refer to 01 policy below for eligibility information)

Exception for Material types: Issue, Issue (Looseleaf), Issue (Bound). These will be treated as In library use (02), until the policy is filled in. The policy is required for these types because Borrow Direct will treat these as Regular Loan until the policy is filled in. (Additional exceptions are in place for Biblioteca Berenson.)

Analytics: blank policies have the word None in Analytics reports. 

01Regular loan (01)

Harvard Faculty, Students and staff - Semester loan.

Special Borrowers - 28 days

Borrow Direct - 16 weeks

Available for request in HOLLIS, Borrow Direct (certain locations only), and ILL.

Eligible for Scan&Deliver

Visiting Researchers and Library guests can borrow these for 28 days within Reading Room function in Alma

61Regular loan (61)The same as Regular loan (01), but not eligible for pickup at non-owning library. Not eligible for Borrow Direct, ILL, or Scan&Deliver.
Short loan

113-hour loan (11)

Short term reserve loans of print material (incur overdue fines of $3/hr)

201-day loan (20)Primarily used for equipment


3-day loan (22)Primarily used for equipment
247-day loan (24)Primarily used for media
2614-day loan (26)Primarily used for periodicals (ISSBD)
In-library use02In-library use (02)

Circulate for in library use (materials cannot leave physical location).

Available for request for pickup in owning library only.

Visiting Researchers and Library guests can borrow these for 28 days within Reading Room function in Alma.

BorrowDirect physical lending: NO

ILL physical lending: Contingently (if Resource Sharing can confirm that the borrowing library can accommodate in-library use of materials; otherwise NO)

ILL scanning: YES (items may be scanned at owning library or by Resource Sharing at WID)

Scan&Deliver: YES

62In-library use (62)

Intended for in-library use only items which should not be eligible for fulfilling physical or electronic resource sharing requests.

Circulate for in library use (materials cannot leave physical location).

Available for request for pickup in owning library only.

BorrowDirect physical lending: NO

ILL physical lending: NO

ILL scanning: NO

Scan&Deliver: NO

63In-library use (63)

Intended for in-library use only items which ARE eligible for electronic resource sharing requests, but NOT physical resource sharing requests.

Circulate for in library use (materials cannot leave physical location).

Available for request for pickup in owning library only.

BorrowDirect physical lending: NO

ILL physical lending: NO

ILL scanning: YES (items may be scanned at owning library or by Resource Sharing at WID)

Scan&Deliver: YES

92Ask a Circulation desk (92)Intended for items which the library would like to mediate access for (non-Aeon); items are non-requestable via HOLLIS and non-circulating.
Resource Sharing41Resource Sharing (41)Resource Sharing (borrowing) materials only: 16 week loan for items borrowed through ILL/Borrow Direct
42Interlibrary Loan - in-lib use (42)Resource Sharing (borrowing) materials only: Non-circulating loan rule for items borrowed through ILL
Special Collections90Special Collections requestable + SCSB (90)Used to designate materials designated for ReCAP shared collection Supervised Use; will be sent only to designated ReCAP libraries with supervised reading rooms.
91Special Collections (91)AEON only. Used by Aeon collections to indicate eligible items for Aeon requests. Most collections at this status are NOT available for patron physical item requests in Alma.
97Special Collections (97)AEON only. Used by Aeon non-requestable collections. Not available for patron requests at all.

Digital Reserves Program

873-hour loan Digital Reserves (87)Used for items in Digital Reserves Processing workflow only
Not available for use89Not available for use (89)Used for items that are not intended for patron use, such as preservation copies. 

Superseded Item Policies

Old CodeDisplayRecommended ActionStatus
03Overnight loanMove to 1-day loan (20)Complete/Removed
04Restricted loan (04)Move to In-library use (02)Complete/Removed
0828-day loan (e-reader only)Move to Regular loan (01)Complete/Removed
091-hour loan (09)No items in this policyComplete/Removed
102-hour loan (10)Move to 3-hour loan (11)Complete/Removed
123-hour loan (12)Move to 3-hour loan (11)Complete/Removed
133-hour loan (13)TBD based on collection owner input (MUS)Complete/Removed
143-hour loan (14)Move to 3-hour loan (11)Complete/Removed
1924-hour loan (19)Move to 1-day loan (20)Complete/Removed
212-day loan (21)Move to 7-day loan (24)Complete/Removed
234-day loan (23)Move to 7-day loan (24)Complete/Removed
2510-day loan (25)

Move to In-library use (02)

2828-day loan (28)Move to Regular loan (01)Complete/Removed
63In-library use (63)Move to In-library use (02)Complete/Removed
647-day loan (64)Move to 7-day loan (24)Complete (except BER)
72Ask at Circulation Desk (72)Move to In-library use (62)Complete/Removed


Regular Loan (81) Move to Regular loan (61)Complete/Removed


In-library use (82)Move to In-library use (62)Complete/Removed
88SuppressedTBD: Items need clean up and migration planTBD
93Ask at Circulation DeskMove to Ask at Circulation Desk (92)Complete/Removed
943rd Floor Secure Reading RoomMove to Ask at Circulation Desk (92)Complete/Removed
95Ask at Judaica DivisionMove to Ask a Circulation desk (92)Complete/Removed


Pick-up in Newspapr/Mic ReadRmMove to Ask a Circulation desk (92)Complete/Removed
98In-library use (98)Move to Ask at Circulation Desk (92)Complete/Removed

Note HOLLIS display

For the most part, the display label is determined by the value in:

Terms of Use Management > (name of TOU) > Due Date > Policy Description field. 

Exceptions apply. Also, if an item is not loanable, it cannot get a unique display value. All non-loanable items are controlled by Alma value 'c.uresolver.getit2.item_list.non_circulating.'

Ex Libris documentation
