Batch Creation or Update of Item Records via API

NOTE: this script can only be run by LTS; contact LTS for assistance.

Input File Parameters for New Item Creation

  • EXAMPLE EXCEL TEMPLATE: Alma Item Creation Template
  • Staff requesting batch Item record creation should submit a file in Excel
  • The Excel file should be formatted as in this example and saved as a tab-delimited text file (UTF-16 encoding):
MMS IdHolding IdLibraryLocationCall NumberDescriptionBarcodeMaterialPolicyDate




  • MMS Id, Holding Id, Library, Location, Material, and Policy are required
  • Call Number, Description, Barcode, and Date are optional.
    • Data in the Call Number will only be read if the location entered is different from the holding location in the holdings record (in this case, a new holdings record is created with a new holdings ID).
    • If no Barcode is entered, Alma will auto-assign a Barcode
  • Location must already exist in Alma (confirm the location has been created in Alma config > choose Library > Fulfillment > Locations > Physical Locations)
  • Material and Policy codes must be the code, not the description (see below)
  • Material Receipt dates must be in the format “yyyy-mm-ddZ”
  • Adding or removing header lines or columns is forbidden, though a column may be blank
  • Text of the header line does not matter, but the contents of the columns must be in the order shown


  • The Script cannot process more than 10 columns. Double-check that your input file doesn't export to .txt with more than 10.

Input File Parameters for Existing Item Update

NOTE: Items on loan will not be updated with this process. Items on loan cannot be updated.
  • Staff requesting batch Item record update should submit a file in Excel
  • The Excel file should be formatted as in this example:
BarcodeLibraryLocationCall NumberNew Description

Append Description


Reading Room Use Only


Reading Room Use Only 


Reading Room Use Only 


Reading Room Use Only 

  • The first Barcode field is required as this is how the item record is accessed
  • The second Barcode field is optional and is used only if changing the barcode in the item record
  • Data that should be updated or added to the item record should be entered in the spreadsheet
  • Fields that should be unchanged in the item record should be blank in the spreadsheet
    • Data in the Call Number will only be read if the location entered is different from the holding location in the holdings record (in this case, a new holdings record is created with a new holdings ID).
  • Fields that should be erased from the item record should contain the word 'DELETE'
  • The Append Description field will be take the original field data, append (space)(hyphen)(space) and then append the new text
  • Material and Policy codes must be the code, not the description (see below)
  • Material Receipt dates must be in the format “yyyy-mm-ddZ”
  • Adding or removing header lines or columns is forbidden, though a column may be blank
  • Text of the header line does not matter, but the contents of the columns must be in the order shown
  • The Call Number Type will default to the type set for that Library and Location

When you have checked that the file is in the proper format Save As tab-delimited text file (UTF-16 encoded).

How to run the script:


Item Policy Codes and Descriptions in Alma

  • Find current Item Policies by Library at: Alma --> Configuration --> Fulfillment --> Item Policy

Material Codes and Descriptions in Alma

  • Check for updates to this list at: Alma --> Configuration --> Resources --> Physical Material Type Descriptions

Item Material Types