Item Statuses, Process Types, and Required Fields

Item Status

Item status is determined automatically by the system and has one of two values:

    • Item in place - item is in its home location, not checked out, in transit, or in a library process
    • Item not in place - item is in a library process, transit, or checked out; any time something is not in place, the "availability" status will be "unavailable," and the appropriate request links will still be present in the public catalog.

Item Process Types

Process type is used when an item is undergoing some kind of library processing or circulation activity.

Process types are defined centrally for Harvard Library:

Acquisitions & Technical Services Process Types

Acquisition - applies to an item created from a Purchase order, or from a prediction pattern, that has not yet been received

Acquisition Technical Services / Tech Services Work Order  - applies to an item in any post-receipt stage of the Technical Services workflow. (Note: Prior to 2020, this was solely Tech Services Work Order. Ex Libris changed the display without notice. In an item, under General Information, the Process Type still displays as Tech Services Work Order. Elsewhere, it is listed as Acquisition technical services. This is a difference in display only–the process type is the same, regardless of which name is used.) 

Technical - Migration - appears for items that had certain Aleph Item Process Status values and have not yet been updated by LTS via batch job, or manually updated by staff. Read more at Item Mapping Guide, section entitled "More information on Item Process Types (IPS)."

Circulation Process Types 

  • Claimed Returned
  • Hold Shelf
  • Loan
  • Lost - patron has lost the item or item is assumed lost due to extensive overdue
  • Missing - item was missing from shelf/home location when staff or patron went to find it
  • Resource Sharing Request
  • Transit

Other Process Types

Any locally defined Work Orders will also display in Process Type, e.g. Preservation. See Work Orders for more on this library process.

Item Record fields - only required fields, or fields with best practices, are listed below

Tab: General Information
BarcodeYEnter the Harvard barcode for the item, or leave the barcode field blank to use a temporary system-generated barcode (will be created when the Item is saved)
Copy IDIf appl.
Material TypeYsee list at Item Material Types
Item policyYsee list at Item Policies 
Is Magnetic
see Best Practice:
Enumeration A/BIf appl.e.g. multi-volume works or serials
Chronology I/JIf appl.e.g. multi-volume works or serials
DescriptionIf appl.

Generally this is left blank, unless the description is needed to distinguish items such as:

    • multi-volume works
    • serial volumes/issues
    • accompanying material that is barcoded separately

Do not use this field for:

    • copy numbers of duplicate items (e.g. you have 2 copies of the same book)
    • item policy
    • ownership information (e.g. "Widener copy")

For serials, once the Enum/Chron data has been filled in, use the Generate button to create the description.

Important information on the effect of the Description field in HOLLIS and Alma Fulfillment:

    • The presence of any content in the Description field turns off the Title-Level requesting feature, and turns ON the item filters in the Get It section:

    • When we have multiple copies and they are all the same, we want the Title-level requesting feature turned on so Alma can automatically push the request to the available copy. Therefore, to ensure that Title-Level requesting is enabled, item descriptions should be blank if all copies are the same.
    • If items represent different volumes/issues, item descriptions should not be null. This will allow the user to choose the specific item record they need.
Retention informationIf appl.see Best Practice: 


Enumeration A/BIf appl.This is carried over from the General tab. If entered here first it will carry over into the General tab.  
Permanent library/locationYInherited from Holdings
Tab: Notes
Internal Note 3N, but best practice is to add before withdrawalUsed to record reason for withdraw. See Items - Deleting (Withdrawing)
Statistics Note 2NRestricted to shared retention commitment notes. For example: 'committed to retain - ReCAP'. This note is required for all items where a commitment to retain has been made. Also required, field 538 with commitment statement in holdings.

For additional information, there is a full list of all item fields, with descriptions, at the Ex Libris documentation site.