Reading Room Desks
Use of Reading Room Desks
Resource Sharing uses the For Reading-Room Use only checkbox when items are indicated by lender to be in-library use only. Thus Resource Sharing depends on certain pick-up desks being designated "Reading Room" desks even if they aren't actively being used as such according to Alma Reading Room functionality.
Current Reading Room Desks
Baker Reading Room Circulation
Cabot Reading Room
Countway Reading Room
Design Reading Room
Documents Reading Room
Fine Arts Reading Room
Harvard Yenching Reading Room
Lamont Reading Room
Law Reading Room
Microforms RR (Lamont)
Poetry Reading Room
Tozzer Reading Room
WID Newspaper MRR
WID Phillips Reading Room
Setting Reading Room Pickup Location
To define the Reading Room pickup location:
- Change your Currently at location to Resource Sharing
- Go to Fulfillment >> Resource Sharing >> Borrowing Requests
- Searching the External request ID field for the temp barcode of the request
The request priority for each item in the queue determines which request in the queue is active.