Work Orders



Sending items to Conservation (formerly Bindery Prep)

Make sure your location is at Schlesinger Library-Tech Services.

Go to the Fulfillment drop down menu and select Scan in Items.

Set Status to: Sent to Conservation.

Make sure the NO box is checked next to Done.

Scan in barcode.

Using this status within the Tech Services Work Order lets users in Alma know that the item is in conservation. If you try to put the item into a completely different work order such as Weissman Preservation Center or Preservation Work Order the item status will be "In Transit" andwill remain that way until it is scanned in at Conservation by Amanda. Scanning items into Conservation is not going to be part of the workflow, please use the method above to mark items for Conservation (formerly Bindery Prep).


Newly cataloged items going to MA review cart

Go to the Scan in Items section of Fulfillment.

Set status to: Review Shelves


Newly cataloged items going directly to HD cart

Go to the Scan in Items section of Fulfillment.

Instead of setting a status, select the YES button for DONE and scan in the barcode.

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