Related Records | Display of Holdings for Related Records

Alma automatically calculates inter-record links based on bibliographic data in these MARC linking fields: 773, 774, 777, 786, 800, 810, 811, and 830 (subfield w,x,z). 

An example of a related record is an analyzed title within a monographic series. In this case, if the analytic bib has an 830 $x ISSN, Alma will also show the holdings for the series bib with matching ISSN in field 022. 

Be careful not to confuse this feature with Harvard's local "bound with" holdings field 977. 

Display and linking in Alma

Holdings for related records appear in Alma search results with a green check mark and the word Related in a Related Record column:

In some cases, the quantity of related records prevents the actual holding from appearing on the brief list of the Physical tab in the search results.

You can click on the Holdings link to see just the holdings linked to the bib, and not the related holdings: 

You can also go to the bib record(s) of the Related Records by clicking on the Other details tab, then clicking on the hyperlinked number next to Related Records. 

 When viewing the Related Records in this manner, Alma also shows the Type of Relation, such as Contains or Additional Form: 

In the MDE, Related Records appear in the Holding tab and are noted as such (they will be intermingled with actual holdings in the list):

Display and Linking in Primo/HOLLIS

This feature was turned off on May 7, 2020 (as part of a new feature of May 2020 release of Alma), but some aspects are still visible in HOLLIS. 

For related holdings, you will continue to see the library represented in the summary holdings line in the search results, as well as the facets. There is no way to turn this off. We can submit an Alma enhancement request in the future to do so if we desire (although I suspect it will not get enough votes to pass the first round of voting). 

For historical information, before feature was turned off in May 2020

Primo will also show the holdings of related records in the Get It section, with a label indicating that they are from the series holding. Unfortunately it is not possible to also provide a hyperlink to that record. 

If you expand one of the Related Holdings, you will be shown the title of the bib to which it is attached: