Harvard defined MARC fields
Local Bibliographic Fields
900 Aleph system number (NR)
In Alma Analytics: Physical Items > Bibliographic Details > Local param 01
- Do not edit
- Former Aleph system number, nine digits with leading zeros (no check digit)
- Also referred to as Aleph bib number or HOLLIS number
901 HULPR record number, short form (NR)
In Alma Analytics: Physical Items > Bibliographic Details > Local param 02
- Do not edit
- Usage
- 1985-June 30, 2002
- Indicators
- First Check digit
- 0-9 Check digit value
- Second Undefined; contains a blank
- Subfield Codes
- $a HULPR record number, short form (NR)
- Short form is: 3 letters, 4 digits
- $a HULPR record number, short form (NR)
- Aleph H01
903 HULPR record number, RLIN form (NR)
- Do not edit
- Usage
- 1985-June 30, 2002
- Indicators - Both undefined; each contains a blank
- Subfield Codes
- $a HULPR record number (1985-June 30, 2002) in RLIN form (NR)
- RLIN form: MH, HULPR record number with check digit, HOLLIS institution code, e.g., MHATT43861HU
- Aleph H03
905 LC classification code (for reporting) (NR)
In Alma Analytics: Physical Items > Bibliographic Details > Local param 03
- In CONVerted records, taken from LCCLASS fixed field H05 is indexed for staff and displays to staff; index is not available to Web OPAC and field does not display in Web OPAC.
- Indicators - Both undefined; each contains a blank
- Subfield Codes
- $a LC Classification Code (NR)
- Entered as follows:
- First three letters from alphabetic part of LC class number, left justified and blank filled (with each blank input as ^), followed by up to 4 digits from the numeric part of LC class number, right justified and padded with zero(s).
- Examples:
- BT^0098
- PZ^0003
- E^^0547
- KJE0958
- $a LC Classification Code (NR)
- Aleph H05
906 Don't use – appears in CZ records
911 Harvard Bookplate (R)
In Alma Analytics: Physical Items > Bibliographic Details > Local param 06
Contains the budget used to pay for the item. Budget codes associated with donor funds are used to display the appropriate donor book plate in the online catalog. The field itself does not display to the public.
Indicators - Both undefined; each contains a blank
Subfield Codes
$a Budget string, excluding object code and fiscal year (NR)Example: 415.37880..565589.655290.0000.00000
- See documentation: https://harvardwiki.atlassian.net/wiki/x/moOUAg
- Aleph HBP
913 OCLC Data Sync rejected record (NR)
- (definition in progress)
- This field is added to bibliographic records by an automated process that uses OCLC Data Sync reports of rejected records as input. Presence of the field indicates the record contains errors that need to be resolved before the record can be successfully processed by Data Sync and holdings set in WorldCat.
- Subfield codes
- $$a (NR)
- Contains "OCLC Data Sync rejected record"
- $$b (NR)
- Contains OCLC number of the rejected record
- $$a (NR)
- See documentation: OCLC Data Sync: Processing error reports from staging
914 OCLC holdings flag "NO-WORLDCAT" (NR)
In Alma Analytics: Physical Items > Bibliographic Details > Local param 09
- Used by Harvard's OCLC Data Sync workflow to eliminate records from batches sent to OCLC for the symbol setting process.
- Records with NO-WORLDCAT will not be sent to OCLC and no symbol will be set in OCLC for this record. Suppressed records do not require this flag – they are not shared with any data partners.
- Note: the use of 908 in the holdings is no longer used to determine whether something is sent to OCLC.
- See best practice and usage: OCLC Data Sync: Maintaining Holdings in WorldCat: September, 2022-
- Subfield codes
- $$a Code (NR)
- Select from the Alma controlled vocabulary dropdown list. One valid option: NO-WORLDCAT
- $$a Code (NR)
- Indicators - both undefined, each contains a blank
915 Harvard Database Type (R)
- Used for Primo Database search. Refers to type of database (e.g. reference, indexes, etc.)
- This is a controlled vocabulary. Do not use values not in the vocabulary. The field contains codes which are translated in Primo to display values for faceting, search, etc.
- Subfield codes
- $$a Database type code (NR)
- Select from the Alma controlled vocabulary dropdown list
- $$a Database type code (NR)
- Indicators - both undefined, each contains a blank
916 Harvard Database Subject Category (R)
- Used for Primo Database search. Refers to subject category of database (e.g. economics, etc.)
- This is a controlled vocabulary. Do not use values not in the vocabulary. The field contains codes which are translated in Primo to display values for faceting, search, etc.
- Subfield codes
- $$a Database category code (NR)
- Select from the Alma controlled vocabulary dropdown list
- $$b Best bet indicator (NR)
- The only permitted value is "best" e.g. $$b best
- $$a Database category code (NR)
- Indicators - both undefined, each contains a blank
917 Harvard Database scope note (R)
- Used for Primo Database search.
- Subfield codes
- $$a Database scope note (NR)
- Indicators - both undefined, each contains a blank
918 Harvard Database URN (NR)
- Used to store staff-assigned URNs for databases
- URN will display in Primo so patrons and staff can easily see the durable Harvard link directly to the proxied e-resource
- Subfield codes
- $$a URN (NR)
- Indicators - both undefined, each contains a blank
919 Reserved for thumbnail pilot
- Pilot for thumbnails stored in Alma-D as auxiliary content
929 Non-standard access title -- technical services (NR)
In Alma Analytics: Physical Items > Bibliographic Details > Local param 04
- Indicators
- First Definition in Hollis (1985-June 30, 2002) [OBSOLETE]
- Blank Not for public use
- 0 For public use [OBSOLETE]
- Second Filing indicator
- Blank No filing indicator value supplied
- 0-9 Characters to be ignored in filing
- First Definition in Hollis (1985-June 30, 2002) [OBSOLETE]
- Subfield Codes
- $a Short title/title proper (NR)
- $b Remainder of title or title in other language (NR)
- $c Remainder of title page transcription/statement of responsibility (NR)
- $h Medium (NR)
- $n Number of part/section of a work (R)
- $p Name of part/section of a work (R)
- $d Designation of section, etc. (pre-AACR2 serials) (R)
- $e Name of section, etc. (pre-AACR2 serials) (R)
- Aleph H29
948 Recon coded note (R)
- In CONVerted records, 948 retagged; displays only to staff.
- Contains fixed format information about titles converted as part of the HUL recon project. Data consist of a 3-letter source code, a 4-characater operator ID, a faculty code, a project code, and BOX followed by the card box number or VOL followed by the book shelflist volume number.
- Source codes may be:
- ORC OCLC record claimed by OCLC staff
- ORH OCLC record claimed by Harvard staff
- ORK Record keyed by OCLC staff
- SRK Record keyed by SAZTEC staff
- Indicators - Both undefined; each contains a blank
- Subfield Codes
- $a Information or history reference (R)
- $b Date the field was processed by OCLC, in the form yyyymmdd (NR)
- $c Date the field was processed/loaded into HULPR, in the form yyyymmdd (NR)
- Aleph H48
950, 951 and 952 Reserved by LTS for use in publishing / reporting administrative data about each record
- These fields are reserved for use by LTS for publishing purposes.
955 IRIS event heading (R)
- Used for exporting data to IRIS consortium (Biblioteca Berenson)
First Type of event
- 1 Art exhibitions
- 2 Congresses
Second Undefined; contains a blank
Subfield Codes
- $a City (NR)
- $b Host institution (NR)
- $f Date (NR)
- $k Event class (Art exhibitions, Congresses) (NR)
- $5 Owning sublibrary (NR)
- Aleph H55
979 Non-standard name access -- technical services (NR)
In Alma Analytics: Physical Items > Bibliographic Details > Local param 05
- Indexed and displayed only to staff; not displayed in Web OPAC.
- H79 defined to provide a provisional name access point that is not indexed for access in the Web OPAC. Subfields are defined as for 100, 110, or 111 fields, depending upon the value of the second indicator.
- Indicators
- First Undefined; contains a blank
- Second Type of name
- Blank No type of name specified
- 1 Personal name (100)
- 2 Corporate name (110)
- 3 Meeting/conference name (111)
- Subfield Codes - Personal name (100)
- $a Name (surname and forenames) (NR)
- $b Numeration (NR)
- $c Titles and other words associated with a name (R)
- $d Dates associated with a name (NR)
- $e Relator term (R)
- $f Date of a work (NR)
- $g Miscellaneous information (NR)
- $k Form subheading (R)
- $l Language of a work (NR)
- $n Number of part/section of a work (R)
- $p Name of part/section of a work (R)
- $q Fuller form of name (NR)
- $t Title of a work (NR)
- $u Affiliation (NR)
- $4 Relator code (R)
- Subfield Codes - Corporate name (110)
- $a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element (NR)
- $b Subordinate unit (R)
- $c Location of meeting (NR)
- $d Date of meeting or treaty signing (R)
- $e Relator term (R)
- $f Date of a work (NR)
- $g Miscellaneous information (NR)
- $k Form subheading (R)
- $l Language of a work (NR)
- $n Number of part/section/meeting (R)
- $p Name of part/section of a work (R)
- $t Title of a work (NR)
- $u Affiliation (NR)
- $4 Relator code (R)
- Subfield Codes - Conference name (111)
- $a Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element (NR)
- $b Number [OBSOLETE]
- $c Location of meeting (NR)
- $d Date of meeting (NR)
- $e Subordinate unit (R)
- $f Date of a work (NR)
- $g Miscellaneous information (NR)
- $k Form subheading (R)
- $l Language of a work (NR)
- $n Number of part/section/meeting (R)
- $p Name of part/section of a work (R)
- $q Name of meeting following jurisdiction name entry
- element (NR)
- $t Title of a work (NR)
- $u Affiliation (NR)
- $4 Relator code (R)
- Aleph H79
98X RESERVED for EOD use
991 Used for WorldCat Updates - reason for record output
998 No-overlay field (NR)
In Alma Analytics: Physical Items > Bibliographic Details > Local param 07
- The general intent of this field is to prevent overlay of the record through automated processes, though there may be exceptions. Best practice is to NOT use field 998, and to catalog in Connexion when appropriate.
- Note that specific fields with subfield 5, and local fields, are protected even when a record is overlaid; therefore staff should not use 998 solely due to the presence of fields with $5. See Alma Merging Algorithms and Protected Fields, incl. valid subfield 5 codes for details on protected fields.
- This field was added to all migrated records from Aleph, with the exception of records where the holding has 908 $a with p or i. Units may request to have the field removed from batches of records so that they may be upgraded through batch loads.
- This field is automatically removed when records are brought in (via Merge) from Search Resources and Connexion
- Example: 998 $$a NO-OVERLAY
Local Holdings Fields
014 OCLC Record Number (R)
In Alma Analytics: Physical Items > Holding Details > Local param 07
Indicators - both blank
Subfield Codes
$a OCLC record number (NR)
$b Source of number: OCoLC (NR)
In form: $a 4815820 $b OCoLC
079 Will be obsolete in future: OCLC Record Number (R)
0 OCLC number - master record
Blank - Undefined
Subfield Codes
$a OCLC record number (NR)
In form: ocm4815820 or ocn122824780
$z Cancelled/invalid system control number (R)
901 HULPR record number, short form (NR)
First Check digit
0-9 Check digit value
Second Undefined; contains a blank
Subfield Codes
$a HULPR record number, Short form (NR)
Short form is: 3 letters, 4 digits
$b Copy number (expressed as 3 decimal digits) (NR)
$x Copy number (expressed as 2 hexadecimal digits) (NR)
Aleph H01
903 HULPR record number (1985-june 30, 2002), in RLIN form (NR)
Both undefined; each contains a blank
Subfield Codes
$a HULPR record number, in RLIN form (NR)
RLIN form
MH, HULPR record number and check digit, HOLLIS institution code e.g., MHATT43861HU
Aleph H03
904 System use only (OCLC Data Sync)
This field is a copy of 014 and is used for system purposes during the OCLC Data Sync process.
908 Cataloging status (catstat) for holding (NR)
This field is no longer used to determine what gets sent to OCLC. Please see bib field 914 to learn how to prevent a record from being sent to OCLC.
This field may be used by staff for local tracking purposes.
In Alma Analytics: Physical Items > Holding Details > Local param 01
Indicators - Both undefined; each contains a blank
Alma usage:
Subfield Codes
$a Cataloging status coded value (NR)
- p = preliminary (not cataloged).
- Optional depending on a unit's practice:
- c
- i
Aleph H08. Historical usage:
- Subfield Codes
- $a Cataloging status coded value (NR)
- Code Meaning
- p preliminary (not cataloged)
- c cataloged
- i intermediate (goes to OCLC, is eligible for overlay)
- x suppressed [OBSOLETE] [in CONVerted records only; field STA is used to specify that Holding Record is suppressed]
- $b Date (in form yyyymmdd) (NR)
- N.B. Date may be input by entering subfield b with content t -- i.e., $bt. Upon saving record, system will change t to today's date.
- N.B. Date may be input by entering subfield b with content o -- i.e., $bo. Upon saving record, system will change o to 20020630
HULPR CONVerted records, values from HULPR LOC second indicator, value p (preliminary), c (cataloged), x (suppressed)
909 Reporting field/subfield (R)
In Alma Analytics: Physical Items > Holding Details > Local param 02
Both undefined; each contains a blank
Subfield Codes
$k Reporting subfield (NR)
$m Reporting subfield (NR)
$r Reject decision (NR) - controlled value: "Retain record for acq decision"
- See "Recording Reject Decisions" on Collection Management - Policy for Suppression and Deletion
$x Reject decision (NR) - concise free text. This subfield should only be present if $r exists
- See "Recording Reject Decisions" on Collection Management - Policy for Suppression and Deletion
In CONVerted records, HULPR LOC subfield k with each blank represented by ^
Blank must be entered as ^ in this field.
Aleph H09
910 Statistical reporting field (NR)
Both undefined; each contains a blank
Subfield Codes
- $a Reporting subfield (NR)
- $b Reporting subfield (NR)
- $c Reporting subfield (NR)
- $d Date (in form yyyymmdd) (NR)
- $e Reporting subfield (NR)
- $f Reporting subfield (NR)
- $g Reporting subfield (NR)
- $h Reporting subfield (NR)
- $i Reporting subfield (NR)
- $j Reporting subfield (NR)
Aleph H10
912 Additional call number for serials (NR)
In CONVerted records, values from HULPR LOC subfield e
Both undefined; each contains a blank
Subfield Codes
$e Additional call number for serial (R)
Aleph H12
920 Title-level cataloging statistics
In Alma Analytics: Physical Items > Holding Details > Local param 03
For current practice please see /wiki/spaces/ITSworkflows/pages/54821557
921 Piece level cataloging statistics
In Alma Analytics: Physical Items > Holding Details > Local param 04
As of FY20 (July 2019), this field is no longer used by ITS.
Former usage in Aleph (i.e. pre July 2018):
First Material Type Level
1 Primary material type
2 Additional material type
Second Volume Count Level
1 First volume count
2 Subsequent volume count
Subfield Codes
- $a Counter - by material type (NR)
- $b Material type (NR)
- $d Date pieces added (yyyymmdd) (NR)
- $e Library or Technical Services unit (NR)
- $f Cataloger (NR)
- $x Note (NR)
Aleph H21
966, 967, 968 Manually generated holdings statements
Field 966 In Alma Analytics: Physical Items > Holding Details > Local param 09
Because fields 866, 867, 868 are reserved for Alma automatically generated holdings statements, 966, 967, 968 may be used for manually generated holdings statements by staff.
- Please use the same content and input guidelines as defined for 866-868, with the exception that $8 is not mandatory: http://www.loc.gov/marc/holdings/hd866868.html.
- The fields are shared with OCLC only if an $8 exists.
- $8 has no functionality in 966 in Alma itself
These fields may co-exist with 966/7/8.
866/7/8 fields from Aleph migrated as 966/7/8.
972 Authentication code
In Alma Analytics: Physical Items > Holding Details > Local param 06
Implemented at the holdings level for Registry of Digital Masters.
Both undefined; each contains a blank
Subfield Code
$a Authentication code (R)
- dc Dublin Core
- dhca Dance Heritage Coalition Access Project
- dlr Digital Library Registry
- gamma Georgia Archives & Manuscripts Automated Access Project
- gils Government Information Location Service
- isds/c ISSN/Canada
- lc Library of Congress
- lcac LC Annotated Children's Cataloging Program
- lccopycat LC copy cataloging
- lccopycat-nm LC copy cataloging-Near Match
- lcd CONSER full authority application
- lcderive LC derived cataloging
- lchlas LC Handbook of Latin American Studies
- lcllh LC Law Library Hispanic
- lcnccp LC National Coordinated Cataloging Program
- lcnitrate LC nitrate film
- lcnuc National Union Catalog
- lcode LC overseas data entry
- msc CONSER minimal authority application
- nlc National Library of Canada
- nsdp National Serial Data Program
- nst New Serial Titles (SE) [Obsolete]
- ntccf LC National Translations Center citation file
- pcc Program for Cooperative Cataloging
- premarc LC PreMARC Retrospective Conversion Project
- sanb South African National Bibliography Project
- xisds/c ISSN/Canada does not consider item a serial
- xlc LC does not consider item a serial
- xnlc NLC does not consider item a serial
- xnsdp NSDP does not consider item a serial
Aleph H72
976 System use only - scanned barcode(s) for FIG holdings
Please do not update FIG holdings except as noted in the documentation: Google and HathiTrust Discovery and Data Maintenance through Alma.
Note that there is no subfield a. The only mandatory subfield is b.
976 fields should only exist in FIG holdings. A given barcode in 976 should appear only once across the database.
- b Barcode
- v Item description
- w Enum A
- x Enum B
- y Chron I
- z Chron J
977 "Bound with" or Container Information (R)
In Alma Analytics: Physical Items > Holding Details > Local param 05
Used for identification of related bibliographic record where items are attached as in the case of bound with. Also used for series where items are on another bib record. Also used to hold container identifiers for items in boxes.
Read more, and see screenshots, on the Function of 977 field in holdings (in HOLLIS, with or without Aeon)
- Indicators
- First
Nature of Relationship0 Relationship – Related bibliographic record with item(s)- leave blank if you want the field to display in HOLLIS
- 9 - do not display field in HOLLIS
- Second Undefined; contains a blank
- First
- Subfield Codes
- N.B. Subfield requirements:
- Either $f (bib identifier) or $w (container identifier) must always be present
- If $f (bib identifier) is used, $t should also be present. Past practice also included:
- $a and $t (source for $t data is 245 in related record)
- $a and $s (source of $s data is 240 in related record)
- $t (source of $t data is 130 or 245 in related record)
- $f system number of related record (NR)
- in migrated records, contains 9-digit Aleph number
- in prospective Alma records, contains MMS ID from bib 001 of related record
- You may use either the Aleph or the Alma number in $f but not both. Only one $f should be present.
- The presence of $f will generate display text in HOLLIS "For availability see..." and a hyperlink to the record number in $f
- $w container identifier (NR)
- this may include the barcode of the box in which the piece resides, or other identifier for container
- for Aeon requests from HOLLIS, this subfield will be mapped into the Aeon workform when patrons click View in Library. It will not be displayed to patrons, but will appear when staff use the Aeon client.
- If 977 is repeated, only one should have $w
- $a Main entry heading (NR)
- Contains the main entry heading data (without the content designation) from 100, 110, or 111 in the related record.
- Individual components of the name are not recorded in separate subfields as they would be in a 100, 110 or 111 field.
- $s Uniform title (NR)
- Contains the title information from field 240 of the
- related record.
- Individual components of the uniform title are not recorded in separate subfields as they would be in a 240 field.
- $t Title (NR)
- Contains the title information from subfields a, f, g, k, n, and p of field 245 or 130 of the related record. Individual components of the title are not recorded in separate subfields as they would be in 245 or 130 field. Initial articles (e.g., The, La) are generally not recorded in subfield t unless in the related record the article is filed on (e.g., Los Angeles). [Note that in CONVerted records initial articles may be present in error]
- $g Related parts (R)
- Contains designation of the specific piece or pieces involved in the relationship with the related record. Used when the item for only a part of what is recorded in the holdings record is linked to a related bibliographic record. For a Best Practices example, see Serial with some issues bound with another serial.
- $c Copy number (NR)
- Contains a copy number or letter (e.g., 1, A)
- [Not present in CONVerted records]
- Aleph: H77
- HULPR: LOC subfield j
987 – Baker migration fields from BKO holding
Baker staff should remove these when updating holdings.
980 – Library of record field
Indexed and displayed only to staff; not displayed in Web OPAC.
Subfields a, b, c and d are required (mandatory).
Both undefined; each contains a blank
Subfield Codes
To be input in the order listed below
$a Code for project (NR)
Project code registered with OIS; Current projects are HCL
and HUL
$b Sublibrary code (NR)
Sublibrary code in uppercase
$c Holdings covered by library-of-record decision (NR)
Not to be used unless a library-of-record needs to report specific holdings from the holdings record as LOR holdings. Example: a Joint library of Record where only part of the library's holdings are the library-of-record holdings or if the LOR is only for supplements and/or indexes.
Input following form for Textual Holdings (866-868) inputting enumeration and chronology separately with enumeration recorded first and chronology enclosed in parentheses, e.g., v.1-6(1901-1906)
$d Date of library-of-record decision (NR) 8 digits in form YYYYMMDD
Note: Date may be input by entering subfield d with content t (i.e., $dt). Upon saving record, system will change t to today's date.
$e Person/Committee making library-of-record decision (NR)
$f Locally defined codes (NR)
$g Note concerning library-of-record decision (NR)
Aleph H80
990 Local Holdings Record Number (LHRN)
Unique identifier assigned to Local Holdings Record by OCLC LHR Data Sync process.
992 Copy of misc notes for Primo use, in cases where field has angle brackets
Do not edit this field. It will be deleted and re-created every time the holding is saved. This field is used as a workaround to a bug which prevents the display of data within angle brackets in the Get It area of Primo. Holdings notes with angle brackets will be duplicated in this field, with the <> changed to () for display purposes. This will cause some redundant display, but no data loss, and will not affect the original data in <>. Affects several thousand holdings.
993 Copy of 583/1 or 583/_ for Primo use
Do not edit this field. It will be deleted and re-created every time the holding is saved. It is used to display/index the 583 in Primo only when the 1st ind is 1 (public) or blank.
994 Copy of 977 Bound-with for Primo use
Do not edit this field. It will be deleted and re-created every time the holding is saved. It is used to display 977 with addition of a permalink
995 Copy of 008 receipt status for Primo use
Do not edit this field. It will be deleted and re-created every time the holding is saved. It is used to display receipt status from 008.
996 Copy of 561/1 or 561/_ for Primo use
Do not edit this field. It will be deleted and re-created every time the holding is saved. It is used to display/index the 561 in Primo only when the 1st ind is 1 (public) or blank.
997 Copy of 541/1 for Primo use
Do not edit this field. It will be deleted and re-created every time the holding is saved. It is used to display/index the 541 in Primo only when the 541 1st ind is 1 (public).
999 Brinkler Call number (R)
In CONVerted records, values from SIRSI fields 099.
Both undefined; each contains a blank
Subfield Codes
$a - converted data (NR)
Aleph H99