Alma Merging Algorithms and Protected Fields, incl. valid subfield 5 codes


Merge routines in Alma are defined by Harvard. 

Current routines, with a history of changes, are tracked via GitHub here:

Routines are used as follows: 

Merge NameApplication
SYS-A-Staff-MDE-PreferLeftapplied in MDE when staff use Combine Records and Merge Inventory (record on left is preferred)
SYS-Batch-Connexionapplied to records exported from Connexion client to Alma
SYS-ExternalResourceapplied when merging a record from an External Resource in MDE
SYS-Batch-PreferIncomingused for certain data loads
SYS-Batch-PreferIncoming, drop 914used for certain data loads. Drops 914 No-WorldCat if present in the database record. The incoming record is an improvement over the stub therefore it is safe to report to WorldCat. 
SYS-Batch-Localused for certain data loads
SYS-WorldCat-Updates-No-Overlayused for WorldCat updates, when bib has No-Overlay field
SYS-WorldCat-Updates-Overlayused for WorldCat updates, when bib lacks No-Overlay field

Protected Fields in Bibs: local fields and use of subfield 5

Protected bib fields with $5

When these bib fields have a subfield 5 with a VALID 3-character code (see below), they will be retained during merges: 

  • 246
  • 500, 501, 526, 541, 585, 588 
  • 655
  • 700 , 710, 711
  • 730, 740
  • 800 , 810, 811
  • 830

880 fields (non-Latin scripts) do not get protected if $5 is present. 

These fields are always protected (regardless of subfield 5): 

  • 69X
  • 752 (this field will also be added from the non-preferred record when using the "prefer left record" manual merge)
  • 9XX excluding 998 (no-overlay field)

Valid $5 codes

The best practice is to enter the code in lower case when used in $5, with no trailing punctuation. If the code is upper case or trailing punctuation is present, the field will still be protected.

Do not use MARC organization codes in Alma - the fields will not be protected unless they have one of the codes below. 

ajp  Arnold Arboretum Horticultural Library
arg  Botany Gray ArnoldBotany 1 of 6
arnBotany Arnold (Cambridge)Botany 2 of 6
bakBaker Business
berBiblioteca Berenson
cabCabot Science
ddoDumbarton Oaks
desFrances Loeb Library
divHarvard Divinity School Library
ecbBotany EconomicBotany 3 of 6
envEnvironmental Information Center
falFine Arts Library
farBotany Farlow LibraryBotany 4 of 6
funFung Library
graBotany Gray HerbariumBotany 5 of 6
gutGutman Education
helCenter for Hellenic Studies
hfaHarvard Film Archive
houHoughton Library
huaHarvard University Archives
hul(used when heading is not limited to a single library)Example use: e-reader collection
hylHarvard Yenching Library
ksgHarvard Kennedy School
lawHarvard Law School Library
mapHarvard Map Collection
mczErnst Mayr Library
medCountway Medicine

Microforms (Lamont)

MIC is no longer a separate library in Alma. It was subsumed by LAM. You may still use the code in $5

mmfMaster Microforms
musLoeb Music Library
netOnline Resource
orcBotany Ames OrchidBotany 6 of 6

Poetry Room (Lamont)

POE is no longer a separate library in Alma. It was subsumed by LAM. You may still use the code in $5

schSchlesinger Library
theTheatre Collection
widWidener Library
wolJohn G. Wolbach Library

Obsolete $5 codes - not protected

  • The codes below may exist in our data due to past organizational structure or integrations.
    • afr, art, bio, car, cea, crl, dan, dcj, dev, fig, for, fri, geo, gib, gro, hsl, ill, kir, lin, lit, mur, nmm, oph, pal, pea, phi, phy, psy, qua, rrc, san, sbr, scc, sia, smy, soc, sta, uri, wei
  • These should NOT be used prospectively.
  • They are NOT protected during Alma merge routines. 
  • You are not required to take them out or leave them in, but MSWG advises that you change them to that of the current holding library if applicable. 

Non-Harvard $5 codes

Fields with subfield 5 from non-Harvard institutions should be removed from our records if they are encountered. 

When using Alma's Search Resources or Connexion, these fields are removed from the incoming records if they contain subfield 5:  246, 500, 501, 561, 562, 563, 655, 700, 710, 711, 730, 740, 800, 810, 811, 830

Protected Fields in Holdings

Because we have no processes that merge holdings record in Alma, there are no merge routines.