[OLD] Metadata Editor (MDE): Navigation and Overview

[OLD] Metadata Editor (MDE): Navigation and Overview

See Metadata Editor (MDE)


Opening records in the Metadata Editor (MDE)

The Metadata Editor can be launched two ways:

  1. A search result from the persistent search box can be pushed into the MDE by clicking on the “Edit Record” button. This button can be found at the top right of a search result. Note: you may need to click on the ... menu button ("More actions") to find "Edit Record" in the drop down options. 
  2. The MDE can be opened directly from the persistent menu under Resources > Open Metadata Editor. A new bibliographic record can be created in the open MDE under File > New > MARC21 Bibliographic.

Please refer to the section on Releasing records in the MDE 

Introduction Video to the Metadata Editor

Video Overview of the Alma Metadata Editor (click to watch, 9 minutes)

This brief review of the MDE includes all of the topics on this page. Thanks to Gayle Fischer of the Training Working Group for the script and Michael Beckett of ITS for producing the video.

Left Pane

The left pane of the MDE has the following tabs:


This tab contains templates that enable you to create new records based on a template, or use one of the templates to override existing data. Refer to future documentation for more information about Templates.


This tab contains the brief title information (move the mouse over a record and a tool tip displays the full title) and metadata ID linked to the record. Records are grouped according to type, such as MARC21 bibliographic, MARC21 holdings, LC name authority records, etc. The size limit of a record is 1 MB.

    • The Local Repository icon (blue house) indicates that the record has been saved in the local repository.

    • The Draft icon (grey house) indicates that the record is a draft and is not saved to the repository.

    • The Suppressed icon (eye with a diagonal red line) indicates that the record has been suppressed from external discovery systems, including Primo.


This tab contains the private and shared normalization, merge, indication, brief record level, and authority headings rules that you created, as well as any shared rules at Harvard.  Refer to future documentation for more information about Rules.

Lower Pane

The lower pane provides additional assistance for editing a record and includes the following tabs:


Definitions for each MARC tag, including indicators and subfields. The embedded page can be displayed in a new window.


Errors and Warning alerts, if an element in the record is invalid.

Clicking on the text of the alert box will take your cursor to the field in the main pane with the problem

Text in a yellow box is a warning. The record can be saved in this state.


Text in a red box is an error. The record cannot be saved in this state.

Linked Data

Taking the resource described in the MARC record as its subject, provides:

    • JSON-LD data in a table form, with the predicate of each statement represented in the left most column

    • URI representing the object of the statement in the middle column

    • The object label in the rightmost column.

    • Data not likely to have a URI as its object is omitted from this view, but is included in the full JSONLD output. It is available as a download by clicking in the center column of the last line.

    • URIs for LCSH may be for a portion of the post-coordinated subject string only.

    • URIs are only provided for some vocabularies

Main Pane

When you open a record in the repository for editing, it is checked out to you. This prevents other users from modifying the same record at the same time and overriding your changes.

Other users will be able to view the record, but will not be able to edit it. They will see a notice that the record is locked by you.

Note: If another user has the record locked, you will not be able to see the record's Version History (Tools > View Versions).

All your locked records will appear in a list in the Left Pane, and will continue to be there until you release them. They will remain locked and listed in the Left Pane even after you exit the MDE or sign out of Alma.

  • If 4 hours (a Harvard-defined setting) have elapsed and you have not released the record, the system will automatically release it, and it will continue to appear in your Left Pane until another user edits it or you release it.

  • Clicking on the record again and loading it into your MDE re-locks it.

A locked record may be updated through overnight batch jobs, such as "preferred term correction". If this happens, when you open the record the next day, you will get an alert that the record may have changed and you should reload it.

To reload: go to File > Reload Original Record. This will load the record with any recent system changes.

  > Arrow fields and tabs may be used to navigate within a record.

  > If you use tabs instead of spaces to move through indicators in a field, your cursor gets placed in front of the subfield instead of after.

  > Control + F may be used to find text in a record.

  Best practice: When you have finished editing or viewing a record, choose File > Save and Release Record (Ctrl+Alt+R).

  If you have not made any changes, you can instead select File > Release Record (Alt+Shift+R).

Menu options

Some options are also represented by dropdown menus and icons in the toolbar at the top of the Main Pane. These are noted below with their corresponding icon.

File menu




Open a new bibliographic, holdings, authority record, or rule

(warning) NOTE: when you hover over the New option it opens a submenu, which will stay open even as you move your cursor to other options in the File menu. This is a bug. This submenu should be ignored once you move your cursor to other options in the File menu.

Save Draft (Ctrl+Alt+S)

Runs validation routines and saves as draft (only you can see your changes to the record). Drafts are deleted if they have not been modified for 30 days.

Save Record (Ctrl+S)

Saves your changes, but the record is still locked by you

Save and Release Record (Ctrl+Alt+R)

Saves your changes and releases record for editing by others. When you release a record, it is no longer available in the left pane of the MDE. Best practice.


Creates a copy of the record.

Release Record (Alt+Shift+R)

Releases the record without saving the changes. When you release a record, it is no longer available in the left pane of the MDE.

Assign Record to Another Cataloger

Reassigns the record to another cataloger. It will be removed from your Left Pane. For the assignee, the record is displayed in bold in the list of open records in the MDE and a note is added under Tools > View Notes. You have the option of sending the user an email when you assign the record.  Best practice: Email the person, with a note, when you assign the record.

Release Assignment

Releases a lock on a bibliographic record that is assigned to you so that someone else can work on it.

Save as Template

Saves the current record as a template for recurrent use. See future documentation on templates.

Reload Original Record

Reloads (overwrites) the active record with the last version of the record saved in the repository and, thereby, discards any draft changes made.

Delete Record (Ctrl+D)

This option is enabled for a user with the Cataloger Extended role. A bibliographic record can be deleted only if there are no PO lines or inventory associated with it.

Exit (Ctrl+Q)

Exits the editor, and discards any unsaved changes (unless you select to save a draft upon exit).

Exiting the editor does not release any records. They remain checked out to you until you specifically release them or the record lock expires after 4 hours (Harvard-defined setting).

Edit Menu



Add Field (F8)

Adds a new empty row in the record.

Remove Field (Ctrl+F6)

Removes the selected field row.

Add Subfield (F9)

Adds a new subfield with the defined delimiter $$.

Alternate Graphic Representation…. Add

See separate documentation for more about working with records with vernacular scripts.

Enhance the Record (Ctrl+Alt+E)

Runs preconfigured normalization routines. For example, sorting a record's fields, removing empty fields, or stripping out fields containing order information.

Expand from Template (Ctrl+E)

Expands a record's data fields using a specified template. The record may be any of the following types: bibliographic, holdings, and authority. See more on templates in future documentation.

Generate Author Number (F4)

Not configured for Harvard.

Split Editor (F6)

Enables a side-by-side editing of two records (only one side is active at a time). Pressing F6 again reverts to normal view, with the pane that was in focus. The pane in focus has a blue highlight around it. See below for more information about the Split Editor.

Full Screen (F7)

Opens the main editing pane in the entire width of the page. Pressing F7 again reverts to normal view.

Open Form Editor (Ctrl+F)

Used for Fixed Field editing when the cursor is in the relevant row. May also be used in the holdings 852 field. Press Esc to exit the form editor.

Close Form Editor (Esc)

Press Esc to exit the Form Editor.

Cut (Ctrl+X)

Cuts the selected text.

Copy (Ctrl+C)

Copies the selected text. To copy multiple fields simultaneously, press Ctrl and select all the fields to be copied.

Paste (Ctrl+V)

Pastes text that was previously cut or copied. Fields are pasted at the cursor location. Pasting multiple fields simultaneously pastes the fields in their numerical sort order.

Show Directional Characters

See documentation on Vernacular Scripts.

Insert Directional Characters

See documentation on Vernacular Scripts.

Tools Menu



Search External Resources

Search external bibliographic databases (Z39.50 targets). See additional documentation.

View Versions

Enables you to view and restore a previous version of the record.  See additional documentation.

Validate (Ctrl + U)

Executes validation routines on the bibliographic record. Validation issues are displayed in the Alerts tab.

Browse Shelf Listing (Alt+C)

See additional documentation.

Browse Bib Headings

See additional documentation.

View Notes

In Alma, staff can add a staff-only note to a record that is not part of the MARC record. Only staff can see these notes. Notes can be added when assigning a record to another user or while the record is locked by you.

View Collections

N/A for Harvard (Part of Alma Digital)

Release All Records For User

Enables a catalog manager to release all of the bibliographic and holdings records assigned to a specific staff member.The released records become available to other catalogers for processing.

MARC Bibliographic

Derive New Record

Note: This does not mean the same thing it does in Connexion. Not to be used for creating separate record in another format.

In Alma, this allows you to to create a new bibliographic record based on the related bibliographic record (host/constituent entries). It includes the relations supported by either the 773 or 775 field. For more information, see Deriving a New Bibliographic Record - MARC 21.

Merge Records and Combine Inventory

See additional documentation.

Add holding (Ctrl+Alt+H)

Adds a holdings record that is linked to the current bibliographic record.

Add Local Portfolio (Alt+O)

For E-Resources: opens the New Portfolio page with the Use existing title radio button selected and the Choose title field filled in and identified as a required field with a red asterisk.

Add Representation

N/A for Harvard. (Part of Alma Digital)

Create POLine & Exit (Ctrl+Alt+O)

Creates a PO line based on the bibliographic information in the active record. (This requires the Inventory Operator role permissions).
When using this option, the bibliographic record is also automatically saved and released.

Find Matches (Ctrl+M)

See additional documentation.

View Inventory (Ctrl+I)

Checks for the following inventory linked to the bibliographic record and displays the results in split editor mode:

      • Holdings

      • Portfolios (E-resources)

      • Representations - N/A for Harvard (part of Alma-D)

      • Electronic collection (E-Resources)

View in Search

Displays the record in the results list format on the Repository Search page.

View Orders

Displays the record in the PO line list format on the Select PO Line page (when there is an order).

Related Records

Not yet configured for Harvard. (Used for host/consituent relationships for unique copies)

MARC 21 Holdings

Add Another Holding (Ctrl+Alt+H)

Add another holdings record to the bibliographic record.

Add Item (Alt+I)

Add an item record to the holdings record. Selecting this option opens the Physical Item Editor page.  See additional documentation.

View Bibliographic Record (Ctrl+Alt+B)

Display the bibliographic record.

Update from Bibliographic (Alt+U)

Add fields from the bibliographic record to the 852 field in the holdings record, according to the following rules:

      • For the 0 indicator, replaces the h and i subfields with the content of the bibliographic record’s 050 a and b subfields (respectively). If there is no 050 field in the bibliographic record, the 090 a and b subfields are used instead.

      • For the 1 indicator, replaces the h and i subfields with the content of the bibliographic record’s 082 a and b subfields (respectively).

      • For the 2 indicator, replaces the h and i subfields with the content of the bibliographic record’s 060 a and b subfields (respectively).

      • For the 3 indicator, adds the h and i subfields with the content of the bibliographic record’s 086 a and b subfields (respectively). If the h and i subfields are already populated, their values are left as is and not replaced.

      • For the 8 indicator, adds the h subfield with a concatenation of the bibliographic record's 084 a subfield values. (If the h subfield is already populated, its value is left as is.) Also replaces the i subfield with a concatenation of the 084 b subfield values.

Relink to a Different Bibliographic Record

Relinks the holdings record to a different bibliographic record. For more information, see additional documentation.

Generate Accession Number

Generates an accession number for the holdings record in the 852 field. See future documentation for additional information.

Next predicted Item's information

See future documentation for additional information.

Open predicted items

See future documentation for additional information.

View Inventory (Ctrl+I)

Checks for the following inventory linked to the bibliographic record and displays the results in split editor mode.

Set Management Tags

Suppress from Discovery

Tags the record to exclude/include it from being published to the end-user discovery system (Primo). If a record has been suppressed, the Suppressed icon appears next to the record in the left pane of the MDE and in the repository search results.

Make sure you're familiar with the policy on when to suppress vs. delete a bib record: Collection Management - Policy for Suppression and Deletion

Export to WorldCat

Not used by Harvard.

Force export to WorldCat

Not used by Harvard.

Brief Level

Displays the level of a brief record. See additional documentation.


Note that the Toolbar uses vertical bars to group related actions.

Split Editor

The Split Editor function separates the main pane into two windows, allowing the side-by-side editing of two records or the display of other screens from menu operations, such as Browse Shelf Listing, Find Matches, etc.  

(info) Three ways to toggle the Split Editor between open and closed:

  • Hit F6
  • From the toolbar: Edit > Split Editor 
  • Click the split editor icon in the toolbar:  (Open) or  (Close) from the MDE Toolbar

When two records are being edited, only one pane will be in focus. The pane in focus will have a grey box around the editing information in the header of the record, may have a blue highlight around the entire pane or a field in the record, and the corresponding entry in the Records tab of the Left Pane will be highlighted in blue. If you close the Split Editor, the Main Pane will revert to displaying the pane that was in focus.

Releasing records in the Metadata Editor

Records will remain locked and listed in the Left Pane, even after you exit the MDE or sign out of Alma.

Exiting the MDE does not release any records. They remain checked out to you until you specifically release them or the record lock expires after 4 hours (Harvard-defined setting).

Best practice: When you have finished editing or viewing a record, choose File > Save and Release Record (Ctrl+Alt+R). If you have not made any changes, you can use File > Release Record (Alt+Shift+R).

  • Additionally: From the Left Pane under the Records tab, you can Release All Records by clicking on the heading for a record type (MARC21 Bibliographic, MARC21 Holdings, etc). Alma will release all records without saving and will not warn you about unsaved changes.

To find out if you have unreleased records, open the Records tab of the Left Pane. Be sure to check all four headings (Dublin Core, MARC21 Bibliographic, LC name authority records, and MARC21 Holdings) for unreleased records.

(info) A collapsed list of open records in the Left Pane will have a plus sign icon to the left of the heading title. Click to un-collapse the list.

Metadata Editor (MDE) features: record history, autosave, drafts

Record history

Alma automatically backs up versions of records saved to the repository and makes them available for future reference.

Previous versions continue to be available even after a record has been saved and released in the repository. They are accessed via Tools > View versions.

Restoring a previous version overwrites the current version in the repository.

Changes made by staff will show their name. Changes made by "System" refer to jobs such as a Preferred Term Correction (authority control), and "API" refers to some scripted processes such as OCLC Data Sync. "Import" refers to the migration from Aleph. 

If another user has the record locked, you will not be able to see the Version History.

Versions are kept indefinitely. There are currently no plans to purge record versions over time, though we may need to if it causes system performance issues.


The Autosave feature does not replace Saving the record permanently. The MDE has an auto-save function that helps prevent changes from being lost if you navigate away from the MDE before saving the record.

The autosave occurs every 30 seconds after a change is made. A message with the time of latest autosave appears below the MDE Toolbar.


Saving Records as Drafts

We do not recommend saving records as drafts. We recommend always using one of these options:

  • Save, if you’re still working on the record and want to lock it

  • Save and Release, if you’re done with the record

Both of the above options will allow all staff to search and view the record.

If you do want to use the draft feature:

> You will be the only one who can see the record

> The record will be deleted after 30 days if you do not save it.

Drafts of new records that have not been released into the repository can be identified by a grayed-out house icon to the left of the title.

Unlike editing records on a local save file in Aleph, which saves any changes made upon closing, in Alma, releasing a record without saving results in loss of work.

Source document: https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Product_Documentation/Alma_Online_Help_(English)/Resource_Management/040Metadata_Management/020Navigating_the_MD_Editor_Page

External Link: Metadata Editor keyboard shortcuts: PDF Document on Google posted by BibSys (Norwegian library system). All commands work as of Oct 2017. This document has some keyboard shortcuts not listed in the ExL MDE page.