DRS documentation files (Opaque Object)
Julie Wetherill
Emily Kelly
Former user (Deleted)
LTS encourages the creation and deposit of documentation within opaque objects to increase the chances that this content can be migrated into fully supportable DRS objects in the future, and so that all information known about this content can be made available to future stewards of this material.
The file names of all documentation files should start with the prefix drs_documentation. The files should be located within a directory called documentation, as shown in the File and directory structure topic. These documentation files can be one or more text, PDF or spreadsheet files. The recommended formats for these files are:
- If text: plain text (ASCII or UTF-8 encoding) (.txt) or OpenDocument Text (.odt)
- If PDF: PDF/A-1a (*.pdf)
- If spreadsheet: OpenDocument Spreadsheet (*.ods)
These files may include information about file relationships within an opaque object, documentation of original order, licenses or donor agreements, etc. Files describing original order or rights should be named according to the following guidelines.
Documenting original order
In keeping with archival practice, depositors are encouraged to document the original order and structure of files as they are submitted to them, especially when large file sets are split into separate opaque objects. The DRS documentation file that documents the original order should conform to the recommended formats listed above, and be deposited with all relevant opaque objects (those split from the original order). The file names of these files should start with the prefix drs_documentation_original_order.
Documenting rights
It is recommended that Donor agreements and other licenses should be loaded as separate objects to the DRS, before the opaque objects are loaded. See Section 10. Adding Licenses, Documentation and Other Supporting Content for more information. When opaque objects are created in Batch Builder, an object URN of the related rights object can be inserted in object Optional metadata panel.
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