Create an advanced audio batch (command line)
Julie Wetherill
Paul Aloisio
Dee Dee Crema
Use this method to deposit audio files along with additional supporting files containing technical and structural metadata about your audio – such as ADL audio decision lists, AES-57 technical metadata files and AES-60 structural files (playlists) for governing audio playback.
If you don't need to deposit these additional files with your audio, use the procedures described in the sections on Manually Build Audio Objects from Template and Automatically Build Audio Objects from Template to deposit your audio instead. If you want to deposit only audio files and corresponding AES-60 playlists, you may do so using the Audio genre and Text genre in Batch Builder GUI. First deposit the audio and then deposit the playlists as a separate Text object batch. See Manually build audio objects from template and Automatically build audio objects from template for depositing simple audio and Creating Text Object Batches for depositing audio playlists as text objects.
Note that BB2 in advanced mode is COMMAND LINE ONLY. Required and optional metadata such as deposit settings, object and file metadata is supplied using special configuration files.
Default audio properties
Default audio properties for advanced audio are stored in the “/conf/advanced/audio” directory of Batch Builder install directory. These files are never changed under normal circumstances. They govern default metadata assignments for advanced audio. Most default assignments can be overwritten by object-specific, and file-specific properties files.
The following default audio properties files are present in the “/conf/advanced/audio” directory:
The following settings are set in each file:
- #properties for the archival directory
- usageClass=LOWUSE
- isFirstGenerationInDrs=yes
- #directories to scan for content. Each directory could have a
- # corresponding file
- dirs=archival,production,deliverable,misc
- cmid=CMID-2.0
- #properties for the deliverable directory
- usageClass=HIGHUSE
- isFirstGenerationInDrs=no
- #properties for the misc directory
- usageClass=LOWUSE
- isFirstGenerationInDrs=unspecified
- #properties for the playlists directory
- usageClass=HIGHUSE
- isFirstGenerationInDrs=unspecified
- #properties for the production directory
- usageClass=LOWUSE
- isFirstGenerationInDrs=no
Command Line Syntax
The existing Batch Builder Windows bat and Unix shell scripts are used to launch Batch Builder in advanced mode. The syntax is:
- On PC: batchbuildercli –advanced audio –d [object directory path]
- Use Windows style directory separator '\'
- On Mac or Linux: ./ -advanced audio –d [object directory path]
- use UNIX style directory separator '/'
Note that by default the object directory name serves as the object Owner Supplied Name (you can override that in file).
Example 1 (Windows): batchbuildercli –advanced audio –d "C:\mybatch\004390909"
Example 2 (Mac / Linux): ./ -advanced audio -d /mybatch/004390909
Additional command line optional properties
All command line optional properties for deposit settings, object settings and file settings that are available for "simple CLI" in Batch Builder are also now available in advanced CLI. See more here:
Arrange the content in the directory structure required by Batch Builder
Below is a sample directory structure created in preparation for use with Batch Builder. Underlined directories must be named as shown. Other directories can exist in the directory structure but Batch Builder will ignore them.
/batch/ (required) relationships.csv (required for derivative relationships) mods.xml (optional; descriptive metadata for the object) /batch/object/ archival/ (required if there are archival master files) digiprov.xml (optional process history for object) sub_dir1_Media/ (“_Media” is an optional suffix) file1.wav file1.xml (AES57 metadata for file1.wav) (DRS metadata for file1.wav) file2.wav file2.xml (AES57 metadata for file2.wav) (DRS metadata for file2.wav) sub_dir2_Media/ (“_Media” is an optional suffix) file1.wav file1.xml (AES 57 metadata for file1.wav) (DRS metadata for file1.wav) file2.wav file2.xml (AES57 metadata for file2.wav) (DRS metadata forfile2.wav) sub_dir1.adl (ADL for *.wav files in sub_dir1) sub_dir2.adl (ADL for *.wav files in sub_dir2) deliverable/ (required if have deliverable files) performances/ (required if have deliverable files) file1.mp3 file1.xml (AES57 metadata for file1.mp3) (DRS metadata for file1.mp3) file2.mp3 file2.xml (AES57 metadata for file2.mp3) (DRS metadata for file2.mp3) playlists/ (required for playlists) playlist1.xml (AES60 file) playlist2.xml (AES60 file) misc/ (optional; contains any # of files in any format) original/ (optional) audio_object.xml(optional AES57 metadata for original item) production/ (required if have production master files) sub_dir1_Media/ (“_Media” is an optional suffix) file1.wav file1.xml (AES57 metadata for file1.wav) (DRS metadata for file1.wav) file2.wav file2.xml (AES57 metadata for file2.wav) (DRS metadata for file2.wav) sub_dir2_Media/ (“_Media” is an optional suffix) file1.wav file1.xml (AES57 metadata for file1.wav) (DRS metadata for file1.wav) file2.wav file2.xml (AES57 metadata for file2.wav) (DRS metadata for file2.wav) sub_dir1.adl (ADL for *.wav files in sub_dir1) sub_dir2.adl (ADL for *.wav files in sub_dir2) workspace/ (optional; can contain any # of files in any format)
Create the required configuration file
This file should be put into the root of the batch directory. The file contains all required batch level and object level settings. The format of it must be:
- US-ASCII text
- Each line in "property=value" format
- Lines can be commented out by starting the line with the '#' symbol.
- Can't use reserved XML characters (see the table below for full list).
- Table of properties. The table below lists the properties that can be specified in this file. An example file is shown in Figure 2.
Property | Valid Values | Example | Meaning |
accessFlag | one of: P,R,N | R | The default access flag to use for this object's files. Can be overridden by the access flag specified in file level properties files. |
adminCategory | A comma-delimited list of one or more Wordshack URIs | adminCategory=http\:// | Administrative categories to associate with the object |
alephID | a valid Aleph or Alma Identifier | 009513791 or 990086637850203941 | Aleph or Alma Number for MODS import |
authorityPath | a valid NRS authority path | FHCL.Loeb | Authority path for any URNs that will be created for this object's files |
batchName | 100 character limit; Valid values: ASCII alpha-numeric characters, / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"/ | Valid value examples: Project_137_4a~5.1a | Name for the batch |
billingCode | a valid Billing Code | FHCL.MUSI.MUS_004 | Billing code for the object |
depositAgent | a valid 8 digit HUID | xxxxxxxx | Person depositing the object. |
depositAgentEmail | a valid email address | | Email of person depositing the object. This email has to exactly match a depositor's Wordshack entry email. |
objectOSN | A unique value within the content's Owner Code | A299ff | Name for the object |
ownerCode | a valid Owner Code | FHCL.MUSI | Owning unit of the object |
resourcePattern | an NRS resource pattern, see Section 7. Assigning File URN Resource Name Patterns | {n} | Resource name pattern for any URNs created for this object's files |
role | currently no roles for audio object are used |
| One or more roles for the object (not likely to be used - included to support future uses) |
failureEmail | one or more valid email addresses separated by commas | People who will be sent failed loader reports | |
successEmail | one or more valid email addresses separated by commas | People who will be sent successful loader reports | |
successMethod | one of: EMAIL, DROPBOX, ALL | Distribution method for the loader reports | |
embargoDuration |
| Embargo duration value in days, months or years |
embargoBasis |
| One of the controlled values:
copyright |
embargoLicense |
| URN of the DRS license object – corresponds to BB GUI field Documentation |
embargoLicenseTerms |
| Corresponds to BB GUI field Documentation Note |
embargoGrantStart |
| Corresponds to BB GUI field Start Date |
embargoGrantEnd |
| Corresponds to BB GUI field End Date |
harvardPolicy |
| URN of an existing Harvard policy object in DRS |
license |
| URN of an existing license object in DRS |
metsLabel | METS Label display value (currently displays in citation label of PDS Document objects) |
methodology | Object methodology |
nonPublicNote | Value for the non-public note field |
| Value for the non-public note field |
producer | A comma-delimited list of one or more Wordshack URIs – You can alternatively use the same string formatting used in the BB GUI |
| Object producer – controlled value from Word Shack |
relatedLinks | Related links values – displays in PDS relatedLinks="Relationship=value --- URI=value" |
| Related link to any URL |
harvardMetadataLinks | harvardMetadataLinks="Type=LinkType --- Identifier=value --- Label=DisplayLabel” Aleph Alma Finding Aid Gale HLSL HULPR Local OCLC RLIN URI DASH Shared Shelf | harvardMetadataLinks=Type\=Finding Aid --- Identifier\=13527824 --- Label\=Finding Aid,Type\=Aleph --- Identifier\=13527824 --- Label\=HOLLIS,Type\=Alma --- Identifier\=90086637850203941 --- Label\=HOLLIS_ALMA
| Harvard Metadata Link to a cataloging and discovery system |
has_documentation | Object URN of a related Documentation object in DRS |
has_methodology | Object URN of a related Methodology object in DRS |
#properties for the object alephID=009513791 urnAuthorityPath=FHCL.Loeb batchName=Project_137_4a billingCode= FHCL.MUSI.MUS_004 depositAgent=12345678, objectOSN= A299ff ownerCode=FHCL.MUSI resourcePattern={n}, successMethod=EMAIL
Place the file at the root of the batch directory, e.g.:
Create relationships.csv file.
Put this file at the root of the batch directory.
This must be a comma-separated file named relationships.csv, supplying relationships between files in the object, and/or between this object and existing DRS objects, and/or between files in this object and existing DRS files or objects.
The file paths inside the file need to be in the form supported by the OS on which you are running Batch Builder (POSIX for MAC/Linux and DOS-style for Windows).
The syntax must be:
- Source_filePath:
- for files in this object: relative path to the source file from the object directory for this object
- for files in this object: relative path to the source file from the object directory for this object
- relationship_name, one of:
- HAS_SOURCE (indicates derivative relationships between files in this object)
- HAS_DOCUMENTATION (for pointing from files or the object to DRS-stored documentation files or objects)
- HAS_METHODOLOGY (for pointing from the object to a DRS-stored methodology object)
- HAS_RIGHTS (for pointing from files or the object to DRS-stored rights files or objects)
- Source_filePath:
- target_type, one of:
- RELATIVE_PATH (used for a relative file path)
- HUL_DRS_OBJECT_URN (used for the URN of a DRS object)
For example: urn-3:HUL.DRS.OBJECT:175616
These are persistent IDs new to DRS2 given to all objects that always have a HUL.DRS.OBJECT authority path - OBJECT_OSN (used for the owner supplied name of a DRS object having the same owner code as this object) Note that the object ingest service needs to be updated to support handing relationships using OBJECT_OSN
- HUL_DRS_OBJECT_ORACLE – DRS ID of the target object
- HUL_DRS_FILE_ORACLE – DRS ID of the target file
- Target: relative path to a file, DRS object URN or DRS object owner supplied name
Lines can be commented out by starting the line with the '#' symbol
Sample relationships.csv file. The paths need to be in the form supported by OS you are running Batch Builder on.
#Derivative audio content relationships:
deliverable\performances\file2.mp3,HAS_SOURCE, RELATIVE_PATH,production\sub_dir1\file1.wav
deliverable\performances\file3.mp3,HAS_SOURCE, RELATIVE_PATH,production\sub_dir1\file2.wav
deliverable\performances\file4.mp3,HAS_SOURCE, RELATIVE_PATH,production\sub_dir1\file2.wav
Place this file at the root of the batch directory, e.g.:
Note that the following relationships are automatically determined by Batch Builder and should not be listed in the relationships.csv file:- HAS_DOCUMENTATION relationships between audio files and audio decision lists deposited at the same time
- HAS_PRESENTATION relationships between audio deliverable files and AES60 playlist objects deposited at the same time.
- target_type, one of:
Create MODS file for description metadata (optional)
If manually supplying descriptive metadata, create a MODS file called mods.xml complying with MODS schema versions 3.4 or earlier. See for more information about MODS metadata and schemas.
Place this file at the root of the batch directory, e.g.:
Note that as an alternative to supplying a MODS file, descriptive metadata can be imported from HOLLIS by Batch Builder by providing an Aleph or Alma ID in the file.
Provide technical metadata for files in AES-57 format
Optionally provide technical metadata for files in the batch in the AES57 format.
These files should be named the same as the files they describe, except with an xml file extension. For example in Figure 1 above, the file at
contains technical metadata for the file at
Batch Builder will read in and use the technical metadata supplied by these files but will supplement it with format metadata supplied by FITS (see
Provide file-level properties files for each file
Optionally provide file-level properties files for files in the batch to override Batch Builder-configured metadata values. These files can contain any file-level batch Builder properties. Each properties file contains properties for a specific audio file. It needs to be placed in the same directory with the audio file the properties of which it is listing. The properties that can be provided in the file-level properties files are shown in the Table below.
Property | Valid values | Example | Meaning |
fileAccessFlag | one of: P,R,N | P | Access level of file |
fileAdminCategory | A comma-delimited list of one or more Wordshack IDs in parentheses | (id=12345) | Administrative categories to associate with the file |
filemethodology | (any text) |
| Notes about the methods performed and/or tools used in the creation, processing or preparation of the content prior to DRS deposit |
filerole | comma-delimited list of one or more of#: | DELIVERABLE |
fileosn | Alpha-numeric ASCII | 34561-a7-bach | Name for the file (not necessarily unique) |
isFirstGenerationInDrs | one of: yes, no, unspecified | yes | whether or not the file is the closest version in the DRS to the original capture or creation |
isPreferredDeliverableSource | one of: yes, no, unspecified | yes | whether or not the file is the recommended file to use for generating future deliverables |
processing | comma-delimited list of one or more of: | BIT_REDUCED, DENOISED | Key actions taken on the file before it was deposited to the DRS |
quality | one of: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 | 5 | Locally-defined measure of quality |
usageClass | One of: HIGHUSE, LOWUSE | LOWUSE | Estimate of how frequently the file will be accessed by library users |
downloadProhibited | yes | yes | Audio file must be streamed - direct download will not be permitted. Note that you need to include this property only if value is set to 'yes'. If the value is set to 'no' simply do not include the property. It is set at 'no' by default. If the property is provided and set to 'yes' you also need to set the downloadProhibitedBasis property listed below. |
downloadProhibitedBasis* (for audio files) | One of: Harvard policy, license, risk assessment, statute, copyright. | license | Basis for the restrictions or terms of use. |
downloadProhibitedLicense | DRS object URN of the license object | urn-3:HUL.DRS.OBJECT:197548 | ID of the documentation within the DRS, e.g. a deposited donor agreement |
downloadProhibitedLicenseTerms | (any text) | 90 year policy | A note about the documentation, e.g. the applicable section |
downloadProhibitedGrantStart | A date/timestamp | yyyy-mm-dd | Embargo start date |
downloadProhibitedGrantEnd | A date/timestamp | yyyy-mm-dd | Embargo end date |
Note that because of the way the support for PREMIS rights is implemented in the advanced workflow properties files, you can also set object level embargo and secure storage rights in the files. You just need to use the appropriate property names.
These files should be named the same as the files they describe, except with a properties file extension. For example the file at
would contain metadata for the file at
Process the batch
See "Batch Builder Execution" section below for batch processing syntax
Batch Builder Execution
Syntax: ./ -advanced audio -d path-to-object-directory
where the path-to-object-directory is a relative or absolute path to the directory containing the content needed to build a single audio object.
For example:
./ -advanced audio -d /home/prod/content/my_batch-19a326/obj-994533
The program will:
- Create a directory at workspace/moved_content
- Put a copy of the files that were in the misc directory in the workspace/moved_content directory
- Zip up the contents of the misc directory and name it
- Create the object descriptor for the audio content
- The AES57 file at original/?.xml will be interpreted as technical metadata for the original item to be stored in a <sourceMD> element in the descriptor
- If any AES60 files were included in the playlist directory:
- Build separate Text objects for each playlist
- The file name will be used as the object owner-supplied-name
- Create the object descriptor for each object
- The descriptor will be named {object-OSN}_descriptor.xml and will be written to the batch directory
- (Relationships between the playlist object and audio deliverable files will be automatically created by the DRS Loader.)
After executing Batch Builder the following changes should be visible in the batch directory:
batch.xml (DRS batch loading file)
descriptor.xml (object descriptor for the audio object)
misc/ (files that were in the misc directory)
moved_content/ (contains content in the misc directory)
playlist1-A299ff_descriptor.xml (descriptor for playlist object containing playlist1-A299ff.xml)
playlist2-A299ff_descriptor.xml (descriptor for playlist object containing playlist2-A299ff.xml)
Depositing to the DRS
After executing the script, copy the following portion of the directory structure to your DRS dropbox.
/my_batch-19a326/ (example batch directory)
my_object-A299ff/ (example object directory)
playlist1-A299ff_descriptor.xml (example descriptor for a playlist object)
playlist2-A299ff_descriptor.xml (example descriptor for a playlist object)
The DRS loader will not automatically delete any files or directories that are uploaded to a dropbox but that aren't referenced in the object descriptors. These files and directories should be filtered out as part of the transfer process; otherwise they will need to be manually deleted from the dropbox. These include:
- Any other subdirectories in the object directory (e.g. pre-archival, workspace)
- Properties files (
- AES57 files used to indicate metadata for the original item or for audio content files (*.xml)
- MODS file (mods.xml)
- Relationships file (relationships.csv)
- Object owner-supplied-names (Object OSNs)
Object OSNs are required in DRS 2 and must be unique within a Owner Code. Please keep that in mind when explicitly assigning objects names, for example in the file; or implicitly for example, by the file names of the AES60 playlists.
- URNs
- An object-level URN is automatically given to all objects. These URNs will have a HUL.DRS.OBJECT authority path, e.g.urn-3:HUL.DRS.OBJECT:175844
- File-level URNs are automatically given to files with the role DELIVERABLE. These URNs will have a local authority path, e.g.urn-3:FHCL.Loeb.Faids:mus00023
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