Processing images for Shared Shelf

Processing images for Shared Shelf

Procedure summary:

  1. Create a new project.
  2. Enter deposit settings.
  3. Create object template.
  4. Add directories to object template.
  5. Follow manual or automatic object creation process as described in Sections 5.1 or 5.2 to create objects and process the batch.


       1. Create new project in Batch Builder

    1. From main menu select Project > New.
    2. Enter project data:

Project Name: enter a name for your project (used for internal tracking only).
Project Directory:
select the directory where project will be saved (click ellipsis button to browse for or create a directory).
Content Model: select the "still image" value from the dropdown.

Click OK to continue.

     2.  Enter DRS deposit settings:

    1. Click on "Deposit Settings" in Project Panel tree.
    2. Enter deposit data in the form:

Success Email: type email and press enter.
Failure Email:
type email and press enter.
Success Method: choose how you will receive load report.
Deposit Agent: type your HUID.
Deposit Agent Email: type your official Harvard email address.

     3.  Create object template:

Metadata added at this level will be applied to every object in a batch, unless overridden by specific object metadata that you define in later steps.

    1. Click on "Object Template" in Project Panel tree:

    2. Enter required object metadata in the form:

      Owner Code: your owner code (use all caps).
      Billing Code:
      your billing code (use all caps).
      File Access Flags: the DRS access flag. At this level, select the least restrictive value if the batch will contain a mix of public and restricted files.
      URN Authority Path: your NRS authority path. Use all caps. Look up your Path here if needed:[ |http://nrsadmintest.lib.harvard.edu:9012/nrs/status.html]http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul.ois:nrsstatusprod.
      File URN Resource Name Pattern: use default value {n} will generate a unique number.

    3. Enter optional admin and descriptive metadata to the object template. Click the "optional" tab to enter any optional metadata (for example descriptive metadata, roles or/and relationships that will apply to your objects).

For more about optional metadata see: 9. Adding Relationships, 10. Adding Descriptive Metadata, 11. Adding Supporting Content.

     4.  Add directories to object template.

For one image file per object (e.g. one JP2 as both master and deliverable):

    1. Add directory: right click on "Object Template" in Project Panel tree. The new directory name will start with "image" but you can append a custom suffix.
    2. Add metadata: click to select the new directory, then add metadata to the form:
           First Generation in DRS: select "yes".
           Usage Class: select "HIGHUSE".
      Optional (this is required for Shared Shelf / VIA workflow): scroll down to "Still Image File Metadata":
           Role: use Ctrl Click to select ARCHIVAL_MASTER and DELIVERABLE roles. Note that in order to get a delivery URN on deposit and for a file to get linked in Shared Shelf a file needs to have a role DELIVERABLE set in BB.
           Quality: Select '5' from the dropdown list (required for Shared Shelf / VIA workflow)

For multiple image files per object (e.g., archival master, deliverable), you need to create a directory for the master file and a nested sub-directory for each derivative file.

    1. Add a master directory: right click on "Object Template" in Project Panel tree to create an "image" directory. In the text field, enter "-archival_master" or a similar suffix that describes the role.
    2. Add metadata for the master directory: click to select the new directory, then add required metadata to the form:
           First Generation in DRS: select "yes".
           Usage Class:
      select "LOWUSE". 
      Optional (scroll down to "Still Image File Metadata"):
           Role: select ARCHIVAL_MASTER.
           Quality: select a value higher than '5' from dropdown list (any value higher than '5' is allowed - '10' is the highest quality)

    3. Add a nested directory for derivative (JP2s or JPEGs): right click on the directory you just created and create another directory nested inside it (e.g., a directory for deliverable images). Add a suffix for this derivative (e.g., "-deliverable").
    4. Add metadata for this derivative subdirectory: click to select the new subdirectory, then add metadata to the form:
           First Generation in DRS: select "no":. 
           Usage Class: select "HIGHUSE".
      Optional: (required for Shared Shelf / VIA workflow): scroll down to "Still Image File Metadata":
           Role: select 'DELIVERABLE. Note that in order to get a delivery URN on deposit and for a file to get linked in Shared Shelf a file needs to have a role DELIVERABLE set in BB.
           Quality: Select '5' from the dropdown list (required for Shared Shelf / VIA workflow)

    5. Add a second nested directory if thumbnails are needed. If your deliverables are JPEGs, create an additional nested directory for a thumbnail image. Right click on the deliverable directory you just created for large delivery images and create another directory nested inside it. Add a suffix for this derivative (e.g., "-thumb").

      Click to select the new subdirectory, then add metadata to the form:
           First Generation in DRS: select "no":. 
           Usage Class: select "HIGHUSE".
      Optional (required for Shared Shelf / VIA workflow): scroll down to "Still Image File Metadata":
           Role: select 'DELIVERABLE. Note that in order to get a delivery URN on deposit and for a file to get linked in Shared Shelf a file needs to have a role DELIVERABLE set in BB.
           Quality: Select '1' from the dropdown list (required for Shared Shelf / VIA workflow)
    6. Repeat steps c and d to create additional nested directories if you have more files derived from the current one.
    7. Save your work (Project > Save on main menu).

     5.  Create a batch of Still Image objects from template.

Follow instructions in Section 5.2 for manually creating a batch of objects or in Section 5.3 for automatically creating a batch of objects from template and then process the batch.

Supply Shared Shelf ID in Harvard Metadata Link for each object.

Supply Harvard Metadata Link with identifier type "Shared Shelf":

  • manually for each object in the graphical user interface of Batch Builder or
  • on command line, while processing the batch or
  • using the mapping.txt file.

See instructions for adding Harvard Metadata links.

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