March 2023 Release Harvard Highlights

Ex Libris Documentation

 See the Ex Libris monthly notes for complete details: 



  • In some cases, the advanced search for PO Lines with a status of "Sent" retrieved Closed and Cancelled POLs and missed some Sent POLs. This is now fixed. 
  • There was an issue with hold requests for interested users incorrectly being added to the bottom of the hold queue. The order in which some processes were handled was updated and interested users now are entered into the hold queue before lower priority requests. 
  • Previously, if an import profile was used to import EOD and create a PO line and the inventory was not created, the PO line was skipped and no error message was returned. This is now fixed and an error message is created if the EOD import fails. 



  • The Partner Institution field was added to Borrowing Requests > Partner. This field displays the partner institution, which enables better reporting of borrowing requests per the supplying institution.
  • The Statistical Category Type field was added to Users > Statistics. It displays the statistical category type, which provides additional information about statistical categories in addition to the Statistical Category field. For more information on configuring statistical categories for analytics, see Configuring Statistical Categories for Analytics.
  • For the Borrowing Requests, Fines and Fees, Fulfillment, and Requests subject areas, the Statistical Categories 1 - 10 fields now display library level data, since their user data can be anonymized, while for all other subject areas they display institution level data.
  • When Alma attempts to match electronic resource usage from COUNTER reports with the resource in Alma, Alma now first attempts to match with the Online ISSN (called the Normalized EISSN in Alma Analytics) and if that is unsuccessful with the Print ISSN (called the Normalized ISSN in Analytics) and not the opposite as was the case previously. For more information, see Matching the resource from COUNTER report to the resource in Alma for cost per use.
  • The values of the E-Inventory > Service URL Information > Service Is Free and Service Is Free (override) fields were changed from 1/0 to Yes/No.
  • The Borrowing Requests and Lending Requests subject areas were renamed to Borrowing Requests (Resource Sharing) and Lending Requests (Resource Sharing) respectively. This is to clarify that these subject areas report on resource sharing borrowing and lending requests and not general Alma requests, which are reported on from the Requests subject area.
  • In addition, the Usage subject area was renamed to Usage (COUNTER) to indicate that it reports on electronic resource usage derived from COUNTER reports.
  • The Statistical Category field (Users > Statistics) was restored to display the statistical category code as was the case before the February release.


  • Classification Code field in Analytics appears as unknown for codes that appear to be Library of Congress classifications. This was fixed and new LC classification codes were added.
  • Adding address fields to reports in the Users subject area did not display results if the reports were filtered by Primary ID. This was fixed.
  • When exporting reports as a formatted Excel after a filter is applied an error message is displayed. This was fixed.
  • The Users > User Details > Primary Identifier field did not work properly when reports were retrieved by API. This was fixed by adding the User Primary Identifier alias to the field.
  • Adding the Retention Reason field to a report caused it to fail. This was fixed.

Course Reserves/Leganto


  • Leganto can now automatically enrich citations containing a DOI with additional metadata. For example, a user can now only enter a DOI in the blank form and the citation metadata is enriched with additional information from CrossRef.
  • When the mark_as_broken (Configuration > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) is set to all, the Mark as broken link now appears even when a citation only contains hidden links, so that students can report when links are missing.
  • You can now set the order of copyright options and enable the default setting for the File Upload Copyright Options (Configuration > Leganto > List Management > File Upload Copyright Options).
  • Analytics: The Total Full text Access column was added to the Leganto Instructors Usage - Lists KPIs and Leganto Instructors Usage - Citation Usage out-of-the-box reports. This new column displays the sum of the Number of Full Text Views and Number of Files Downloaded fields from Leganto Student Usage > Student Usage.



  • Previously, the Extended Export of Electronic Portfolios job took a long time to complete; this is now fixed. 

Resource Management


  • Sandbox preview of new beta feature: new Quick Links menu in new MDE
    • A beta feature has been enabled on the Alma sandbox - a new Quick Links menu specifically for the MDE. We expect to add this beta feature to the production environment soon. 
    • The MDE Quick Links menus are similar to the Alma menu’s, for a familiar look & feel. There are separate menus for records, templates, and rules (as the available actions differ). 

    • Each cataloger can add, remove or re-order their own quick links as they like. To create a quick link for an action, select the star next to the menu item.

    • To rearrange the quick links and their shortcuts, you can drag & drop them, or use the space and arrow keys. To see your selected quick links in their own actions row below the MDE menus (available for mouse-click at all times) - simply pin the quick links menu (available once quick links are added). 

    • The Records Quick Links menu has out of the box quick links for adding item, portfolio, representation, and holdings from the default template (if displayed in the “New” menu). These can be removed or re-ordered as needed.

    • Please note that the display of the quick links menu may be obscured by the “Old Editor” button which will be removed in May. 

    • Known issue: a new Ctrl+Q keyboard shortcut for adding/removing quick links from the MDE menus is under development. It is not yet fully functional. 

New Quick Links option in upper right, to set favorite links

Once selected, quick links can be re-ordered and each is given its own shortcut

The menu can be "pinned" so that your preferred options appear as a horizontal menu below the standard MDE menu


  • When pushing multiple records to the Metadata Editor (MDE) at the same time, and the list of records in the MDE is sorted by entry time, clicking any record in the list caused it to jump up and change its place in the list. This was fixed and now the record stays in its place.