Remote work project ideas for Technical Services

Remote work project ideas for Technical Services

PriorityLeadTaskClaimedDescriptionFurther informationNotes
High for symbols in progress, medium for upcoming symbolsMinna PopkinDelete your old records from OCLC online save files. (Done symbol by symbol)

The OCLC online save files for all outgoing symbols, but especially for HLS, need to be cleaned up before the symbols are deleted (as part of the OCLC Data Sync Project).  Staff (or units) should review their own records in its online save files (including those saved there by vendors on behalf of the unit), delete any records that are not needed anymore, and save records they need in a local save file. Staff who use online constant data should review and document it if they want to re-create them in the new symbol.  And any records that are currently worked on and need to remain in the online save file must have the cataloger’s name in “my status”.

Managing online save files in OCLC Connexion

Alma to OCLC Symbol Mapping

OCLC Reclamation - collection analysis, clean-up and enhancement (Status by Library)

High for discovery
Suppressed bibs with active holdings
Many of these represent physical resources that we still own but are undiscoverable because someone inadvertently suppressed the bib. This sometimes happened when a staff member withdraws the holding/item for one location, and suppresses the bib, even though another location still has the item.You can find these in Alma by searching Title: Suppressed from Discovery = True, and Holding: Suppressed from Discovery = False, and other criteria to narrow down to your area of interest.Amy D. will create Analytics report to see counts by library
High for discovery
Suppressed holdings with active items
  • Suppressed holdings with active items:  103,609 / 266,599
  • These migrated this way from Aleph. It's not clear whether the library has these holdings/items

For offsite materials, can send lists to HD to see whether it's on shelf

Reliance on Access Services because shelves may need to be checked. Some will require on-site access.
Low while libraries are closedBill WalshMigrated item clean-up: Technical Migration status

I claim items I purchased, as I will know their disposition. -Gwen Speeth (see note)

T.Moody - claims all Baker Library items

Outstanding items still at a status of Technical Migration need to be reviewed and handled appropriately. Aleph item processing statuses are in Item Note 3 for reference. The largest subcategory are the Ordered-Received items from Aleph that are still at Alma status Technical Migration.

Link to export of all items with process status Technical-Migration. Please download and slide/dice as needed for your unit.

Remember: many of these data elements are searchable in Alma as well (Process Status, Item Note 3, etc.)

Those working on these items should contact last known person to interact with them.

Item Process Type: Technical Migration - Analysis/Cleanup

TSWG is working on best practices for handing items that were in each Aleph status.

Bill WalshMigrated item clean-up: Item Process type Acquisitions - Non-Arrived Item
Orders for material that was received, but not arrived in Aleph prior to migration remain open in Alma.  These items have a process type of "Acquisition" and a status of "Item not in place." These orders unnecessarily appear eligible for claiming, wasting staff time.  Although items may be requested in HOLLIS, they display a status of "On Order," which may discourage use.    Item Process type: Acquisitions - Non-Arrived Item Analysis/CleanupArriving something in Alma that has already been processed creates problems in Alma. Ann Heintz

Bill WalshMigrated order clean-up
  • Migrated POLs in review (most lacked attached item records in Aleph)
  • Migrated POs in review (these may mostly be one to one correspondents to the migrated POLs in review

Before Data Sync for each symbol
OCLC Data Sync: Leader Type correction

for reproductions - these are records where the Type value is inconsistent with the holdings fields indicating the work is a reproduction. Corrections in Alma and in WorldCat (if appropriate)

for manuscripts - correcting Type d, f, t for works that are actually a print facsimile, or material other than manuscript. Corrections in Alma and in WorldCat (if appropriate) 

After Data Sync: High for critical and severe as they do not show up in WorldCat
OCLC Data Sync: error reports

reviewing and correcting errors that can’t be resolved in batch, such as Sparse records. Prioritize Critical and Severe errors, but could also handle errors characterized as minor for Data Sync that impede access in other ways --such as invalid 041 fields.

Before Data Sync for each symbol
OCLC Data Sync: analysis and batch clean-up

Reviewing report output and using the information to identify records for batch cleanup (based on Berenson clean-up)

Reports of records in Microform collections that lack 843 and/or 007 fields

Reports of records in NET collections or otherwise identified as a digital surrogate that   lack 843 and/or 007 fields

Reports of Type j, m, g bibs where holding is coded as a reproduction

Reports of records coded as reproduction that have multiple holdings formats

Before Data Sync for each symbol

OCLC Data Sync: records with non-English language of cataloging

These should have the 035 and 040 removed from them so they link to the correct record in WorldCat

Can be done via batch as part of OCLC Data Sync.

Some units may wish to review the records themselves and update the catlaoging. These can be searched in Alma through the index "Brief Level" containing keywords 02 Non-English cataloging

Before Data Sync for each symbol
OCLC Data Sync: additional tasks
Please see Data Sync OCLC Reclamation - collection analysis, clean-up and enhancement

Holdings Public Note clean-up (852 $z)(Some libraries are cleaning up some notes)
  • Prior to the implementation of MARC 5XX holding notes, important special collections information about binding, provenance etc. was added to the 852 |z, a generic public display note. This problem is that this info should be searchable but because it’s in 852 |z it isn’t searchable. 
  • Special collections info from 852 |z should be moved to holdings 5XX notes so that 1) they are indexed 2) they display better to the user. There are too many of these to do manually. 
  • For 852 $z that contained "Consult circ desk," several hundred thousands of these have been removed, but not where the note also included volume information. These should be cleaned-up manually, checking that the volume info is in the item enum/chron field.

You can identify which holdings have 852 $z in Analytics by filtering the Holding Field "852 MARC" for $$z:

Mallory KasinecNET COLINYesThese old ebook collections need review and remediation. All NET COLIN holdings need to be converted to portfolios so that this code can be removed.

Pseudopatron Monitoring
Activities tracked in Aleph by pseudopatrons are tracked in Alma by workorders.  All loans and requests that migrated from Aleph should "age out" naturally in Alma by returning the loaned item being returned or fulfilling the hold request during the normal processing workflow.Pseudopatron MonitoringFuWG

Corinna BaksikItems with status 88
Items with this status were suppressed from display in the Aleph OPAC, but they display in HOLLIS since the Alma migration. If they should be suppressed, then the solution is to suppress the holding. Whether or not holdings are suppressed, they should be updated to a valid item status.See also /wiki/spaces/lspp/pages/43784696
  • 9/15/20 - for items at Process Type Missing, CB changed policy to blank
  • Same for Lost

Amy ArmitageAuthority workYes
  • Handling backlog of reports
  • Expanding the scope to include reports that had previously been deemed beyond our capacity

Upgrading FIG cataloging

Many bibs with Google scans have minimal cataloging. These could be upgraded because a digital surrogate is available for cataloger review. For example, there are 4,000 with Enc Level 5, and 4,000 with encoding level u. This can be identified through Alma searches, e.g.:

See also Alma Brief Record Levels

Bibs with invalid encoding levels
Some records have encoding levels that are no longer valid, such as 'u.' These can be found in Alma by search Brief Level u/x/z.

MARC corrections: Invalid MARC language - identified through LibraryCloud errors

Some are being handled by ITS MC

Berenson staff will correct codes for any records for which BER has a holding – Paris

Case 1: incorrect field: 041 should be 043
Case 2: inappropriate punctuation, e.g., ""(swe)""
Case 3: extraneous numbers, e.g., ""1 engrus""
Case 4: extraneous internal spaces, e.g., ""f in""
Case 5: word instead of code, e.g., ""thai""
Case 6: intended subfield code in value, e.g., ""h ben"" or "" ǂa""

Whatever appears in an 041 subfield will be broken up into three-character chunks during conversion to MODS, e.g., ""thai"" becomes <mods:languageTerm authority=""iso639-2b"" type=""code"">tha and <mods:languageTerm authority=""iso639-2b"" type=""code"">i"

See Library Cloud Metadata Remediation Needs

MARC corrections: incorrect subfield delimiterICQ's team to take initial stab at thisDouble daggers used as subfield delimiters. Most, but not all, could simply be replaced with the correct delimiter. In some cases, however, there is a trailing space or other condition where a one-to-one swap would not be sufficient.See Library Cloud Metadata Remediation Needs

MARC corrections: Correct obsolete Type of Date coding

008/06 "c" meant "actual date and copyright date" for non-serials prior to 1995. "c" was redefined during format merging to "serial item currently published". Old “c” values were not systematically converted to “t”, so what is actually a copyright date now looks like a bad serial date. Dates in 008/07-10 and 008/11-14 are being misinterpreted for older records with the obsolete Type of Date coding.

E.g., notice start date and end date below:
<mods:dateIssued>[1929?], c1922</mods:dateIssued>
<mods:dateIssued encoding=""marc"" point=""start"">1929</mods:dateIssued>
<mods:dateIssued encoding=""marc"" point=""end"">1922</mods:dateIssued>

Possible fix: Look for records where (LDR/07 NE “c” and NE “i”) AND 008/06=”c”, change 008/06 to “t”.

See Library Cloud Metadata Remediation Needs

MARC corrections: Remove non-Harvard local fields
Note some (all) of these strings also have double daggers. Would we have dropped such fields with non-Harvard $5 on ingest if properly delimited?

710 2_ |a Milwaukee Academy of Medicine. ǂb Book Collection ǂ5 WMMCW
710 2_ |a Horace Manchester Brown Collection ǂ5 WMMCW
See Library Cloud Metadata Remediation Needs

MARC corrections: obsolete NRS URN paths
Should be nrs.harvard.edu instead of nrs.lib.harvard.edu. Currently these resolve, but risk that path might cease to resolve in the future. (546 of these)See Library Cloud Metadata Remediation Needs

MARC corrections: names with dates not broken out into separate element

See Library Cloud Metadata Remediation Needs