zzArchived -- FWG Implementation Issues in progress
The following issues were not resolved by the Alma Fulfillment Implementation group, and are in need of resolution.
- Item Policy standardization and documentation
- System documentation
- Limits in access to reserves collections (probably needs to go directly to Steve B.)
- Billing for overdue reserves/short term loans: needs documentation and communication
- Overdue notice config testing (old sandbox)
- Patron-facing notices inventory: needs communication
- Patron history: limit to 60 days (Kara; needs communication plan)
- How to handle requests and recalls during intersession: should there be a manual update?
- All patron-facing notices to have barcode and call number of item (Kara; needs communication plan)
- 02 items: should they lend for a standard period?
Status of individual items
- Item Policy standardization and documentation:
- Current documentation is on the LTS wiki. Needs review. Is anything unclear?
Original Changes proposed (June 2018)
What this looks like in Alma/HOLLIS now (TOU rules based on original item policy) Regular Loan (01)
Requestable all libraries/Semester Loan In-library use (02)
Requestable home library only/In-Library use (does not circ) Overnight loan (03)
No longer used? 75 items, mostly CAB Requestable home library only/Semester loan Restricted loan (04)
In-library use (02) 144 K items, LAW has most
Requestable all libraries/Semester Loan 28-day loan (e-reader only) (08)
Regular Loan (01). 27 items (LAM)
Requestable all libraries/Semester Loan 1-hour loan (09)
3-hour loan (11)
Not requestable/3 hour loan 2-hour loan (10)
3-hour loan (11) (gut, div, bak)
Not requestable/3 hour loan 3-hour loan (11)
Becomes standard reserves period Not requestable/3 hour loan 3-hour loan (12)
3-hour loan (11)
Not requestable/3 hour loan 4-hour loan (13)
Regular Loan (01) Used by MUS
Requestable home library only/3 hour loan 3-hour loan (14)
3-hour loan (11)
Not requestable/3 hour loan 24-hour loan (19)
1-day loan (20) (cabot sandbox equip). Deprecate rule 19/24-hr loan.
Not requestable/1 day loan 1-day loan (20)
Keep and move 19s to 20. Requestable home library only/1 day loan 2-day loan (21)
Regular Loan (01) (cab maps)
Requestable all libraries/Semester Loan 3-day loan (22)
Regular Loan (01) unless collection is permanent reserve.
If collection is permanent reserve (39 or so LAW items only), 3-hour loan (11)Requestable home library only/3 day loan
LAW RES: Not requestable/3-day loan4-day loan (23)
Regular Loan (01)
Requestable home library only/Semester Loan 7-day loan (24)
Lamont and WID should be moved to Regular Loan (01)-
not sure if this is everything or just DVDs.
Everything else stays and we keep 7-day loan.Requestable home library only/1 week loan 10-day loan (25)
1-day loan (20) 46 items.
Requestable home library only/Semester Loan 14-day loan (26)
Keep (2 week loan) Requestable home library only/2 week loan Regular Loan (28)
Regular Loan (01)
Requestable/Semester loan Resource Sharing (41)
Keep- regular resource sharing period Resource sharing only/20 weeks Interlibrary Loan - in-lib use (42)
Keep- In-library use resource sharing Resource sharing only/Varies Regular Loan (61)
convert CAB to Regular Loan (01). Req for pickup in owning library only. Term loans.
Requestable home library only/Semester loan In-library use (62)
req for home library but not scan and del (known by Resource Sharing to avoid this policy)
Requestable home library only/In-library use only In-library use (63)
not req? (in past used for pres review) Maybe we can depricate?
Requestable home library only/In-library use only 7-day loan (64)
Keep Requestable home library only/1 week loan Ask at Circulation Desk (72)
In-library use (62)
Requestable home library only/In-library use only Regular loan (81)
Requestable all libraries/Semester Loan In-library use (82)
Becomes 62? Not sure where this came from. It did go out from Laura Wood on 6/22/18,
but is not in my notes. 56 itemsRequestable all libraries/In-library use only Suppressed (88)
Not requestable/not loanable Special Collections (91)
Requestable via Aeon Request only via Aeon/10-day reading room loan Ask at Circulation Desk (92)
Not requestable/In-library use only Ask at Circulation Desk (93)
Not requestable/In-library use only 3rd Floor Secure Reading Room (94)
Requestable all libraries/In-library use only Ask at Judaica Division (95)
Not requestable/In-library use only Pick-up in Newspapr/Mic ReadRm (96)
keep Requestable home library only/In-library use only Special Collections (97)
Used for non-requestable Aeon items Not requestable/not loanable In-library use (98)
Requestable all libraries/In-library use only Most of the policy changes have been accomplished via TOU config. I haven't removed any of the old item policies, but we need to start cleaning these up. We need to decide what, if anything, in the current configuration needs to change, and what the rollout/communication plan for these changes should be.
- Current documentation is on the LTS wiki. Needs review. Is anything unclear?
- Documentation:
- Item Policies
- Auto-renewals?
- Difference between scan-in items and return items
- Billing for reserves/short term loans (see #4 below).
- Billing for lost items (procedure)
- Other areas?
- Limits in Access to reserves materials:
- Steve proposed that items in Reserves locations be limited to faculty, staff, students, and class participants only.
- This is configured on old sandbox, but has never been moved to production.
- Pending approval and communication plan.
- Billing for overdue reserves/short term loans
- All reserves items, and non-reserves 3-hour loan items are subject to overdue fines of $3/hour (open hours).
- FAQ: why isn't it charging by the minute any more? Answer: we wanted to charge only during open hours. There is no setting for "open minutes," only "open hours." So we had to change it to $3/hr with a 1-hr grace period. This means that if an item is due at 9 am, but returned at 10:01, the patron will accrue $6 in fines. A return anytime BEFORE 10am would result in no fine.
- This needs documentation and a communication plan
- Overdue notice config testing:
- Send notices about items at the following frequencies: 2 days before, day after, overdue 15 days after, long overdue 45 days
- We already do send 7 days before (courtesy notice). We can change this to 2 days before, but can't send it at both 7 days and 2 days before. We also send a notice the day the item is due, and we send a notice when the item is "lost" at 45 days overdue.
- The new notices would be: 1 day after due date and 15 days after due date. They have been configured on old sandbox.
- Need testing and a communication plan.
- Patron-facing notice inventory:
- Needs a communication plan
- Patron loan history: limit to 60 days in Alma
- Still needs testing (Kara)
- Once complete, needs documentation and a communication plan.
- How to handle requests and recalls during intersession:
- How to make sure library closing hours are correct? All libraries are different.
- Should recall due date be manually lengthened during this period?
- Any changes will need documentation and a communication plan
- Make sure requests don't expire in 7 days
- All patron-facing notices to have barcode and call number of item:
- Needs configuring (Kara)
- Probably should be an announcement about the change?
- 02 items lending period:
- Much discussion but no decision regarding whether 02 items should lend for some default period (1 day, for example).
- Is this something we want to consider or not?