LER Charge

LER Charge


Reporting to the Fulfillment Working Group (FWG) co-chairs, the Leganto Enhancement Review (LER) Subgroup will evaluate and inform the use of Leganto functions. More specifically, this group will:

  • Develop expert level knowledge of related Leganto functions
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to determine stakeholder needs
  • Review and test the backlog of Leganto enhancements
  • Review and test quarterly Leganto enhancements
  • Recommend enhancement implementations


The LER subgroup is led by two members of the Fulfillment Working Group: the Digital Course Reserves Manager and Strategist and the Associate Director of Access Services. Membership in the subgroup is based on appointment and includes library representatives from FAS and from the Professional Schools.

Current Members

  • Jessica Armstrong (subgroup convener, liaison to the FWG)
  • Spruill Harder (liaison to the FWG, liaison to the EOC)
  • Caitlin Elwood, Course Reserves for FAS Humanities

Term of Service

Members of the LER subgroup serve for a term of one year, after which membership will be re-evaluated based on the needs of the group and the members.

FWG Consultants to LER Subgroup

The co-chairs of the FWG will serve in an advisory role to the LER Subgroup.

  • Julie Petzold (FWG co-chair)
  • Kara Young (FWG co-chair)

Review Timeline Expectations

Backlog Review

Before reviewing newly released enhancements, the LER subgroup will address the enhancement backlog. The total number of enhancements will be divided into manageable portions, and each portion will be reviewed over a six-week period.

Week 1: The LER convener sends an agenda to subgroup members setting a date and time for the next meeting and listing the enhancements to be reviewed.

Week 2: Asynchronously, LER members perform an initial review of the enhancements and then meet to discuss their findings.

  • The LER convener documents these findings.
  • FWG consultants prepare testing environments, when needed.
  • The LER convener communicates updates to subgroup members.

Weeks 3-5:

  • If testing is required and/or test environments need to be prepared, these activities take place, depending on the current availability and workload of LTS.
  • LTS communicates with the convener when a testing environment is ready.
  • The convener sends out an agenda to subgroup members that sets a date and time for the next meeting and provides instructions for how to complete testing pre-work.

Week 6: Subgroup members meet to discuss the results of testing and to decide on implementation and best practice recommendations. The subgroup convener documents these recommendations.

Ongoing Review

Once the backlog is resolved, the LER subgroup will meet quarterly to address the enhancements released in the previous 3 months. Each quarterly review will take place over a six-week period, as described above.

  • Q1
    • January, February, and March
    • Review takes place March-April
  • Q2
    • April, May, and June
    • Review takes place June-July
  • Q3
    • July, August, and September
    • Review takes place September-October
  • Q4
    • October, November, and December
    • Review takes place December-January

Meeting Structure

Meeting Schedule

Meetings will be held via 45-minute Zoom sessions.


Each meeting will be preceded by an agenda emailed by the subgroup’s convener. This agenda will include the date and time of the meeting, as well as one or both of the following:

  • A list of Leganto enhancements for subgroup members to consider for testing. This initial review should be completed by all group members asynchronously before the meeting date.
  • A list of Leganto enhancements that are to be tested and discussed, as well links to instructions for testing and reporting feedback.

Pre-Meeting Work

Initial Review of Enhancements (Pre-Meeting Work)

As members perform their asynchronous initial review of Leganto enhancements, they should consider the following questions, adding comments to the Alma Enhancements to Consider Word Document as appropriate:

  • Who is this enhancement most likely to affect? Instructors, students, processing staff?
  • Is there anything about this enhancement that I do not understand?
  • How would I like to move forward with this enhancement?

Options for moving forward include:

  1. Test the enhancement
    1. The enhancement is already in production and does not require configuration. (The enhancement should be tested to evaluate its usefulness and to develop best practices.)
    2. The enhancement is not in production and requires configuration in the Sandbox for testing. (The enhancement should be tested to evaluate its usefulness and to confirm that it functions as expected.)
  2. Do not test the enhancement.
    1. The enhancement is in production and does not need testing.
    2. The enhancement is not in production and would not improve our workflows.
  3. Pause review of the enhancement. (e.g., clarification from LTS is needed before a decision can be made, the enhancement is in production and best practices should be developed surrounding it, but this work is not a priority, etc.)

Enhancement Testing (Pre-Meeting Work)

Once the decision is made within the LER subgroup to recommend testing an enhancement, the subgroup convener will communicate this to the FWG co-chairs and ask for their help in setting up a testing environment, if needed.

For each enhancement to be tested, the convener will prepare a wiki page that describes the test parameters. This wiki page will include space for those testing the enhancement to provide feedback. Testers should update their wiki pages as appropriate before the LER subgroup meets to discuss findings.

In cases where LER would like to solicit the feedback of stakeholders outside of the LER subgroup’s membership (D2D, library liaisons, etc.), the convener will ask members of these user groups to participate in the testing process.


Alma Enhancements to Consider Wiki Page

  • LER subgroup convener to update

Wiki Pages Describing Testing Parameters and Testing Feedback

  • LER subgroup convener to create
  • Testers to update