HUA Import Profiles

HUA Import Profiles

REMEMBER: Only designated staff members are permitted to run jobs. Refer to the matrix at Jobs & Batch Processes to see which staff members are approved to run which jobs.

This profiles are managed by LTS and should not be edited by staff.


Staff should only use import profiles that they have received training to use and for which a sandbox load using the profile has been approved. List of approved staff

Please read Ex Libris' instructions on Importing Records Using an Import Profile

A normalization routine is used to clean-up the bib records after each load: https://github.com/cbaksik/Alma/blob/master/NormRules/zSYS%20-%20Data%20Load%20Cleanup.txt

When reporting problems with a specific file load, please include the Job ID. 

HUA Profile - Mat Type Other

Input File Requirements

  • character encoding UTF8

Minimum Required Fields

  • LDR with valid length and encoding, such as #####nam#a22######u#4500
  • 008 with valid length and encoding, including 07-10 with pub year, and 35-37 language
  • 245 subfield a (or k for archival materials)


  • This profile matches on 001 field. Alma MMS ID should be in the 001 field to add holdings/items to existing records. Otherwise no 001 field is required. 

Holding and Item Creation (optional)

  • This profile can be used to create a holding and item with the bib. This profile cannot be used to create a holding only. 
  • 852 $b and $c will be used to create a holding and item. If subfields 2,h,i,x,z are present, they will be mapped to the 852 of the holding. 
  • If 852 is absent no holding or item will be created
  • Item details: 
    • Material Type will be Other
    • Item will load as "Item in place"
    • Optional: Barcode will be mapped from 049 $b if present. If 049 $b is absent, a system-supplied barcode will be generated
    • Default item policy will be: Special Collections requestable (91)
      • If a different policy is required, it should be included in 049 $c and it must be the item policy code only, e.g.: 01. This will only take effect if there is also a barcode in 049 $b. 
  • If 909, 920, 977 are present in the input file, they will be mapped to the holdings. 


  • This profile matches on 001 field. 
  • The input file should have the Alma MMS ID in the 001 field if the intent is to add additional holdings/items to existing Alma records. 
  • To load new, unique records, no 001 field is required.