Enhancement Testing: No Request Queues on Requested Items
Patrons cannot place requests on items that are unavailable (loan, missing, lost, claims return, in a work order, etc.), but they can place requests on items that are available or in transit. This means that sometimes request queues form (i.e. more requests are placed than we have copies for). Because we no longer have recalls, the patron lucky enough to be first in line can keep the book for up to 4 years. This means, for those not first in line, their request can linger for months or years.
We will explore an enhancement that will prevent requests queues for forming on already requested items when those items are the only copy on attached to the bib record.
Steps for Testing
Instructions for 1st Requestor:
Identify items in HOLLIS that meet the following:
Bib record has 1 item associated with it
Item has appropriate Process Type according to the column in the table below
Copy and paste HOLLIS permalink into table below
Attempt item request and record findings in “1st Requestor and Findings” column in the table below
Notify 2nd Requestor that the items are available for them to test
Instructions for 2nd Requestor:
Attempt item request and record findings in “2nd Requestor and Findings” column in the table below
Notify group (Julie, Brandon, and Sadiya) when complete
Process Type | HOLLIS Link | Expected findings | 1st Requestor and Findings | 2nd Requestor and Findings |
Available | 1st request possible; 2nd request not | Sadiya 1st request successful | Brandon 2nd request not possible. | |
In Transit | 1st request possible; 2nd request not | Brandon 1st request successful | Sadiya 2nd request successful | |
Acquisition | 1st request possible; 2nd request not | Sadiya 1st request successful | Brandon 2nd request successful (Place in queue is: 2) | |
Loan | No requests possible | Brandon 1st request not possible. | Sadiya 2nd request not possible. | |
Lost | No requests possible | Sadiya 1st request not possible. | Brandon 2nd request not possible. | |
Claims Returned | No requests possible | Brandon 1st request not possible. | Sadiya 2nd request not possible. | |
Missing | No requests possible | Sadiya 1st request not possible. | Brandon 2nd request not possible. | |
Work Order | No requests possible | Brandon 1st request not possible. | Sadiya 2nd request not possible. |
Recommendations/Additional Questions
Do we think this is a useful feature or not? Are there any additional questions?
What is the likelihood that this configuration will be expanded on in the future to work with bibs that have multiple items?
Are there other configuration options to improve patron experience when items acquire request queues and their request remains in limbo?
Because request queues can still form on bibs that have multiple copies, would it be possible to notify the patron of their location in the request queue and encourage them to consider other options (e.g. BD/ILL)?
Can library-cancelled requests appear in the patron’s account in HOLLIS. The idea being that this could help them re-request the item in the future?
From Kara: Requests cancelled by the library appear in Alma, and users can be notified via request cancellation notice, but they don’t appear in HOLLIS account.