Enhancement Testing: Pop-up Messages in the Scan In Interface

Enhancement Testing: Pop-up Messages in the Scan In Interface


To test and assess how the pop-up feature in the Scan In interface functions.

Types of Pop-up Messages to Test

  • Patron physical item request notice
  • Item missing
  • Work order:
    • Creates a workflow issue with Tech Services; will need additional communication/verification with TSWG to move forward (KY 10/19/22)
  • Fulfillment note

Steps for Testing

  1. Pick 4 items, 1 for each pop-up message being tested, in Sandbox and prep them for test
    1. Patron physical item request notice – place a patron physical item request on the item for pickup at any library you have permissions for
    2. Item missing – mark the item missing
    3. Work order – place a work order on the item
    4. Fulfillment note – edit the item and add a Fulfillment note
  2. Navigate to the Scan In interface
    1. Automatically print slip = No
    2. Register in-house use = selected or deselected, it doesn’t matter
    3. Scan item barcodes

Recording Findings

  1. Record the observed behavior for each barcode scanned
    1. Did the expected pop-up appear?
    2. What was it like clearing the pop-ups?
  2. General feedback on the feature?

J Armstrong's Findings

Patron physical item request notice

Scanning in:

  1. Did the expected pop-up appear?
    1. Yes
  2. What was it like clearing the pop-ups?
    1. Pop-up clears automatically after several seconds.
    2. Pop-up can be cleared manually by clicking the "x."

General feedback: The pop-up would help me to notice when items have a patron request, especially when I'm using the Scan In feature to register the in-house use of books.

Item missing

Scanning in:

  1. Did the expected pop-up appear?
    1. Yes
  2. What was it like clearing the pop-ups?
    1. Clicking the "OK" button clears the pop-up.

General feedback: I appreciate a large pop-up when scanning in a missing book. Feels like something to celebrate

Work order

Placing the work order:

Scanning in:

  1. Did the expected pop-up appear?
    1. Yes
  2. What was it like clearing the pop-ups?
    1. Clicking the "OK" button clears the pop-up.

General feedback: The text on the pop-up is helpful. It is clear what steps need to be taken next. 

Fulfillment note

Adding the note:

Scanning in:

  1. Did the expected pop-up appear?
    1. Yes
  2. What was it like clearing the pop-ups?
    1. Both the "cancel" and "confirm" buttons work as expected.

General feedback: The large message is important for fulfillment notes, as is the confirm/cancel option.

Decision: May 2022

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