Enhancement Testing: Courtesy Letter enhancements 

Enhancement Testing: Courtesy Letter enhancements 


What types of explanations are provided when an item cannot be renewed?

Reasons for No Renewal

  • Reaching renewal limit
  • Resource Sharing
  • Item has active Reserves Work Order request
  • Account expiring

Steps for Testing

This can be approached in 1 of 3 ways (for the record, I think #1 will probably be the simplest/only way to test some of these–like the renewal limit–in a reasonable amount of time):

  1. Find patron accounts in Sandbox that have Alma loans that meet the above "Reasons for No Renewal" and will be due in 7 days from [TODAY'S DATE], then:
    1. Change that patron's email address to your own
    2. Notify Kara so that she can "run" the Courtesy notices in Sandbox
    3. Review the notices received and determine whether the information provided is useful
  2. Find existing patron accounts in Sandbox, loan items to these accounts in such a way that they meet the above "Reasons for No Renewal," and will be due in 7 days from [TODAY'S DATE], then:
    1. Change that patron's email address to your own
    2. Notify Kara so that she can "run" the Courtesy notices in Sandbox
    3. Review the notices received and determine whether the information provided is useful
  3. Create fake patron accounts in Sandbox, loan items to these accounts in such a way that they meet the above "Reasons for No Renewal," and will be due in 7 days from [TODAY'S DATE], then:
    1. Ensure that patron's email address to your own
    2. Notify Kara so that she can "run" the Courtesy notices in Sandbox
    3. Review the notices received and determine whether the information provided is useful

Recording Findings

Andy Wilson's Findings

Tested items with a Reserves Work order. Message displayed on letter: The due date for the following item was shortened because it has been recalled for reserves: Followed by the loan/item information, and then:

Please note, the item(s) listed here are subject to overdue fees because they are needed by another library user and have been recalled.
Additional information about items that have been recalled and alternative borrowing options are available on the Harvard Library website.
Please respond to this email if you have any questions. 

Cancelling the work order results in the following text: The recall that has been placed on your borrowed item has been cancelled, and the original due date has been restored. See details for change in due date. Followed by the loan/item information.


Enable enhancement.