Introduction to the new Analytics user interface in Alma
Allison Powers
The new Analytics user interface (UI) in Alma is available to users at institutions that are participating in Ex Libris' early adoption initiative. Please send comments and questions about the new interface to the Analytics & Reporting Working Group at
The new Analytics user interface will become the default display in the August, 2023 release, but it can be disabled. In the November, 2023 release the old Analytics UI will no longer be available.
Side-by-side comparison of old and new Analytics user interface
- Select User Details icon at upper right
- Select Feature Rollout Configuration
- Click on the slide bar to toggle on New Analytics
Follow the same steps to disable the new Analytics UI. Clicking on the slide bar to toggle off New Analytics on the Feature Rollout Configuration screen will restore the old Analytics interface.
Enabling (and disabling) the new Analytics user interface
Return to the Analytics menu on the Alma home page to view the new UI. Options on the new Analytics UI are:
- Shared With Me - opens a list of Harvard analyses and dashboards created for general use, or as scheduled reports for specific libraries or departments.
- Access Analytics and Access Data Visualization - displays to staff who have a Design Analytics role in Alma. Access Analytics opens Alma Analytics. Access Data Visualization opens Data Visualization.
- Out of the Box Analytics - opens a list of Ex Libris created analyses and dashboards.
- Search Analytics Objects - enter terms that appear in the title of an analysis or dashboard on the "Shared With Me" list. From the results list you can select objects to "pin" to the Analytics menu. See below for instructions.
Navigating the new UI
Prior to the redesign, the Analytics menu had a heading for Reports listing analyses designed for shared use with prompt pages for applying library specific filters. General use reports run from the Alma Analytics menu when the report name is selected.
In the new UI reports must be added to a list of "Pinned Objects" so they can be opened from the Analytics menu. Follow these steps to find general use Reports in the former UI that you want to Pin to the new Analytics UI.
- In the former Analytics UI note the name of each report you want to add to your Pinned Objects list. For example from the Reports list at left: FIN-Fund Ledger - Flexible input, ACQ-Encumbrance Transactions (Orders) - Flexible input, and ERES-COUNTER Usage Statistics Lookup.
Creating your personalized list of Pinned Objects
Activate the new UI from Feature Rollout Configuration (instructions above)
- In the new UI, enter terms from the title of the report or type a prefix such as "FIN" in the Search Analytics Objects search box. Note: other Alma functional prefixes: ERES (Eresources, ACQ (Acquisitions), FUL (Fulfillment), RES (Resource Management). Analyses for Departmental Reports have a prefix for the library or unit for which the analysis was created.
- In the result list, hover your cursor to the left of the title until the pin icon appears. Click on the pin icon to save the report on the Analytics menu.
3. Repeat the steps to add more pinned objects to your list.
Other features:
- The Pinned Objects list can be more than 100 items long
- Pinned Objects can be removed from the list by selecting the X to the right of the object name
- Pinned objects can be reordered by dragging an object to a new position on the list
Click on Shared With Me in the new Analytics UI
- Search the list by report Name or Location of the analysis in the Alma Analytics catalog. If your unit has a directory under /_Departmental Reports, search for that location to view reports on the list for your unit (such as KSG, or HL ITS) or search locations used for general reports by subject area such as "Funds Expenditure" or "Physical Items".
- Sort the list ascending or descending by: Name, Location, Object Creator, Object Creation Date, or Object Modification Date.
- Filter by Type: Dashboard, Data Visualization Project or Report.
- Filter by Badges: Scheduled, Widget, Subscribed, Homepage Dashboard.
- Filter by Subject Area: Physical Items, Fulfillment, Funds Expenditure, E-Inventory, etc.
Basic information about each object on the list: Analytic Folder shows where the object is located in the Alma Analytics catalog, Object created and Object modified by information. Note: report name often differs from analysis name in the catalog.
View full report icon opens a new browser tab with either the prompt page, if there is one, or report results.
Badges display for Scheduled Report, Pinned Object, Subscribed, Added as Widget.
Select the row on the list to view the full display for the report.
Default Display: List View
A report must have the Scheduled Report badge in order to subscribe.
Open Shared With Me from the Analytics UI and use the search box to locate the Scheduled Report.
- Click on the Scheduled Report badge to open the full display for the report.
Subscribe to a report
2. Schedule shows how frequently the report runs and how the output is delivered to subscribers.
3. Select the slider for Subscribe to the analytics object to start receiving the report in your email as an Excel attachment.
4. Report Preview displays a sample of the report output Select View full report to run the report in a new browser tab.
5. Return to List view and note that the Subscribed Badge now appears for the report.
- Select the slider in the upper right to Enable split screen.
- Split screen displays list view in the left pane and detail view in the right pane. Each pane has a scroll bar and can be navigated independently.
- Arrows for Next item and Previous item move full display view up and down the list of reports.
- Summary, Schedule and Report Preview sections can be collapsed and expanded as can the menu bar.
- Subscribe to the analytics object slide bar is accessible without opening full view from the list