Non-Transactional Analytics Anonymization

Harvard has this set to true_limited_01. This can only be changed by opening a Salesforce case. See the Ex Libris documentation for additional information about this feature.

Instructions for Ex Libris Support

To drop anonymization in Alma Analytics contact support prior to the date on which you want to run reports with User data included. In the support ticket request a temporarily change to set “analytics_anonymize_user_details” configuration to “False”.  The date specified for the configuration change should be the day before you want to run reports. Also let support know when the configuration should be changed back to true_limited_01. Analytics ETL needs to run in order to apply configuration changes to the data in Analytics. See Ex Libris support case 06983322 for background and instructions.  

Latest spec from Ex Libris on anonymization is in Analytics - Non-Transactional Anonymization in Alma and the effect on Alma Analytics.pptx


  • The non-transactional anonynmization is defined in an internal parameter "analytics_anonymize_user_details"
      • If "false" the data are not anonymized.

      • If "true" then all fields listed here are be anonymized.

      • If "true_limited_01" then all fields listed here are be anonymized except for:

        • "User Details"."First Name"

        • "User Details"."Last Name"

        • "User Details"."Primary Identifier"

  • Note: This does not delete data. If the parameter is changed to false, the data will return after the next ETL.

Additional Details

  • An example of this anonymization can be seen in this presentation: Non-Transactional Anonymization in Alma and the effect on Alma Analytics
  • It is not related to transactions: 
    • It is not related, for example, to whether or not a loan or any other transaction has or has not been completed (for example it does not matter if the loan is still active and item still has not been returned).    
  • It anonymizes user information in seven different subject areas:
    • Users
    • Requests
    • Fulfillment
    • Fines and Fees
    • Course Reserves
    • Borrowing Requests
    • Lending Requests